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Brass Band Shakedown


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It was 20:00hrs (thats 8pm for you people who cant read 24hr clock). The wife was asleep as she normally is at that time with her 12hr night shift ahead of her and for once I was actually in bed with her just so I could spend some time with her.


Then out of nowhere a bloody brass band pipes up with bits of christmas carols. At 20:00Hrs!!!!! This carried on for 20 minutes with them stopping to knock on peoples doors and beg for money. They even had the gaul to ring my door bell. Even though all the lights in my house were off. I wanted to go and complain but the wife told me to leave it and not cause a fuss.


Normally if I get unsoliceted (not sure of the spelling, sure someone will correct me) people at my door I politely say no thank you and shut the door on them. But these guys really got my goat. You turn up on my door step, play some bloody christmas carol at top volume and then have the nerve to ask me to pay you.


I'm sure more than one house hold with small children would have been disrupted by these inconsiderate beggars. I dont care if its for charity, if people want to hear you play old king wenseslass they will come to you. You dont hear of Oxfam or Greenpeace rcold calling you on the phone just in case you fancied donating a few quid.


End of rant!!


I play in the band.


For over 120 years the Douglas Town Band have been playing carols in this way. The vast majority of people have no problem with this whatsoever, it's all part of Christmas. Look at this post from slinkydevil last year and the other posts.


The band always stop by 9.00pm.


If you intended hurting the lady's feelings who rang your doorbell, I can assure you that you succeeded. You also greatly upset the children in the band.

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Was this last night in Essex?


I really really really enjoyed it. It was a magical moment. I can't remember the last time a brass band came around our roads. They used to all the time before knobbers started complaining. My little boy (who's only 3) got woken up by them. But, as a special treat he got to ask Father Christmas where his trailer was and his Landrovers and yes he's been good.



Good on you Rotary club. I never give a penny to your charities 'cos all my charity money goes to the Essex Air Ambulance and the RNLI, but you know that cos I tell you but you still gave me boy a pressy.


I like Christmas more and more this year!



Bring it on.

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'Tis the butterfly effect - one miserable bastard causes shed loads of anguish for those unable to defend themselves. There is probably an earthquake in Somalia right now because he couldn't be arsed getting out of bed to thank the nice band players.


Jeez, you couldn't make it up.

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It was 20:00hrs (thats 8pm for you people who cant read 24hr clock). The wife was asleep as she normally is at that time with her 12hr night shift ahead of her and for once I was actually in bed with her just so I could spend some time with her.


Then out of nowhere a bloody brass band pipes up with bits of christmas carols. At 20:00Hrs!!!!! This carried on for 20 minutes with them stopping to knock on peoples doors and beg for money. They even had the gaul to ring my door bell. Even though all the lights in my house were off. I wanted to go and complain but the wife told me to leave it and not cause a fuss.


Normally if I get unsoliceted (not sure of the spelling, sure someone will correct me) people at my door I politely say no thank you and shut the door on them. But these guys really got my goat. You turn up on my door step, play some bloody christmas carol at top volume and then have the nerve to ask me to pay you.


I'm sure more than one house hold with small children would have been disrupted by these inconsiderate beggars. I dont care if its for charity, if people want to hear you play old king wenseslass they will come to you. You dont hear of Oxfam or Greenpeace rcold calling you on the phone just in case you fancied donating a few quid.


End of rant!!


I play in the band.


For over 120 years the Douglas Town Band have been playing carols in this way. The vast majority of people have no problem with this whatsoever, it's all part of Christmas. Look at this post from slinkydevil last year and the other posts.


The band always stop by 9.00pm.


If you intended hurting the lady's feelings who rang your doorbell, I can assure you that you succeeded. You also greatly upset the children in the band.


So I am not the only one then that feels coming round that late in the evening is a problem.


Exactly how did I achieve these things by having all the lights off in my house and not answering the door, like another poster asked. Get a grip and grow up.

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'Tis the butterfly effect - one miserable bastard causes shed loads of anguish for those unable to defend themselves. There is probably an earthquake in Somalia right now because he couldn't be arsed getting out of bed to thank the nice band players.


Jeez, you couldn't make it up.


Lets face it things can't get much worse in Somalia and may even solve a few of their problems.

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Allow me to take you back (briefly) to the 1930s. At that time, the St Matthews' band was the leading one in the town (there were several - including the town band). My dad, who played an E-flat bass joined his fellow band members every Christmas Eve to play carols in the streets of Douglas.

For the most part, they played outside the pubs along the quayside to raise funds.

They always did well from both the pub customers and nearby householders - often doing 'requests' for a financial consideration and, at most pubs, a few of the members would nip inside for a swift drink 'on the house' - playing instruments being thirsty work.

The result was that, by closing time, the size of the band had shrunk to little more than 5 or 6 players, quite a number having been unceremonially deposited on their own doorsteps to 'sleep it off.'

Even after closing time, the 'survivors' continued to play outside households until after midnight. They were always welcomed - even by those who had an early start the following morning.

Obviously, it was a different age. There were fewer alternative forms of entertainment and probably fewer grumpy bastards such as MilitantDogOwner.

From a personal point of view, carol-playing brass bands are one of the few things I still like about Christmas - possibly because it reminds me of the many stories my dad told me about those much harsher times - but also because I actually like the sound they produce (Well... once a year, anyway!)

So I would suggest that MildewedDogOwner either invests in a set of earplugs, sorts out his double-glazing or spends future Yuletides in a place far away where there are no such celebrations.

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