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Brass Band Shakedown


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We have a 6 year old ( as well as an older child) and he looks forward to the local Round Table coming down our road each year with Father Christmas in his sleigh. He did so last Friday night around 7-30 - 8-00ish and would have been upset to have missed him. He was still up as it happened, had he been in bed, I would have got him up (as long as he had not been in bed too long). I cannot believe folk are saying no one should knock on anyones door at 8 O'clock at night in case it disturbs kids/shift workers/cats/dogs, surely in the middle of summer most folk would think 8 O'Clock was early, why because it is dark should it make any difference. I know what my family and friends would say is we said no callers after 8 O'Clock.

Saying all that I think any "cold calling" selling double glazing, tarmacking drives etc should be made illegal, I hardly class a brass band trying to raise money for good causes and bring some pleasure to them less cynical that some on here in the same league though.

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i can't believe you have only just noticed them, apparently they have been playing for 120 years!


on a more serious note, this sounds very much like (and please take no offence) impotent complaining. Unsure of an appropriate solution to your problem, you have 'sounded off' on the forums here in an attempt to alleviate the annoyance you feel. However, thats not going well as the good folks here on the forums don't agree with you.


your request for a 'bit of consideration' is going to fall on deaf ears as you are in the minority, why should everyone in your street have to miss out because its inconvenient to you?


a far better thing to have done would have been to ask for sensible solutions to your problem. there would probably be many zany or insensible answers but they would also be a few sensible ideas.


Let me give you my suggestion,


Someone should request that the band print in the local newspaper what streets it will visit, and when. Then, those that work night shift on those streets can do something about it. buy ear plugs, stay at family/friends house for the night swap shifts etc. to be forewarned is to be forearmed, and each person can make arrangements to have uninterrupted sleep.


now who could this someone be? obviously someone who is affected by this. hint. hint.


Who knows you yourself may have found the brass band an enjoyable distraction had it not been for the inconvenience it had caused your wife.


this is just a suggestion, take or leave it, I'm not going to get into a debate with you on it.

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My only criticism for MilitantDogOwner, is that it's a bit silly to think (some) sheeple on this forum have the scope and ability, to understand your position outside the realm of their own little worlds. Eh, before you lot start, that includes me.


Also, what kind of cock?suck'n fag makes a joke about another man's wife.


I do have a suggestion though; how about these bands meet in a place that won't upset those of us who don't believe in all that religious Christ shoit or don't have time for it. Go to a more public venue! That way, if I don't want to give you my money or listen to your nostalgic hooting, I don't have too.


MilitantDogOwner, if they can play horns outside your home and demand money, then my advice is to play jingle bells on the car horn outside their homes and see if they like it. Just remember that sounding your horn from a stationary vehicle is not recommended (legally), so keep moving.


Also, from a lot of the narrow minded responses on this thread, I'd like to see what would happen if the Mormon morons, or another ethnic or religious group came outside their homes; (and by 'their' I mean those of you who think MDO is wrong) as they were settling down to their tea, demanding money. :lol: This forum would see a similar bitch-fest asking for someone to stop them.


Ask yourselves. Why do the bands or charities for that matter, only come around at this time of year? And if you think it's because they want to give a little festive spirit to their fellow man, then you're definably in the sheeple camp.


Merry F'n Christ's-mass to you all.

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i can't believe you have only just noticed them, apparently they have been playing for 120 years!


on a more serious note, this sounds very much like (and please take no offence) impotent complaining. Unsure of an appropriate solution to your problem, you have 'sounded off' on the forums here in an attempt to alleviate the annoyance you feel. However, thats not going well as the good folks here on the forums don't agree with you.


your request for a 'bit of consideration' is going to fall on deaf ears as you are in the minority, why should everyone in your street have to miss out because its inconvenient to you?


a far better thing to have done would have been to ask for sensible solutions to your problem. there would probably be many zany or insensible answers but they would also be a few sensible ideas.


Let me give you my suggestion,


Someone should request that the band print in the local newspaper what streets it will visit, and when. Then, those that work night shift on those streets can do something about it. buy ear plugs, stay at family/friends house for the night swap shifts etc. to be forewarned is to be forearmed, and each person can make arrangements to have uninterrupted sleep.


now who could this someone be? obviously someone who is affected by this. hint. hint.


Who knows you yourself may have found the brass band an enjoyable distraction had it not been for the inconvenience it had caused your wife.


this is just a suggestion, take or leave it, I'm not going to get into a debate with you on it.



Well Lao, I have only been on the IOM for 2 years and the first year we did not have the band play outside our house.


First, I dont care if you think its impotent complaining. I'm exercising my right to free speach. Your just a faceless internet persona and your opinion means nothing to me.


As for the rest of your post....Heres a suggestion.


How about the band go to a location, maybe somewhere indoors so the band and andy listeners dont get cold, publish the time in the locals rags and then people who wish to enjoy the magic of the brass band can go to them. SO the impetus is not on those who need not to bothered have to chase around after the band but the band to have the people come to them. Might even raise a bit more money that way.

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My only criticism for MilitantDogOwner, is that it's a bit silly to think (some) sheeple on this forum have the scope and ability, to understand your position outside the realm of their own little worlds. Eh, before you lot start, that includes me.


Also, what kind of cock?suck'n fag makes a joke about another man's wife.


I do have a suggestion though; how about these bands meet in a place that won't upset those of us who don't believe in all that religious Christ shoit or don't have time for it. Go to a more public venue! That way, if I don't want to give you my money or listen to your nostalgic hooting, I don't have too.


MilitantDogOwner, if they can play horns outside your home and demand money, then my advice is to play jingle bells on the car horn outside their homes and see if they like it. Just remember that sounding your horn from a stationary vehicle is not recommended (legally), so keep moving.


Also, from a lot of the narrow minded responses on this thread, I'd like to see what would happen if the Mormon morons, or another ethnic or religious group came outside their homes; (and by 'their' I mean those of you who think MDO is wrong) as they were settling down to their tea, demanding money. :lol: This forum would see a similar bitch-fest asking for someone to stop them.


Ask yourselves. Why do the bands or charities for that matter, only come around at this time of year? And if you think it's because they want to give a little festive spirit to their fellow man, then you're definably in the sheeple camp.


Merry F'n Christ's-mass to you all.


Finally a voice of reason.

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How about the band go to a location, maybe somewhere indoors so the band and andy listeners dont get cold, publish the time in the locals rags and then people who wish to enjoy the magic of the brass band can go to them. SO the impetus is not on those who need not to bothered have to chase around after the band but the band to have the people come to them. Might even raise a bit more money that way.




How about you stop bleating you miserable bugger? A bit of sleep lost due to unusual hours and you want to ruin everyones fun? Selfish!



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Oh come off it. Out of the all the houses on Governors Hill how many people actually went out and gave them money. And how many went out without having someone cold calling their front door?


If they had a venue and actually played whole songs instead of a few bars people might actually want to go see them and they might raise a decent amount of cash.

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Oh come off it. Out of the all the houses on Governors Hill how many people actually went out and gave them money. And how many went out without having someone cold calling their front door?


If they had a venue and actually played whole songs instead of a few bars people might actually want to go see them and they might raise a decent amount of cash.


They do that as well, they play in the street and they have concerts all through the period, it's a busy time for brass bands and an important way to raise money.


People enjoy it when they go 'on tour' though, I enjoy it, it's part of Christmas.


If this was a constant disturbance, I could understand. But it's a one-off for xmas. Once a year, and you can't deal with it?


Miserable folks like you want bloody everything stopped. This wasn't at an unreasonable hour, it's your family that's working unusual shifts, not the rest of the world. Give the bleating a rest?


Declan, spot on. I've young kids too, and I'd rather they woke to see the band in the street than slept through it!

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Oh come off it. Out of the all the houses on Governors Hill how many people actually went out and gave them money. And how many went out without having someone cold calling their front door?


If they had a venue and actually played whole songs instead of a few bars people might actually want to go see them and they might raise a decent amount of cash.


They do that as well, they play in the street and they have concerts all through the period, it's a busy time for brass bands and an important way to raise money.


People enjoy it when they go 'on tour' though, I enjoy it, it's part of Christmas.


If this was a constant disturbance, I could understand. But it's a one-off for xmas. Once a year, and you can't deal with it?


Miserable folks like you want bloody everything stopped. This wasn't at an unreasonable hour, it's your family that's working unusual shifts, not the rest of the world. Give the bleating a rest?


Declan, spot on. I've young kids too, and I'd rather they woke to see the band in the street than slept through it!


You failed to answer my question.


OH Lordy!!! I'm sorry I spoke against the holy word of Slim and Declan. If they say it is so then by christ it will be so. The entire world does not revolve around me or you. If people want to give to charity NO MATTER WHAT TIME OF YEAR IT IS they will go to the charity. This is cold calling begging simple as.

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Oh come off it. Out of the all the houses on Governors Hill how many people actually went out and gave them money. And how many went out without having someone cold calling their front door?


If they had a venue and actually played whole songs instead of a few bars people might actually want to go see them and they might raise a decent amount of cash.


They do that as well, they play in the street and they have concerts all through the period, it's a busy time for brass bands and an important way to raise money.


People enjoy it when they go 'on tour' though, I enjoy it, it's part of Christmas.


If this was a constant disturbance, I could understand. But it's a one-off for xmas. Once a year, and you can't deal with it?


Miserable folks like you want bloody everything stopped. This wasn't at an unreasonable hour, it's your family that's working unusual shifts, not the rest of the world. Give the bleating a rest?


Declan, spot on. I've young kids too, and I'd rather they woke to see the band in the street than slept through it!


And i thought it was christmas! you lot should do a panto!

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I work nights/unsocial hours.

If the neighbours' kids are playing in their back gardens and making a lot of noise, do you think I should complain about it?

The answer is no.

The reason? The problem is mine - not theirs. I'm the one working different hours to the rest of the neighborhood.

They are behaving reasonably - just as a brass band playing on the streets of the town at Christmastime as they have done for many years, is behaving reasonably.

Get some earplugs (so you won't hear Marley dragging his chains around!). Get your double glazing sorted. Get a life!

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Look if all you die hand brass band fans actually went to the venued event and support with you wallets there, maybe they wouldnt have to be cold calling people.


You all bang on about its Xmas, its Xmas. I didnt know that charity was season specific or does the guilt of over loading your kids with toys they dont need that you have to fork out that bit extra at Xmas?


Maybe your kids would of enjoyed it more if you took them to the venue so they can see the band perform whole songs.


Lohan3 surely from your post its you that needs you double glazing sorted if you can hear the kids playing in the garden next door.


This entire forum, not just this thread, is like some big exclusive boys club, if your not part of the crowd your told to shut up and stop moaning.

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Look if all you die hand brass band fans actually went to the venued event and support with you wallets there, maybe they wouldnt have to be cold calling people.


You all bang on about its Xmas, its Xmas. I didnt know that charity was season specific or does the guilt of over loading your kids with toys they dont need that you have to fork out that bit extra at Xmas?


Maybe your kids would of enjoyed it more if you took them to the venue so they can see the band perform whole songs.


Lohan3 surely from your post its you that needs you double glazing sorted if you can hear the kids playing in the garden next door.


This entire forum, not just this thread, is like some big exclusive boys club, if your not part of the crowd your told to shut up and stop moaning.

I think you started it! pot calling the kettle black I think!

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Look if all you die hand brass band fans actually went to the venued event and support with you wallets there, maybe they wouldnt have to be cold calling people.


You all bang on about its Xmas, its Xmas. I didnt know that charity was season specific or does the guilt of over loading your kids with toys they dont need that you have to fork out that bit extra at Xmas?


Maybe your kids would of enjoyed it more if you took them to the venue so they can see the band perform whole songs.


Lohan3 surely from your post its you that needs you double glazing sorted if you can hear the kids playing in the garden next door.


This entire forum, not just this thread, is like some big exclusive boys club, if your not part of the crowd your told to shut up and stop moaning.

I think you started it! pot calling the kettle black I think!


Care to explain.


By the way what charity were the band supporting?

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