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[BBC News] Bell seeks KSF payouts approval


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Savers with collapsed bank Kaupthing, Singer and Friedlander Isle of Man (KSFIOM) could be given a £1,000 payment.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/7784722.stm



Is that our money the government is going to give them?

Anything to keep the good name of the IOM.



its our money but given out as guilt money, guilt for saying we are well regulated and safe to investors, when actually a foriegn power can just rob 500 million of money invested here?? and there is fuck all the monkeys can do about it. bell end doesn't want to spoil the robbed folks christmas for them. so giving them twice the average weekly wage at this time is going to give them false hope and help them forget about the long thousands they have lost.

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bell end doesn't want to spoil the robbed folks christmas for them.


What? Because our Christmas's haven't already been spolit by having been denied access to your life savings for over 2 months? With no indication of how much or when any of it will be seen again?


While to some depositors who have lost everything this is a lifeline, to others like me it is another kick in the teeth. just over half a percent of what I deposited??


When will this fcking nightmare end?? :angry:

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One thousand each, to some who have lost everything, and to be taken into account on final distribution or Compensation, its an insult. The liquidator has recovered £100 million, why not distribute half or £5,000 each


Technically the IOM bank has about a £500 million surplus and the London bank a £1.3 billion surplus, without the IOM £570 million, if there are no black holes, frauds etc, Heavens thats enough for all the alleged expensive lawyers and accountants


Isn't it time both governmenst, IOM and UK, and Iceland got together and nationalised both units and funded them temporarily and ran them down, there would even be money to go back to Iceland parent then


No one can blame the FSC, the directors or Iceland for this. it was UK governmemt panic, it brought down the Icelandic parent and it brought down KSFIOM.


The UK must have known that by inserting para 27 into uksi 2674 no payment to related entities it would shaft the IOM.

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The UK must have known that by inserting para 27 into uksi 2674 no payment to related entities it would shaft the IOM.

Perhaps that was the intention. Do nothing deliberately aimed but use consequences to the same end.

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One thousand each, to some who have lost everything, and to be taken into account on final distribution or Compensation, its an insult.


I suspect it's all Bell reckons he can get past Tynwald, John. I've seen the KSF depositors website and they all seem to consider it an insult, so you wonder why we bothered stumping up our tax for them.

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And why shouldn't it be reclaimed from the final settlement?

Why should they get a free gift from the government just because their financial advisors fucked up?

Being wealthy doesn't mean you're more worthy than anyone else.

I doubt if they had 'all their eggs in one basket' anyway.

If they're eligible for state benefits there's no problem surely.

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Link to supplementary Order paper today:

£11 million of our money.


I look forward to this debate


Added to add:

I can only assume that the Isle of Man is awash with money and aye, the streets are paved with gold. Is Allan Bell playing Father Christmas with Government (our) money and just because of what the UK has done? And is this giveaway interfering with the due process in some way ie. some sort of implied guilt? And why a £1000? Whereas I am sure that amount will be welcomed it is a drop in the ocean (and possibly an insult) for some who face losing their lifetimes savings and could be seen as salt in the wounds. Or is it just stfu money until things are sorted.


Either way I would have thought it more dignified and professional to leave this little ruse out Allan.

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fcuking deeeeeelighted matey......


I am generally a fairly calm sort of a person, but I was apopleptic with rage when this was yesterday reported as "a christmas present" by various IoM reporting entities....


How is the return of a very small portion of your own money a fcuking present??


It maybe will help out some of those in dire need, but in comparison to what some people have lost, it's peanuts and an insulting gesture. We want all our money back that has been stolen from us!


However, IoM Gov is stuck between a rock and a hard place, and would be open to critisism whatever course of action taken..


still, I believe and expect that it's doing utmost best to resolve the situation relatively favourably after having being royally shafted by the fcuking terrorists in Whitehall....



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The most irritating thing about this whole 'credit crunch' thing is, that it is the people who have saved whom are losing out, the government are still throwing money at the debt head losers. £1000.00 isnt very much, is that just a down payment? Hey it would be alright if you only had 50p in your account, great return on your investment :)



Talking of which...sort of.....Has anything like the following happened to anyone else? The other day my bank was showing a balance of say £150.00 but the available funds were £NIL, the funds available were 'well cleared' and I had not made any purchases to put the money 'in banky limbo', if it was the first time it had happened I would not be too fussed about it, but its about the third time. When I challenged the bank, firstly they said "The funds are being held over but we cannot tell you what for because the transaction has not gone through yet"....when this transaction never did go through and a day later I could withdraw the money I asked them again "Why was that money held", guess what? This time it was a historical transaction and they did not have any details of it, I wrote and complained.....pointless! Back to using my little co-op account, hang the inconvenience, its much better than having your card refused in shops. Anyone?

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How is the return of a very small portion of your own money a fcuking present??


It maybe will help out some of those in dire need, but in comparison to what some people have lost, it's peanuts and an insulting gesture. We want all our money back that has been stolen from us!


However, IoM Gov is stuck between a rock and a hard place, and would be open to critisism whatever course of action taken.

Something like 1/3 of depositors had less than £4k, so for them I'd imagine it is quite welcome.


Obviously its almost comical for corporate and other large investors, but I wasn't really expecting the IoMG to do even this much.

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