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Any Hope Of Every Finding Peace?


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From the BBC News website:


An NHS doctor has been convicted of plotting to bring chaos and murder to London and Glasgow Airport by setting off massive car bombs.


A jury at Woolwich Crown Court found Bilal Abdulla guilty of plotting the home-made bomb attacks in 2007.


Abdulla, an Iraqi who was born in the UK, was one of two bombers along with Kafeel Ahmed. The 29-year-old was arrested near the Jeep at Glasgow Airport terminal building.



Surely if he was born in the UK he would either British or from one of the other nations that make up the UK, not Iraqi.


How can a highly educated man, a doctor who swore and oath to do no harm, be twisted so badly to care out such an act?


There will never be peace if such a thing can happen

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From the BBC News website:


An NHS doctor has been convicted of plotting to bring chaos and murder to London and Glasgow Airport by setting off massive car bombs.


A jury at Woolwich Crown Court found Bilal Abdulla guilty of plotting the home-made bomb attacks in 2007.


Abdulla, an Iraqi who was born in the UK, was one of two bombers along with Kafeel Ahmed. The 29-year-old was arrested near the Jeep at Glasgow Airport terminal building.



Surely if he was born in the UK he would either British or from one of the other nations that make up the UK, not Iraqi.


How can a highly educated man, a doctor who swore and oath to do no harm, be twisted so badly to care out such an act?


There will never be peace if such a thing can happen


Education means nothing, it is the form and content of the education that matters. He probably, as do probably most people, worked towards being a doctor primarily for the human and not necessarily for the purpose of curing people.

And people can be easily indoctrinated and taken in by beliefs, even silly ones such as believing in God.

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There will never be peace - period.


There'll always be a reason to fight even if it has to be invented.


I think there could be peace. It depends on what is meant by peace. There is always going to be conflict between people. But wars fought by nation states can be eradicated and so could terrorism.

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There can be no peace without justice. Justice is subjective of course, and some people are more exacting than others, but if you put yourself in the position of an Iraqi - a vicious dictator imposed upon you, your citizens subjected to years of economic embargoes then shocked, awed, invaded and tortured, your cultural history destroyed in an orgy of looting, your streets patrolled by foreign troops, all your nations assets in the hands of foreign interests and your economy choked under a mountain of debt - how would you expect the Iraqi people to react? I know it is not as simple as that, and I know that the intentions of many in the West were good - fact is though, a lot of people, even doctors, are bound to feel that war is the only answer. We live in an age when love, tolerance and forgiveness are the very ideals we should be promoting, and that is often best done by raising spiritual awareness (note - I'm not saying that religion is the best way to do this!)

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my question is do you run into the light . or do you start preying. you 4king donkey!!!!!!..


Better, but still room for improvement. Do you want to try that again?


OMG your an anal bugger.


If you actually posted something to further the discussion instead of growing a hard on everytime someone has a spelling mistake you might enjoy the discussion more.


If your so excited my grammar and spelling why dont you get a teaching degree and solve the problem and the root i.e. the kids.


As for themans post, if your that close to the blast it better be a very quick prayer.

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Although the be fair, all the problems of the modern age were started by Europeans a long time ago, its just that Europe (and its comprising nations) have moved on from the past, where as certain middle-eastern nations still have an axe to grind.


Take Iraq. Yes we have invaded. Twice. But FFS sake we took the opressive leader (Saddam) whos idea of weapons testing is setting it loose on his own people. We are even trying to rebuild the country we destroyed, literally and figuratily. Now because of the insurgants who dont want us there, they are attacking anything that moves, including those there to rebuild the country, engineers, electricians, builders. Even the Armed Forces in the country are there to help rebuild. But no the insurgants attack, pulling troops away from helping the rebuild and protecting the rebuilders. Then the rebuilders wont work because its not safe.


So basically the only reason we are still in Iraq is because a certain section of the Iraqis are holding up the rebuilding process.


And there are Iraqi's who know who the insurgancy are, but are either not stopping them or aiding them.


As long as there are nations, nations with finite resources, and religious differences, man will be at conflict with someone over something.

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