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Rhys Jones Killer Sentenced


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The problem is human nature, wanting to be part of something bigger and stronger than just being an individual. This subject goes a lot deeper than any off us know, mainly because we are lucky enough to live in a society unlike theirs.

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I dont know about that. As soon as word gets round that anyone who takes part in gang activites, gets slotted, watch the drop in gang related crime and trouble.


Yay lets beat the gun crime culture by shooting (or "slotting") people.....semper fi!



Hmm I see where you are going with that. Lets use the criminal justice system we have now. Oh wait it just pumps money into defence lawyers pockets and the bad guys walk free, mean while there are guns making into the hands of 10 yr olds. Hooraayyy!!!! Yes lets do that.



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Al this shit about 7.62 rounds and getting slotted, you really are a piece of work.

Classical case of 'wannabeeitis'. I bet you live with your aging parents and have pictures of Ross Kemp on the wall.

You are a pathetic example of humankind.

You don't get the joke about 'Dennis Manezes' or about the relevance of an innocent getting murdered by the very people you aspire to be like.

My guess is you are a prison warder somewhere in the UK and lost out on a job in the police or army due to your psycholigical profile being marked "Watch this one closely"


Well I can play the assumption game as well.


Your an unemployed 40 yr old virgin, wieght problem and bad skin.

Living it up in your state paid for house with your inbred sister and your 40 kids because its your god given right to populate.

You wanted to be a big shot lawyer or maybe a journalist but ended up as a bin man before losing your job.

Your sole entertainment and reason for getting up in the morning is to enthrall the world with your drivelings on this forum.


Your a pathetic example of humankind.


See its just that easy.

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ok I have to ask, where you the one that got away? Chris????


Sorry thats the other guy, I'm Andy McNab (apparently).


All I am saying is that these criminals are laughing at the government, the justice system, the police and the public. I suggest whipping the smile off their faces and making the pendlling of guns and drugs to kids hazardous to their health.

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I for one am for stronger, tougher laws, but I do not advocate shooting people that really are only a product of the society they were born into.


They are only making the choices open to them, we should look more into the reasons behind these choices and the whole "gang" culture issue.


What you are advocating is only taking away a few of the symptoms not really curing the disease IMO.


You see its Kids selling drugs to kids and kids shooting kids, look up the term "younger" You may get a suprise.

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I for one am for stronger, tougher laws, but I do not advocate shooting people that really are only a product of the society they were born into.


They are only making the choices open to them, we should look more into the reasons behind these choices and the whole "gang" culture issue.


What you are advocating is only taking away a few of the symptoms not really curing the disease IMO.


You see its Kids selling drugs to kids and kids shooting kids, look up the term "younger" You may get a suprise.


Sorry John but you have misunderstood me. I'm on about going after the proper criminals and gangster that the basic hood on the street aspire to be. Find the top guy, remove him from the picture. Then work your way down the organisation. After a few teirs of the pyramid you'll find the ones at the bottom will want to find other avenues of employment rather than become the top of a very dangerous pole.


I'm not suggesting going after the idiot kids on the street. Its the guys in the background counting the money and laughing his cock of. Rhys Jones killing was no big shot. He was the whipping boy picked by the higher ups in his gang who would have ordered the hit that Rhys unfortunatly wandered into. The guy who ordered the hit will be safely tucked up in the his bed tonight. The muppet who pulled the trigger 22 years in jail minimum with the stigma of being a child killer.

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