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Rhys Jones Killer Sentenced


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All I am saying is that these criminals are laughing at the government, the justice system, the police and the public.

I'll bet he's laughing now:


The minimum period to be served here is one of 22 years.

WTF is an "SF" sniper????

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WTF is an "SF" sniper????

PK I would have thought you'd have known - Special Forces...


To get back on track for a minute...what impresses me is the Police work on this case. It looked as if it was going to be hard to actually collect the evidence to charge and convict Sean Mercer - even though his name was apparently being bandied around. Some smart work involving electronic surveillance and well directed pressure on Boy X have been rewarded with a result. It won't bring Rhys Jones back but looking at Mercer's 'previous' society is better off with him locked away for 22 years.

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Back on topic, there was an article on Sky news about the shooter being a hero because its a stitch up and he kept his mouth shut, it was an interview with his girlfriend and it was painful to read to be honest.


Its like some people delude themselves into thinking the UK is like the old LA streets, i have no doubts there are some serious gangs out there but the way this teenager was chopsing it was just plain deluded.


edit: removed troll food.

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A "Special Forces" sniper? What, do they use a different weapon or something? Aim in a different way? Don't have first and second pressures? News to me.


As I understand it the Boys in Blue turned up an old but serviceable S&W 0.38 at some low-life gaff. Not wanting to be fingered for the murder the scrote who was keeping it turned Queens. Good result though. I hope he appeals against sentence and gets a few years added as I think 30+ would be better.


No mention of the so-called "parents" who are responsible for the scum that committed this dreadful crime. How unusual from "The Capital Of Disability Benefit" "The Capital of Culture" not.

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Its like some people delude themselves into thinking the UK is like the old LA streets, i have no doubts there are some serious gangs out there but the way this teenager was chopsing it was just plain deluded.


I blame Ali G. Every one of these dickheads you see seems to come straight out of an Ali G sketch. You see them in their sad trackies waving and pointing their fingers and talkng pure bollocks. Its quite sad that life still imitates art.

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it was an interview with his girlfriend and it was painful to read to be honest.

I wonder if she will wait 22 years for him?

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A "Special Forces" sniper? What, do they use a different weapon or something? Aim in a different way? Don't have first and second pressures? News to me.


As I understand it the Boys in Blue turned up an old but serviceable S&W 0.38 at some low-life gaff. Not wanting to be fingered for the murder the scrote who was keeping it turned Queens. Good result though. I hope he appeals against sentence and gets a few years added as I think 30+ would be better.


No mention of the so-called "parents" who are responsible for the scum that committed this dreadful crime. How unusual from "The Capital Of Disability Benefit" "The Capital of Culture" not.


Yes Special Forces Snipers ahve access to different weapons than a regular British Army Sniper and have different tactics and superior training. I suppose thats why they are called Special Forces. As opposed to Regular Forces.

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Without going into a history lesson on "gangland" I suggest you read up a little more on the society that these kids are living in.


Society and Environment, in my opinion are factors, but aslong as there are proper gangsters out there, peddling guns, drugs and worse out there, then these wasters of society will aspire to be like them because these Gangsters have rasied them self out of the slums and have a nice fat bank account and a Roller packed outside his faux mansion. Make crime an unattractive career choice and maybe societys dregs might find something a bit more socially acceptable to do with their lives.

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All I am saying is that these criminals are laughing at the government, the justice system, the police and the public.

I'll bet he's laughing now:


The minimum period to be served here is one of 22 years.

WTF is an "SF" sniper????


Not the idiot that got picked by bigger boys to do the deed, but the brains behind the outfits, who have nice houses, big cars, fat bank accounts and hordes of clueless, hoodies clones willing todo the shitty end of the job thinking this will gain them some kinda gang kudos and make them higher in the food chain. I know this concept is a bit complicated, but the tosser chav scum who shot the lad is hardly the Gangster Don of Liverpool. Try to think outside your tiny little box for a change.

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