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[BBC News] Kerb recycling scheme a success


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The Isle of Man's first kerbside recycling scheme in Douglas, Onchan and Braddan is hailed a success.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/7792566.stm



I should think so too. They've waited long enough for it. Other counries have been doing kerbside for years.

It's a pity ours coincided with a fall in prices for resources such as plastic and paper. But let's hope the economy picks up and the UK develops its own facilities rather than shipping stuff off to China.

Well done DLGE.

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Radio 4 had a piece a day or two ago which mentioned that a number of councils in the UK are cutting back their recycling schemes because the amount of money they get from the companies who buy the recyclables has reduced dramatically in the past year.


So, rather than having altruistic motives, it seems that the councils realised that they were on a 'nice little earner' - getting people to sort their own waste and then flogging the materials. And now that they aren't making as much money, they are not as keen to push the recycling bandwagon.


They also had a spokesman from the (I think) institute of engineering who said that the most sensible thing to do with a lot of household waste was to burn it to provide energy - i.e. EFW plants.

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Radio 4 had a piece a day or two ago which mentioned that a number of councils in the UK are cutting back their recycling schemes because the amount of money they get from the companies who buy the recyclables has reduced dramatically in the past year.


So, rather than having altruistic motives, it seems that the councils realised that they were on a 'nice little earner' - getting people to sort their own waste and then flogging the materials. And now that they aren't making as much money, they are not as keen to push the recycling bandwagon.


They also had a spokesman from the (I think) institute of engineering who said that the most sensible thing to do with a lot of household waste was to burn it to provide energy - i.e. EFW plants.


Compulsory recyling is pretty stupid in my opinion. It's seldom cost effective, and when it is, there are already private companies doing it.


Good old IOM is in front of the pack with it's EFW scheme.



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They also had a spokesman from the (I think) institute of engineering who said that the most sensible thing to do with a lot of household waste was to burn it to provide energy - i.e. EFW plants.

So they had an engineer say the waste problem required an engineering solution? I see. I am in favour of EFWs, in a sort of transitional way, but I do wish they hadn't made ours such a hideous eye-sore.

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I have been told by a bloke down the pub, that the incinerator has to stay burning 24/7 and if they run out of normal waste to burn, they then start burning recycleable waste because it's cheaper than burning oil. A friend at work, has a friend who's daughter went on a school trip to the incinerator and quite openly they were burning all the green bags that we all so carefully sort!

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I have been told by a bloke down the pub, that the incinerator has to stay burning 24/7 and if they run out of normal waste to burn, they then start burning recycleable waste because it's cheaper than burning oil. A friend at work, has a friend who's daughter went on a school trip to the incinerator and quite openly they were burning all the green bags that we all so carefully sort!


Its more common than you think




As it turns out local authorities are no so keen on recycling now there is no money in it for them!

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The Isle of Man's first kerbside recycling scheme in Douglas, Onchan and Braddan is hailed a success.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/7792566.stm


Cue glittering awards ceremony - compare, bloke in jumper, shirley bassey tribute singer. Civic dignitaries etc etc.

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I have been told by a bloke down the pub, that the incinerator has to stay burning 24/7 and if they run out of normal waste to burn, they then start burning recycleable waste because it's cheaper than burning oil. A friend at work, has a friend who's daughter went on a school trip to the incinerator and quite openly they were burning all the green bags that we all so carefully sort!


Quite right, too. It's the only sensible thing to do.



A line from the above: The Government is also pressing ahead with trials for new bin taxes in the Spring which will see fines levied on households which throw out too much rubbish.


Amazing. You couldn't make it up. What are people going to do with their surplus rubbish? Fly-tip it? And who is going to decide how much is too much? If my in-laws come to visit and double the size of the household, will they have to bring their rubbish allowance with them?


It's this sort of thing that convinces me that Britain as we know it is doomed.



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A line from the above: The Government is also pressing ahead with trials for new bin taxes in the Spring which will see fines levied on households which throw out too much rubbish.


Amazing. You couldn't make it up. What are people going to do with their surplus rubbish? Fly-tip it? And who is going to decide how much is too much?


Be warned. I have a child at University in a city where the local authority already refuses to take any overful bins and then charges you if you need to get rid of an extra bag of rubbish or leave one out. What happens? In the student areas you wake up to find a few bags of surplus rubbish dumped in your garden as the council charges £100 for taking away any surplus waste even if its one extra bin bag - so all the students who don't have the funds to pay the £100 and can't get their bins emptied because they are one bag over full dump their excess crap in other students gardens. I wonder what genius thought that bin tax up? Hats off to the stupidest environmental tax of the lot. A tax where poor people who don't have the money to pay stupid fines are reduced to fly tipping in each others back yards!




It gets even stupider when you think you have 5 students living in one house - one wheely bin emptied every two weeks does not exactly hold a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kerbside recycling declared a success




And so quickly!


It's just one bit of good news after another isn't it!


Cue glittering awards ceremony - compare, bloke in jumper, shirley bassey tribute singer. Civic dignitaries etc etc.


Or perhaps two as it's such a success.

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I have been told by a bloke down the pub, that the incinerator has to stay burning 24/7 and if they run out of normal waste to burn, they then start burning recycleable waste because it's cheaper than burning oil. A friend at work, has a friend who's daughter went on a school trip to the incinerator and quite openly they were burning all the green bags that we all so carefully sort!


I have been told by a bloke down the pub that in order to burn 24/7 the Island is also importing its waste (as I recall, the Island is also paying for this privilege)

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