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[BBC News] Kerb recycling scheme a success


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I have been told by a bloke down the pub, that the incinerator has to stay burning 24/7 and if they run out of normal waste to burn, they then start burning recycleable waste because it's cheaper than burning oil. A friend at work, has a friend who's daughter went on a school trip to the incinerator and quite openly they were burning all the green bags that we all so carefully sort!


I have been told by a bloke down the pub that in order to burn 24/7 the Island is also importing its waste (as I recall, the Island is also paying for this privilege)



it is illegal to import or export waste between countries ie trans-shipment without a licence. So I think your mate has got it wrong.

Where does he get his 'facts' from?

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  • 4 weeks later...
In Tynwald today: Recycling actually costs the island £700k a year. We get £200K back from the stuff and the running costs are £900K.



Lots of things that are worth doing cost money.

1p on tax would pay for a lot of improvements to services on the island.


Taking the tax cap off rich individuals would pay for even more.

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How do we know it's worth doing? regardless of cost?


I'm not saying recycling over here isn't beneficial, just that I'd be interested to see figures that say it is.


Starting with the very basic and obvious ones. How much plastic needs to be recycled to actually see an environmental benefit over if all those plastic collection boxes hadn't been made? How much impact does the manufacture and running of the various vehicles have? shipping the stuff back to the UK? The electric used to sort and recycle it?


I'm not an expert, and am sure someone in government can prove it's worthwhile. As often the case with this things I have to wonder if all the energy and resources used to get Ethel's plastic into a box, collect it, sort it, ship it, process it, ship it back to a factory for re use, is actually beneficial at all, or if it just makes people feel better.


If you wanted to be really arsey I'm sure you could work out how much we need to recycle to counteract the flights of all the MHK's and consultants who advised us, the power used to heat the offices to write their reports etc.


Maybe if all the greenies and the people employed in their new industry just closed their recycling plants, took their vehicles off the road, closed and stopped heating their offices, and turned off the server rooms and PC needed to write their reports etc the energy savings would be greater than us all putting bottles in a box.


PS - I'm not saying we should all be reckless, just that when you think about the logistics of these schemes I'm not sure they benefit anyone other than those who make money from them. Not on an Island the size of ours anyway.

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