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Thou Shalt Not Covert Thy Neighbour's Goat

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You didnt answer the question...do you consider the ends to justify the means on the basis that you are doing what you believe to be right ?


And I used the royal "you", which with hindsight should have read "one".


Do the ends justify the means? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.


But the case in point here is not abstract issue nor is it philosophical.


it is simply a case of foreigners who have or who have appeared to have or who are suspected to have engaged in activities incompatible with the security and safety of our nation or of whom it is considered that they represent an unacceptable risk in some other way, being put in a position where they no longer present a risk to the rest of us whilst giving them the option to leave our shores at any time that they choose.


This is NOT people being jailed without trial as a punishment, it is simply putting them in a position where the unacceptable risk that they represent is neutralised. That simple.


For my own part I would much prefer that such people are simply declared PNG and slung out – end of story.

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