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Pope Puts Stress On 'gay Threat'


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it would be laughable, if it wasn't so serious.


i do hope that one day we can all accept peoples differences providing that they are causing no harm.


obviously someone will have to get rid of blithering idiots like this one.


i love this bit:


It is not "outmoded metaphysics" to urge respect for the "nature of the human being as man and woman," he told scores of prelates gathered in the Vatican's sumptuous Clementine Hall.


great way to counter that possible argument,


"isnt this just outmoded metaphysics?"


"no it is not!"


phew! avoided that pit fall.


perhaps someone should have a senior meeting regarding the 'religious stupidity threat' i vote we send Chinahand as our delegate, unless they are serving tea and digestive biscuits in which case i'll go.

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"We need something like human ecology, meant in the right way. The Church speaks of human nature as 'man' or 'woman' and asks that this order is respected.

"This is not out-of-date metaphysics. It comes from the faith in the Creator and from listening to the language of creation, despising which would mean self-destruction for humans and therefore a destruction of the work itself of God."

Does he also see preventing priests and nuns from marrying as being contrary to 'listening to the language of creation'? Could be there is about to be a breakthrough on married clergy?????

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Before coming out with all this sort of stuff, he needs to ask himself a simple question: "What would Hitler do?"

Well since Hitler was born in 1889 and if still alive be 119 years old - probably just sh1t himself, press the 'nurse' button and ask Sir Norman if he fancied another game of risk.

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Somehow I doubt that the Catholic Church and certainly not the Pope has really engaged in a proper debate about gender theory. They probably just got an idea of what it entails and said 'no'.


I have read into gender theory and it is something that does seem to make sense of the differences in society and changing roles and expectations places upon the man and woman.


I am somewhat sceptical about the studies that have been going on which apparently make the claim that people are born with a male and female brain. If it is the case that there are biological differences between men and women's brains then it matters little unless we know exactly what that means. Does it mean that behaviours will be different? And to what extent?



If being howards way is genetic then how does one stop being a homosexual? Or would the church argue that its a lifestyle choice rather than an imprinted code?


Howards Way? I have never heard that before, haha.


Being homosexual is not all about genetics, but genetics could influence how one is attracted to someone of a particular sex. The situation where you have almost a complete dichotomy between the homosexual and heterosexual is a social creation in my opinion.



When the Catholic Church (and all other Churches) are eradicated will be a better time for the human race

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papal infallibility anyone?


if the pope backs up this rant "ex cathedra" could we see conflict break out between the gay community and the catholic church?


heres how i see it going:


1.The pope issues propaganda pamphlets be dropped by plane in gay areas in large cities in an attempt to 'convert' gay people.


2. Gay protesters gather outside churches on Sundays and passively blockade the entrance making Sunday worship difficult.


3. A meeting is called to discuss what can be done to avoid escalation.


4. On his way to the meeting a high profile cardinal is egged by a protester.


5. The pope is outraged, and calls on the faithful, not to be kept from church by these protesters but to use force if necessary.


6. War


At times like this i genuinely feel for gay-catholics, they obviously feel that they get something out of worship yet are made to feel that they are not welcome as if 'god' is some sort of exclusive club.

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