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Pope Puts Stress On 'gay Threat'


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eradicated? hmmmm


obsolete yes, faded from living memory yes.


but eradicated? not sure about that, sounds 'Hitler-esque'


perhaps you didn't mean for it to sound so ......diabolical,


if so then perhaps just be a little more careful with your choice of words.


if however you really want the utter destruction of the church, when can we expect to hear of your suicide bombing?


OK I'm only joking LDV, i think that the day you are looking for is already coming, the pope is just digging the grave with rants like this one.


most people don't seem to take the catholics church and the pope seriously anymore. Just look at the comments on this and other religious threads.

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When the Catholic Church (and all other Churches) are eradicated will be a better time for the human race


Different maybe but no better. People would definitely imagine something else to be cross about.


Exactly, they will may cross about what should be getting cross at.


Eradicated was probably not the right word to use. I suppose I mean to say when people do the right thing and leave the Church.


Do you think the Pope has little influence, what about in Catholic countries, say in Latin American. I don't know at all. Is it simply that his influence is not all that great?

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LDV i would say that the church still has some sway but its ability to wield power over anyone but the faithful is (thankfully) dwindling.


At one time to disagree with the church was a matter of life and death, now its laughed about on Internet forums by the irreligious.


This 'attack' on the gay community is just another impotent attempt to raise moral and galvanize the faithful by giving the church a cause. homosexuality has been the churches 'cold war' for far too long.

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I assume that it is the duty of every Catholic to agree with the pope. If they did not would they be deemed to not have the courage of their convictions (faith).


I am not anti-pope per se, however if he was able to stir up trouble for the gay community, the Atheists would be next and i as an atheist don't want to have to live in fear of the inquisition!


We have got to keep an eye on these things, it'll be to late to do anything about it if we wait for the pope to invade Poland.

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I note that most if not all posts are against the Pope.

But being against the Pope's doctrinal views is not necessarily being against the Roman Catholic Church, Christianity or religion. In fact it may be that some of us would like the Pope to behave like a true Christian...

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Exactly, they will may cross about what should be getting cross at.


Couldn't have explained it better myself!


Without boring everyone to death with the same old spiel, I was trying to comment on the fact that religion obscures the real important issues in life that can be changed.


homosexuality has been the churches 'cold war' for far too long.


It is worse than that though because the Church has been meddling in all aspects of peoples lives, especially their sexual behaviour. Thank God it doesn't have such power now.


Question.................if anyone were to agree with the Pope, just suppose, would that person be deemed to be homophobic? Just a thought....


But agree with what? I think the article is a little ambiguous. The Pope arguments are more against gender theory. Nevertheless, gender and sexuality are inextricably bound. So I would say arguments that aim to construct the reinforce the current dichotomy of gender behaviours can be construed as being homophobic. And that is because gay people very often do not conform to gender norms.


I assume that it is the duty of every Catholic to agree with the pope. If they did not would they be deemed to not have the courage of their convictions (faith).


I am not anti-pope per se,


Such courage is not admirable then as one is simply following the word of some elected prince.

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I assume this doesn't include when his priests fuck choirboys


He actually said that whilst homosexuality is not sinful homosexual acts are - so thinking about fucking a choirboy is obviously ok in his book but actually fucking a choirboy is quite another matter. Given his concerns on transsexuallity it would seem that fucking a choirboy who used to be a choirgirl would qualify you to be instantly killed by a bolt of lightning.

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Well time to stick the knife in just before the season of goodwill to all men, well straight ones by the looks of it :lol: .


Don't worry some other section of the community will be next.


Most gay people i have ever met are exactly the type of people who the church should welcome


Gay people are born gay it aint a sickness or phase just accept we are all different its the only way to have a happy life.

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Most gay people i have ever met are exactly the type of people who the church should welcome


Looking at it cynically where do churches raise their money from - births, marriages and deaths. They want new recruits that they can make a few quid on at least three times in their lives not just once. I've always thought that's why they are anti gay. Its all about money - a church full of same sex couples no births no marriages just a few quid to bury every 80 years or so!

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Looking at it cynically where do churches raise their money from - births, marriages and deaths. They want new recruits that they can make a few quid on at least three times in their lives not just once. I've always thought that's why they are anti gay. Its all about money - a church full of same sex couples no births no marriages just a few quid to bury every 80 years or so!


If you look at it that way, you wouldn't have celibate priests- you'd set them procreation targets.

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Gay people are born gay it aint a sickness or phase just accept we are all different its the only way to have a happy life.


I don't agree that gay people are born gay, and don't think people are born straight either. But it is not illness, thank god we have got past that one,

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