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Pope Puts Stress On 'gay Threat'


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a few posts ago LDV stated with absolute confidence that no one is born gay. i have had a theory for a while that may be of interest and may also explain some of the divide in opinion on gay DNA.


There is a 'right handed' gene, if you have the gene then you are going to be right handed. sure, if something happens to your right hand or you were born into a religion that saw it as a sign of evil you could train yourself to use your left, but left to your own devices you would show dominance in the right hand long before you were old enough to have given it any thought.


there is no gene for left handedness so if you are born without the gene for right handedness the hand you favor will be......either. without a genetic predisposition for the right hand other influences will play a role in your handedness. some- one born without the gene could still end up using their right hand especially if their parents do, this probably accounts for the low number of left handed people (around 11%)


So likewise could there be a genetic predisposition for being straight but if you are born without the gene then it becomes a choice?


also if there was a genetic predisposition for being gay how the hell is this gene being passed on? i mean being gay isn't the best method for procuring offspring and ensuring the survival of your genetic information. i know that sounds politically incorrect and i don't wish to insult but the 'gay gene' idea does fly in the face of the theory of beneficial DNA survival.


i mean when you think about it some people may have a very natural sense of balance and it could (and i stress could) be genetic but that doesn't mean that others have a gene that actually makes them clumsy, they simply don't have the 'natural balance gene' and balance needs to be learned. the idea of a clumsy gene is ludicrous when you think about it.


anyway, whether being straight or gay is hardwired into us or not, archaic bodies such as the church should not be telling others how to live there lives.


If the above theory is in anyway some unthought of breakthrough for genetic sexual behavior study, i claim full credit. this post and its date will be proof of its origin. ;)

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i mean when you think about it some people may have a very natural sense of balance and it could (and i stress could) be genetic but that doesn't mean that others have a gene that actually makes them clumsy, they simply don't have the 'natural balance gene' and balance needs to be learned. the idea of a clumsy gene is ludicrous when you think about it.


But are you of the viewpoint that there have been homosexual and heterosexual people throughout history, i.e. opposites, who only have sexual relations with one or the other sex? If this is the case then I understand why you think it is ludicrous but sexualities like we see today are not constants through history.


Hypothetically, if a gay gene does exist I am wrong in thinking that it can be carried through the generations regardless of whether there may have always been (strictly) homosexual people? If the gene is recessive I would have thought it could be passed down and maintained.


So likewise could there be a genetic predisposition for being straight but if you are born without the gene then it becomes a choice?


Well why is there an assumption that there is only a gay gene? Such an idea would give the impression that straight is what 'should' be or rather that homosexuality is a deviation from what human should be doing.


No i am not so stop trying to turn this into a bashing post.


I am not, I had no idea what you were talking about when you admitted worry about the study that was made. It is why I asked.

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Its a mutation of DNA, we were made to populate.


No one is A sexual, so any threoy you have is wrong about being not being born gay.

Your born gay or straight, you look boys or you like girls.


As the old saying goes, " god made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve " and I believe in that.



Years of human evolution has made us what we are, gay, straight or bi and your born that way.

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Its a mutation of DNA, we were made to populate.


What does procreation have to do with it? How does homosexuality interfere with procreation? I suspect you are making the assumption that there have always been two separate types of people, those who have sex with people of their own sex and those who don't. This is a modern phenomenon. I also think you are of the misunderstanding that genes actually dictate if you will definitely be one sexuality or the other. No scientist has even claimed this.


No one is A sexual, so any threoy you have is wrong about being not being born gay.

Your born gay or straight, you look boys or you like girls.


People are born sexual??? How? Do you really think the three or four year old has sexual urges and recognises the group they belong to, i.e. gay or straight, etc?


As the old saying goes, " god made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve " and I believe in that.


Well you have a problem there. Stay away from religion!


Years of human evolution has made us what we are, gay, straight or bi and your born that way.


Explain. Sexuality in my opinion has nothing to do with evolution.

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At such a time when His Papal Majesty stops his priests mollesting children, stops his followers from being unable to use contraception thus increasing his flock and the poverty a lot of them live in , stops sitting on his arse being waited on hand and foot in splendour, redistributes the vast wealth of the church and stops picking on gays I might possibly take notice of what he says.


In the meantime he can fuck off.


Here endeth the lesson.

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LDV, look my theroy stands, your theroy stands and world keeps turning.


I'm getting bored of explaining to you what I have explained before, I didnt say anyone was born sexual, I said people arent born A SEXUAL, as in they reproduce themselves.


Gayness is genetic disorder, next you'll be telling people arent born with down syndrome they get it later in life and decide to have it.

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Not really happy with you bringing downs syndrome into the argument, please don't do it again.


Otherwise, the idea that homosexuality is genetic really is questionable.

Infertility is mostly genetic, it gets the same results as homosexuality would if it were genetic, no offspring. Therefore no point in allowing homosexuals to evolve (probably impossible anyway)

Ergo; homosexuality is a life choice.

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LDV, look my theroy stands, your theroy stands and world keeps turning.


I'm getting bored of explaining to you what I have explained before, I didnt say anyone was born sexual, I said people arent born A SEXUAL, as in they reproduce themselves.


Gayness is genetic disorder, next you'll be telling people arent born with down syndrome they get it later in life and decide to have it.


You could argue that gay people were made by Satan or alien beings and the world will carry on spinning but unless you explain how you come to these conclusions it is a waste of time talking about it.

It appears that you have a very normative and homophobic perspective on sexuality and that is informing what you want to believe.


And I won't be telling you people are not born with Down's Syndrome. That occurs when there is an extra chromosome. I wonder if next you will explaining where the similarity is with 'gayness'.


Ergo; homosexuality is a life choice.


What do you mean by that?

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Not really happy with you bringing downs syndrome into the argument, please don't do it again.


Otherwise, the idea that homosexuality is genetic really is questionable.

Infertility is mostly genetic, it gets the same results as homosexuality would if it were genetic, no offspring. Therefore no point in allowing homosexuals to evolve (probably impossible anyway)

Ergo; homosexuality is a life choice.


I was simply making a point, if I only I was a mind reader hey.



How can it be a life choice, " oh, today I think I'll be gay and tomorrow bi and Saturday straight as theres more women about in town " - a mutation of some sort over time has happened, which has led to people becoming gay. So there born with this, too much estrogene or testorone in either sexes, therefore born gay.

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LDV, look my theroy stands, your theroy stands and world keeps turning.


I'm getting bored of explaining to you what I have explained before, I didnt say anyone was born sexual, I said people arent born A SEXUAL, as in they reproduce themselves.


Gayness is genetic disorder, next you'll be telling people arent born with down syndrome they get it later in life and decide to have it.


You could argue that gay people were made by Satan or alien beings and the world will carry on spinning but unless you explain how you come to these conclusions it is a waste of time talking about it.

It appears that you have a very normative and homophobic perspective on sexuality and that is informing what you want to believe.


And I won't be telling you people are not born with Down's Syndrome. That occurs when there is an extra chromosome. I wonder if next you will explaining where the similarity is with 'gayness'.


Ergo; homosexuality is a life choice.


What do you mean by that?


Yep I'm a typical cave man me, I'm so homophobic.

Considering one of my sisters is a lesbien, thats makes me really homophobic.


My rational for being born gay, is the fact my sister knew from a young age that she didnt really find boys all that attractive.

Just took her awhile to come to terms with it, espc living in the IOM.


Satan doesnt exsist, thats something your mummy and daddy told you to be a good girl.

Now aliens, they do exsist and yes they could have created man kind and put gay people in the mix.

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How can it be a life choice, " oh, today I think I'll be gay and tomorrow bi and Saturday straight as theres more women about in town " - a mutation of some sort over time has happened, which has led to people becoming gay. So there born with this, too much estrogene or testorone in either sexes, therefore born gay.


Why do you believe a mutation occurred? And what do you mean by gay and straight?


Yep I'm a typical cave man me, I'm so homophobic.

Considering one of my sisters is a lesbien, thats makes me really homophobic.


My rational for being born gay, is the fact my sister knew from a young age that she didnt really find boys all that attractive.

Just took her awhile to come to terms with it, espc living in the IOM.


Even if you were gay and held to this view I would still call it homophobic. Any view that holds to the idea that straights and heterosexuality (as a sexuality) are constants and have always existed are taking a heterosexist and thus homophobic perspective.

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How can it be a life choice, " oh, today I think I'll be gay and tomorrow bi and Saturday straight as theres more women about in town " - a mutation of some sort over time has happened, which has led to people becoming gay. So there born with this, too much estrogene or testorone in either sexes, therefore born gay.


Why do you believe a mutation occurred? And what do you mean by gay and straight?


As its the only logical explanation, were coded to create living beings and not to be with the same sex.

So with all things, a mutation has occured creating a change in what should and shouldnt be done.


Straight = You like the opposite sex.

Gay = You like the same sex.

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How can it be a life choice, " oh, today I think I'll be gay and tomorrow bi and Saturday straight as theres more women about in town " - a mutation of some sort over time has happened, which has led to people becoming gay. So there born with this, too much estrogene or testorone in either sexes, therefore born gay.


Why do you believe a mutation occurred? And what do you mean by gay and straight?


Yep I'm a typical cave man me, I'm so homophobic.

Considering one of my sisters is a lesbien, thats makes me really homophobic.


My rational for being born gay, is the fact my sister knew from a young age that she didnt really find boys all that attractive.

Just took her awhile to come to terms with it, espc living in the IOM.


Even if you were gay and held to this view I would still call it homophobic. Any view that holds to the idea that straights and heterosexuality (as a sexuality) are constants and have always existed are taking a heterosexist and thus homophobic perspective.


God your a feminist, this explains it all.


I wish it was the 80's and you knew your place.

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