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Today I Hate...................


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Nappies. Yesterday I went all the way to Ramsey to buy new outers for my old Motherease cloth nappies, they don't sell motherease any more....so I bought the Bambiomio wrap, what a pile of crap (almost literally) the darn outers do not cover the nappy so I have more washing to do. Pants to it!

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That tosser round the corner in his black farting camel - that looks like a Subaru, who likes to drive it in all the way up the road every 30 mins in second gear.


And the twat in the Cooper, who likes to spend money on what can only be described as a bloody rusty well holed exhaust, shitty timing and hair gel, who does the same damn thing.

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Nappies. Yesterday I went all the way to Ramsey to buy new outers for my old Motherease cloth nappies, they don't sell motherease any more....so I bought the Bambiomio wrap, what a pile of crap (almost literally) the darn outers do not cover the nappy so I have more washing to do. Pants to it!


At your age, I'd have thought you'd be toilet trained!

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People in shops who insist on wrapping your change up in your receipt when they hand it to you. I make a point of stannding there and extricating the change from the receipt while they watch.


Far worse are the annoying women who start digging around for their purse and don't have the money at hand when being served at a till. Men are far more efficient.

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People in shops who insist on wrapping your change up in your receipt when they hand it to you. I make a point of stannding there and extricating the change from the receipt while they watch.


Far worse are the annoying women who start digging around for their purse and don't have the money at hand when being served at a till. Men are far more efficient.

Similar thing people who go to the bar order a drink and wait until the barperson gets them the drink before they start digging around in their pockets for the money, then they start asking their mates around them do they want a drink as well. foocking annoying :angry:

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People who say the word "spot" when reading out a sum of money.


If the word "point" could possibly be mis-heard for a number or something then ok, but "spot" sounds so pretentious.


Amongst other things, I see a spot as something which appears on your face and festers and oozes pus. Not something appearing often in a set of financial figures. Even John Moss was throwing the word in, on Manx Radio Mandate the other day.


Ah well, p'raps it's just me.



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Nipper - it seems to be people working in financial type roles who do this - is it part of the training? I hate people who read out numbers such as 12.34 as "twelve point thirty four" rather than "twelve point three four". I always assume that they don't understand the concept of decimal numbers.

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Americans for a multitude of reasons, ignoring war, insighting race hate, trying to monopolise the world, starting a fight with ever nuclear owning country in the world, being so arrogant they have their own spelling for words like rationalize (a fucking Z ?? fuck sakes! or fuck sakez so they can read it), claiming Alaska as their own even though it's clearly CLEARLY part of Canada and shite like Knots Landing IGNORING ALL OF THAT I hate the star spangled bannered twats for changing marathon to snickers.... what utter tossends.

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