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Today I Hate...................


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Just witnessed the most disgraceful parking ever !!! Popped into IOM in Onchan or would have if not for the older chap who decided to park his car on the pavement thus bloking any one from walking on the thus pavement further than the side of Kestrel, this included myself and a chap with 3 kids , a woman with a pram and another old person...why did he park here? .. so he did not have to walk the 25 Meters from oone off the free carparking spaces round the cornor.. You sir I have to say are a selfish twat.

Is this a 'fill-in-the missing-words-and-punctuation' competition?


Are you being serious?!

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Just witnessed the most disgraceful parking ever !!! Popped into IOM in Onchan or would have if not for the older chap who decided to park his car on the pavement thus bloking any one from walking on the thus pavement further than the side of Kestrel, this included myself and a chap with 3 kids , a woman with a pram and another old person...why did he park here? .. so he did not have to walk the 25 Meters from oone off the free carparking spaces round the cornor.. You sir I have to say are a selfish twat.

Is this a 'fill-in-the missing-words-and-punctuation' competition?



arrr was slightly crap .. both my English and the guys driving..lol


Last night I did my bit for the enviroment and recieved a foul mouthful of abuse, I was on the prom, when a woman with a child and husband, decided instaed of getting off her arse and putting the ciggy from her mouth in the bin, she decided to throw it on the floor, when i commented that there was a bin only 5 meters away, i recieved a few prize words that she was Manx (what this had to do with dropping a ciggy I don't know) That she was well within her rights to do it (again i seem to remember a few laws that disagree with her) I was told by her husband that i was only a boy (i am infact 36, but thankyou for re-inforcing the fact i look young for my years), also they ran a pub on the Island (Again WTF has this too do with littering), I was called a wanker ,a *unt and told to Fook off, all infront off their young child!! I replied that there wa sno need for such language and that the I only asked them to pick their ciggy up.


To cut a long story short, the wife came across the road and apologised for her husbands language and that she had to brush up ciggys all the time at the Horse & Plough the Pub they run.


Remind me to never go there and complain about the food!! IMO her husband needs to learn a few manners.

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Working, when I could be having myself a Braai and some Tinnies


People that adopt other culture's words and mannerisms and mix them up to appear 'cool' and 'trendy'.


Its just soooo passe

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Last night I did my bit for the enviroment and recieved a foul mouthful of abuse, I was on the prom, when a woman with a child and husband, decided instaed of getting off her arse and putting the ciggy from her mouth in the bin, she decided to throw it on the floor, when i commented that there was a bin only 5 meters away, i recieved a few prize words that she was Manx (what this had to do with dropping a ciggy I don't know) That she was well within her rights to do it (again i seem to remember a few laws that disagree with her) I was told by her husband that i was only a boy (i am infact 36, but thankyou for re-inforcing the fact i look young for my years), also they ran a pub on the Island (Again WTF has this too do with littering), I was called a wanker ,a *unt and told to Fook off, all infront off their young child!! I replied that there wa sno need for such language and that the I only asked them to pick their ciggy up.


It has nothing to do with littering. You dared criticised the wife so had some wanker give you grief for daring to do so. Sounds like a dick!

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People that adopt other culture's words and mannerisms and mix them up to appear 'cool' and 'trendy'.

Did the English Language not originate from several different dialects?


The very language we speak is a mixture of words adopted from other cultures which were obviously mixed up to make us appear 'cool' and 'trendy'


Therefore, I think your argument is flawed ;)

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Just witnessed the most disgraceful parking ever !!! Popped into IOM in Onchan or would have if not for the older chap who decided to park his car on the pavement thus bloking any one from walking on the thus pavement further than the side of Kestrel, this included myself and a chap with 3 kids , a woman with a pram and another old person...why did he park here? .. so he did not have to walk the 25 Meters from oone off the free carparking spaces round the cornor.. You sir I have to say are a selfish twat.

Is this a 'fill-in-the missing-words-and-punctuation' competition?



arrr was slightly crap .. both my English and the guys driving..lol


Last night I did my bit for the enviroment and recieved a foul mouthful of abuse, I was on the prom, when a woman with a child and husband, decided instaed of getting off her arse and putting the ciggy from her mouth in the bin, she decided to throw it on the floor, when i commented that there was a bin only 5 meters away, i recieved a few prize words that she was Manx (what this had to do with dropping a ciggy I don't know) That she was well within her rights to do it (again i seem to remember a few laws that disagree with her) I was told by her husband that i was only a boy (i am infact 36, but thankyou for re-inforcing the fact i look young for my years), also they ran a pub on the Island (Again WTF has this too do with littering), I was called a wanker ,a *unt and told to Fook off, all infront off their young child!! I replied that there wa sno need for such language and that the I only asked them to pick their ciggy up.


To cut a long story short, the wife came across the road and apologised for her husbands language and that she had to brush up ciggys all the time at the Horse & Plough the Pub they run.


Remind me to never go there and complain about the food!! IMO her husband needs to learn a few manners.

Not only classy but what wonderful role models too!

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Just witnessed the most disgraceful parking ever !!! Popped into IOM in Onchan or would have if not for the older chap who decided to park his car on the pavement thus bloking any one from walking on the thus pavement further than the side of Kestrel, this included myself and a chap with 3 kids , a woman with a pram and another old person...why did he park here? .. so he did not have to walk the 25 Meters from oone off the free carparking spaces round the cornor.. You sir I have to say are a selfish twat.

Is this a 'fill-in-the missing-words-and-punctuation' competition?



arrr was slightly crap .. both my English and the guys driving..lol


Last night I did my bit for the enviroment and recieved a foul mouthful of abuse, I was on the prom, when a woman with a child and husband, decided instaed of getting off her arse and putting the ciggy from her mouth in the bin, she decided to throw it on the floor, when i commented that there was a bin only 5 meters away, i recieved a few prize words that she was Manx (what this had to do with dropping a ciggy I don't know) That she was well within her rights to do it (again i seem to remember a few laws that disagree with her) I was told by her husband that i was only a boy (i am infact 36, but thankyou for re-inforcing the fact i look young for my years), also they ran a pub on the Island (Again WTF has this too do with littering), I was called a wanker ,a *unt and told to Fook off, all infront off their young child!! I replied that there wa sno need for such language and that the I only asked them to pick their ciggy up.


To cut a long story short, the wife came across the road and apologised for her husbands language and that she had to brush up ciggys all the time at the Horse & Plough the Pub they run.


Remind me to never go there and complain about the food!! IMO her husband needs to learn a few manners.

Not only classy but what wonderful role models too!



It was disgusting and the guy should not be running a burger van let alone a Pub.

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