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Today I Hate...................


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I hate so-called judgemental "friends" who contact you when they hear news "through the grapevine." Don't tell me you heard it through the f-ing grapevine. TELL me who you heard it from, ffs!!! Nosey biatches.



Thought that was what made the IOM so very quaint...lol


Oh sorry, I was talking about people here in the US. In fact, I just got another email from a different "friend" after not hearing a peep in over 18 months. They are comin' out of the woodwork, ffs.


That being said, I know there's plenty of this going on where you are too. Especially given the fact that so many know each other. "Quaint"ness can be a two edged sword.

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buses that pull right up to your bumper in a que of traffic.



They drive like that as well

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I hate people who think that the place where they live is the center of the universe.Lots of places like that all over the world. Wigan, Lancashire (pie capital and rough bird capital of the world and universe is one example).

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heyboy... he does my head in


ohh and the driver of the silver nissan micra that thought it would be clever to over take the car infront of him on unbroken white lines and by doing this amazing act and endangering himself and the driver behind him (ie me) he gained what an extra 5 meters as we where stuck behind a tractor and truck...


Son as I told you when i pulled next too you at the traffic lights on Peel Road, you drive like a wanker.

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