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Today I Hate...................


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Just saw a couple stood at my gate staring into my garden. So, I open the door and stare back at them. Eventually they notice me and I asked if I could help them. The man goes "Just saying..."


Ahh! I think he's going to comment on the repainted exterior, which was finished just a week ago, the beautiful explosion of colourful blooms right by the gate, or the roses, which are the best in years. But no...


He goes "it is a shame there's all this grass growing between the paving slabs."

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Just saw a couple stood at my gate staring into my garden. So, I open the door and stare back at them. Eventually they notice me and I asked if I could help them. The man goes "Just saying..."


Ahh! I think he's going to comment on the repainted exterior, which was finished just a week ago, the beautiful explosion of colourful blooms right by the gate, or the roses, which are the best in years. But no...


He goes "it is a shame there's all this grass growing between the paving slabs."


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Assholes who just HAVE to overtake you just because your driving a van even though you're only two seconds behind the car in front, some TWAT comes diving in waving a soggy hand in a pathetic sorry attempt - YOU FUCKIN' MORONS

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Richard Heads that overtake you, only to immediately cut you up to take the exit off the freeway...especially prevelant in Florida ...Why do they do that :angry: ..surely they know that's the exit they want !! why not just pull in behind you....and also the lazy barstewards who don't return trolleys to the bay even if they park right next to it..now that really winds me up !! I think I'd better take a chill pill :rolleyes:

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The morons who phone my office and mispronounce the big boss' name. Do you really think I'm going to put your call through???

Go on then, what is it?



It's Peterffy (with a short "e" sound). They will ask for Mr. Peetrefy, Mr. Petreffry and so on. I'm not to put any "cold" calls through so it's a giveaway when they can't even get the name straight, and they pretend to "know" him. Right.


I also hate the very obvious sales people who phone. I answer, they say, "Hello, how are YOU today?" Straight away, I know you are a smarmy salesman who is going to try to get info out of me. Thank goodness we have a dump line where I can tranfer their calls.

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