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Today I Hate...................


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Smokers disgust me Declan, they really do, your comment has unleashed my wrath..


Why should i move, why should I tolarate being subjected to another's habit, why should it be me that moves, I am causing no harm and I was there before the person.


Smokers cause the issue, NOT the non smoker, we have a right to live without inhaling shiit that other's produce. That is my right..simple.


But what gives a smoker the right to negativly affect the health of those around them...

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Keyboarder didn't say, "non-smokers are thick", he said "anti-smokers are thick." There's a world of difference between the two. I don't smoke but I'm not an anti-smoker. People smoking in public causes me no problems whatsoever.


You say why should you have to breathe in their smoke? How often does that happen? I could just as easily argue, as a non-driver, that I shouldn't have to breathe in their fumes. But you can't legislate away every inconvenience you face and every bad thing you encounter. Because once you start dictating to smokers to this extent where does it end? And when you've got rid of them who's next drinkers, gum chewers, dog owners, bicyclists, children in restaurants? We'll all be the poorer in the long run.

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Keyboarder didn't say, "non-smokers are thick", he said "anti-smokers are thick."

More specifically I said rabid anti smokers are thick. I can be even more specific. Just John (you've got to laugh at the irony of that name change, lol,lol....; ) and roo are extremely thick. I don't smoke myself. Apart from the occasional crack pipe which I'd have no hesitation exhaling into roo's noisy baby's face, lol,lol................. ; ))

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Keyboarder didn't say, "non-smokers are thick", he said "anti-smokers are thick." There's a world of difference between the two. I don't smoke but I'm not an anti-smoker. People smoking in public causes me no problems whatsoever.


You say why should you have to breathe in their smoke? How often does that happen? I could just as easily argue, as a non-driver, that I shouldn't have to breathe in their fumes. But you can't legislate away every inconvenience you face and every bad thing you encounter. Because once you start dictating to smokers to this extent where does it end? And when you've got rid of them who's next drinkers, gum chewers, dog owners, bicyclists, children in restaurants? We'll all be the poorer in the long run.



Just Smokers ... how the hell will we be poorer with no smokers ???


please do not bring any other issue into this, as its just about smokers and smoking.

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Keyboarder didn't say, "non-smokers are thick", he said "anti-smokers are thick."

More specifically I said rabid anti smokers are thick. I can be even more specific. Just John (you've got to laugh at the irony of that name change, lol,lol....; ) and roo are extremely thick. I don't smoke myself. Apart from the occasional crack pipe which I'd have no hesitation exhaling into roo's noisy baby's face, lol,lol................. ; ))



ohhh i am far from Just....lol lol lol I still love you though xxx

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Just Smokers ... how the hell will we be poorer with no smokers ???


please do not bring any other issue into this, as its just about smokers and smoking.


But can't you see, it is not just about smoking. It's about freedom and tolerence. If we give up on those principles because it is only smokers where do we draw the line?

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Just Smokers ... how the hell will we be poorer with no smokers ???


please do not bring any other issue into this, as its just about smokers and smoking.


But can't you see, it is not just about smoking. It's about freedom and tolerence. If we give up on those principles because it is only smokers where do we draw the line?



Its about my freedon, my freedom to not have to breath in the fumes, my freedom to choose tto live a healthy life, my freedom as an ashmatic to be able to breath etc.


I am by no means saying that all no smokers have to stop and are not allowed to smoke in their own homes etc. I am saying they should not be allowed to smoke in my person if thast my choice.


You see my choice in this circustance does not affect their lives, apart from them not being able to indulge in their habit/addiction. Their choice does affect others lives and their own.. so who is the selfish one?


If I was to light a fire next to you and say throw tyres on it, so that it produced a unhealthy black smoke, would you not complain and ask me to stop??

I know this is an extreme way to look at it, but its how I feel.


There are just some times a need for some consideration from smokers, as it seems that you want all the consideration to be from the non smokers.

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Before the smoking ban I had to put up with much less smoke as everyone was indoors doing it, now everyone is in doorways. If I choose to go to the pub then I choose the smoke that goes with it, however with everyone in the street smoking it removes my choice. THe fact that the law states that your not allowed to smoke with in 9foot of a doorway seems to be getting ignored as well.

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THe fact that the law states that your not allowed to smoke with in 9foot of a doorway seems to be getting ignored as well.

I can't seem to find that in the legislation http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/dlge/enviro/nos...sesregs2007.pdf

Could you point it out to me please?


Edited to add: I can only find reference to "From 30th March 2008 smoking is not permitted in enclosed* public places" and "*Premises which have a roof and walls on more than 50% of the perimeter."


Nothing about being within a certain distance of a doorway.

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Before the smoking ban I had to put up with much less smoke as everyone was indoors doing it, now everyone is in doorways. If I choose to go to the pub then I choose the smoke that goes with it, however with everyone in the street smoking it removes my choice. THe fact that the law states that your not allowed to smoke with in 9foot of a doorway seems to be getting ignored as well.



Agreed, the problem has definately got worse since the ban came into force.

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Hmm I was sure that it was part of the legislation, maybe it was removed after consultation. Would explain why it is ignored.


Or maybe I made it up as it seems like a sensible thing to have in the legislation as it would stop everyone crowding the doors of pubs making it impossible to get in/out

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Or maybe I made it up as it seems like a sensible thing to have in the legislation as it would stop everyone crowding the doors of pubs making it impossible to get in/out

So, in fact, it's something you made up and it's not actually a fact that the law states it at all.

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So what you're saying is that now smokers are banned from smoking inside a building, you don't want them to be anywhere near a building when they're outside and having a smoke?


Where would you suggest that they go and smoke?

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