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Today I Hate...................


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Or maybe I made it up as it seems like a sensible thing to have in the legislation as it would stop everyone crowding the doors of pubs making it impossible to get in/out

So, in fact, it's something you made up and it's not actually a fact that the law states it at all.


I was certain it was part of the legislation, but you have proven other wise, when the law was first being proposed this was a big issue for some of my friends I'm not sure where it came from though.


However it would make sense for it to be part of the law, although I don't strictly believe in this law as it would make more sense to have it illegal to smoke in the street to protect children/expectant mothers from the smoke, and have it legal in pubs etc as you can choose to go to a pub you cant really choose not to walk down the street.

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...it would make more sense to have it illegal to smoke in the street to protect children/expectant mothers from the smoke, and have it legal in pubs etc as you can choose to go to a pub you cant really choose not to walk down the street.

So now you want to bring back smoking indoors and ban it from being outside?

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Or maybe I made it up as it seems like a sensible thing to have in the legislation as it would stop everyone crowding the doors of pubs making it impossible to get in/out

So, in fact, it's something you made up and it's not actually a fact that the law states it at all.


I was certain it was part of the legislation, but you have proven other wise, when the law was first being proposed this was a big issue for some of my friends I'm not sure where it came from though.


However it would make sense for it to be part of the law, although I don't strictly believe in this law as it would make more sense to have it illegal to smoke in the street to protect children/expectant mothers from the smoke, and have it legal in pubs etc as you can choose to go to a pub you cant really choose not to walk down the street.



I have seen that as well, was part of a HR mail shot that stated Corpy workers should not smoke within 3 meters of a door way and also not under an open window.

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I have seen that as well, was part of a HR mail shot that stated Corpy workers should not smoke within 3 meters of a door way and also not under an open window.

Since when did HR mail shots become Acts of Parliament?

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...it would make more sense to have it illegal to smoke in the street to protect children/expectant mothers from the smoke, and have it legal in pubs etc as you can choose to go to a pub you cant really choose not to walk down the street.

So now you want to bring back smoking indoors and ban it from being outside?


Yes, pretty much.


Then I can choose if I want to go into a room full of smoke rather than have to put up with it in the street. Also means smokers wouldn’t look so pathetic in the rain trying to light up.

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I have seen that as well, was part of a HR mail shot that stated Corpy workers should not smoke within 3 meters of a door way and also not under an open window.

Since when did HR mail shots become Acts of Parliament?



I did not state it was an act of parliament, just that I had read on a memo that the corpy had banned staff from smoking within 3 meter's of a door way and also under an open window...



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Any way to be back on track, as this is not a I hate smokers thread per se............





Today I hate, the paper delivery van and his crap parking again !!! lol

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Unless it's law, I can't see how it can be enforced. Telling someone not to smoke within 3 meters of a doorway or underneath a window is not part of the act and is therefore not breaking any laws.

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Unless it's law, I can't see how it can be enforced. Telling someone not to smoke within 3 meters of a doorway or underneath a window is not part of the act and is therefore not breaking any laws.



It may not be legally enforceable under the act but it may be enforceable by means of disciplinary action for government employees. However as some of my friends work for the gov I would assume this is were it has come from and I/they have gotten the wrong end of the stick.

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Any way to be back on track, as this is not a I hate smokers thread per se............





Today I hate, the paper delivery van and his crap parking again !!! lol


Okay, I'll accept that and state that I hate it when people have a go at smokers for standing in doorways when they've got nowhere else to go. I'm not a smoker and I accept that people can't smoke indoors. I might not like having to walk through a wall of smoke to get into a pub but as nobody is breaking any laws, I'll defend their rights to do it.

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It may not be legally enforceable under the act but it may be enforceable by means of disciplinary action for government employees.

It'd be interesting to see that one run through an industrial tribunal.

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It may not be legally enforceable under the act but it may be enforceable by means of disciplinary action for government employees.

It'd be interesting to see that one run through an industrial tribunal.



It would indeed, I doubt it would go anywhere, or if they would even try and enforce it.


Okay, I'll accept that and state that I hate it when people have a go at smokers for standing in doorways when they've got nowhere else to go. I'm not a smoker and I accept that people can't smoke indoors. I might not like having to walk through a wall of smoke to get into a pub but as nobody is breaking any laws, I'll defend their rights to do it.


There is always some where else they can go even if it is a little down from the door, to be hones I don’t mind walking through the smoke to get in somewhere that much its when people just stand in the door in the way ignorant to the fact they are in the way of the only entrance and the fact people may be trying to get in/out. Non-smokers are just as guilty of this, the amount of times I have had some one walk out of a shop in front of me to just stop for no good reason.

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John - do you really believe that one tiny puff of cigarette smoke as you walk down the road is gonna kill you, or stop you living "a healthy life", or set off an asthema attack, or turn you into a leathery hag? The amount of tabacco you inhale daily outdoors is infintesimal compared to the amount of exhaust smoke you encounter. So that's a red herring. You just don't like smoking and that's the reason you want it banned.


And just not liking something can never be a reason to ban something, because you only have to look at this thread to see the breadth of things that would be banned.


In life we will encounter things we don't like, we will face situations that are less than perfect, that inconvenience us, that put us at marginally greater risk. If we can't all get along and negotiate these problems (like you did by asking the man to put out his cigar and he did by putting it out), we're fucked.


Is live and let live an impossible dream now?

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Its about my freedon, my freedom to not have to breath in the fumes, my freedom to choose tto live a healthy life, my freedom as an ashmatic to be able to breath etc.


What is it with this fashion for shrouding banal disapproval for the lifestyles of others in such quixotic terms of grandure? It's like people are so desperate for a sense of importance that they've started turning to a kind of grey, suburban millenarianism that views every niggle and nuisance as an opportunity for the righteous to prove themseves.


"Breathing in fumes" is an inconvenience and one which can be avoided with relative ease, it's not some oppressive assault on your liberties and freedoms.

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