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Today I Hate...................


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Discovering from IOM Today that we have had to pay 6 times as much for our runway extension as they are doing for a similar lengthed runway extension sticking out into the sea at Sligo Airport in Ireland...

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Discovering from IOM Today that we have had to pay 6 times as much for our runway extension as they are doing for a similar lengthed runway extension sticking out into the sea at Sligo Airport in Ireland...


But there again, the Isle of Man is awash, awash, awash with money isn't it.


Actually. we need to ask why on earth this can happen. The Euros matter is only an excuse.


Replace 'runway' with 'IRIS', 'MEA', 'Incinerator', Government Buildings refurb' for examples, and the answer starts to become clear.

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I really hate the two power-tripping women at my job. I'm sick of being scolded because the mailman hasn't brought back the cerified mail receipts, or because the pencils are kept in one supply cupboard and not the other. OMG, don't these people have bigger problems in life than this??? I have never seen a bigger bunch of spoiled brats in my life!

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I think its time u got another job, all u ever do is complain about the staff :)


Yes Thriller, you are absolutely right. I was trying to go to sleep and thinking that very same thing. I'm going to start looking tomorrow!

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I think its time u got another job, all u ever do is complain about the staff :)


Yes Thriller, you are absolutely right. I was trying to go to sleep and thinking that very same thing. I'm going to start looking tomorrow!

Let hope your employer isnt browsing this forum... ;)

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Let's hope your employer is browsing and maybe do something about those assholes


...and my 'Today I Hate'...being called to fix DIY plumbing where the 'plumber' obviously thinks plumbing is all about straight lengths of copper connected by poly elbows, unclipped pipework, no service valves, and everything boxed in or under the floor (with ceramic tiles cemented over the top and around the pan/pedestal) as much as possible...DIY plumbers, I've shit 'em :whatever:

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I think its time u got another job, all u ever do is complain about the staff :)



careful she probably is the boss


LOL, I wish I was the boss because I would make it a rule that yes, you CAN get fired for simply being a rip roaring bitch!

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Local Newspapers publishing storys like the one on the cover of the Manx Independent this week. Yes, there was an error, yes the people concerned had a bad experience, they are entitled to an apology, and a refund of their expenses. But to go to bleating to the press is contemptable, it will achieve nothing other than satisfying a case of look-at-me-itis. Why the newspaper feels the need to give these people publicity is beyond me.

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