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Historically the US authorities hounded American-owned companies rather more frequently and aggressively, but of late you're correct that FCPA-related investigations into foreign-owned entities (typically those with a US stock listing) have become more frequent.


There are good policy reasons for this shift: corrupt practices are rightly seen as anti-competitive and having a distoring effect on markets, so to act punitively against American companies for engaging in corrupt practices while ignoring the same practices among foreign competitors would put US companies at a distinct disadvantage in the global marketplace. However, given the current economic situation, I wouldn't be surprised if resources were redirected to financial regulation at home for at least the next few years.


Was watching a show about Dragons Den around the world the other day and was amused to see that a Nigerian entrepeneur had factored the bribes he would need to pay into his business plan :)

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Historically the US authorities hounded American-owned companies rather more frequently and aggressively, but of late you're correct that FCPA-related investigations into foreign-owned entities (typically those with a US stock listing) have become more frequent.


There are good policy reasons for this shift: corrupt practices are rightly seen as anti-competitive and having a distoring effect on markets, so to act punitively against American companies for engaging in corrupt practices while ignoring the same practices among foreign competitors would put US companies at a distinct disadvantage in the global marketplace. However, given the current economic situation, I wouldn't be surprised if resources were redirected to financial regulation at home for at least the next few years.


Was watching a show about Dragons Den around the world the other day and was amused to see that a Nigerian entrepeneur had factored the bribes he would need to pay into his business plan :)


was the nigerian intending to build something on the isle of man??

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Bribes? Please - German companies don't use bribes... They're 'Motivational Payments' :rolleyes:


Until recently, you could claim bribes for some transactions with countries back of the tax in ze heimatland - I think that loophole has been shut now...

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