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Airlines Must Compensate For Technical Problems


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If an aeroplane is cancelled for "normal" technical reasons, passengers will now have to be compensated “unless they are informed of the cancellation of the flight in due time.”




How long before this legislation follows through to the shipping industry?

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If an aeroplane is cancelled for "normal" technical reasons, passengers will now have to be compensated “unless they are informed of the cancellation of the flight in due time.”




How long before this legislation follows through to the shipping industry?


would be nice but won't happen with the current state of the stream racket's "refund" policy they'll just ignore it.


airlines will now be more inventive with their excuses for stopping flights for lack of passengers technical problems

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Pity it only applies to cancellations and not delays. Sister-in-law had a 6 hour delay in Malta on her way to Isle of Man, resulting in her missing her connection to the Isle of Man.


I believe she got a sandwich by way of compensation.

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Pity it only applies to cancellations and not delays. Sister-in-law had a 6 hour delay in Malta on her way to Isle of Man, resulting in her missing her connection to the Isle of Man.


I believe she got a sandwich by way of compensation.


Obviously not Ryanair, then. Can't wait for them to go bust.



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As long as they don't fly knowing about the technical problem....



Theres too much commerical pressure over safety on aircraft as it is (ie the alaskan airlines crash). This is just another one on top.


You can see the options for the manager of a struggling airline. Ground an a/c due to a defect that doesnt look like it affects airworthiness and take the 100 compensation claims (that he cant afford) or chance it and let the a/c fly.


Its all going to end in tears.

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Aeroflot were handing out compensation for technical failure a few years ago. On one flight I was on from Moscow to Murmansk, as we were plummeting to the ground after a technical failure at 30,000 ft and all screaming in terror and sha**ing the nearest good looking birds (which are really hard to find on an average Aeroflot flight), the stewardess handed everyone 5 rubles compensation, but after the pilot somehow managed to recover at 500 ft she requested the money back, so we never got the chance to spend it. Somehow I felt cheated.

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As long as they don't fly knowing about the technical problem....



Theres too much commerical pressure over safety on aircraft as it is (ie the alaskan airlines crash). This is just another one on top.


You can see the options for the manager of a struggling airline. Ground an a/c due to a defect that doesnt look like it affects airworthiness and take the 100 compensation claims (that he cant afford) or chance it and let the a/c fly.


Its all going to end in tears.


Fortunately the 'managers' generally don't have the authorisation to authorise a flight that has a technical problem. An appropriatly authorised and licensed aircraft engineer has to make the decision to either fix the defect or defer it in accordance with the aircraft minimum equipment list (MEL). Fortunately for the flying public, most(!) licensed aircraft engineers are professional enough to resist such commercial pressure, in particular those whose licenses are issued by northern european states.

Now the future for airlines on the cusp of financial doom the inability to 'hide' behind a 'technical problem' brings to an end another convenient loop hole.

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Pity it only applies to cancellations and not delays. Sister-in-law had a 6 hour delay in Malta on her way to Isle of Man, resulting in her missing her connection to the Isle of Man.


I believe she got a sandwich by way of compensation.


Obviously not Ryanair, then. Can't wait for them to go bust.




You leave Ryanair alone.......with them you know what you get (not a lot - but more new planes than any other airline) and how much you have to pay for it (not a lot).


I have not had one bad experience with them and their punctuality record has been impeccable over a great number of flights both for me and my acquaintances.


Without them we would probably not have any kind of air service to the IOM as their low cost model, emulated by Flybe, is the only way that such a service has been kept going.


BA could not make it pay - mind you, take away Business and First and they cannot make anything pay.


Manx only worked as the London route subsidised all the others and who, other than a Manx based company led by the likes of Terry Liddiard, would be interested in that even if we had maintained the Heathrow slots.


Long live Ryanair and Easyjet who have made live for the nomadic geriatics affordable and a pleasure!

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