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Steam Packet

John Wright

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We looked at going away during TT (love the bikes but it's time for a change . . .) They want nearly £500 for a car . . .


The Steam Packet give the Isle of Man a bad name. What more can I say.


It's the same MGP week, that's what it cost us to get off the Island for a week.

Stupid money, but monopolies seem to rule over here.

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Look peeps, we all know what the SPC is like, those of us that dopn't just don't use them. When some of us moved here we knew what we were letting ourselves in for. It's a business and they will maximise their profits no matter how they do it. To that end they employ total brain dead idiots that couldn't open a milk carton without guidance and a four sheet instruction manual. Any idea that you will get sense out of one of their robots is a totally unatainable fantasy.

I have found the upper management to be quite approachable and actually know what they are doing, don't expect the minions to have any scintila of common sense, it all got beaten out of them at University doing their media studies courses.

It is a monopoly in every way and acts like one, why the suprise?

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I'm no friend of the Racket having suggested for some time that the inflated price they paid was for the monopoly to a publically funded facility and that every househould is probably paying then about £1,000 or so per year due to Goverment incompetence (assuming brown envelopes were not involved); however I've found the on-board staff generally fine, the counter staff (now the Belfast office is closed) are also fine but have very little if any freedom to deviate from the company's rule book (rather like the change from Manx Air to BA saw the demise of the personal touch) - the upper management have been fine to me in the past when due to illness I needed to change a booking. The one company I wish they could emulate is the channel tunnel whose staff I've found to be consistently friendly and flexible if bookings need be changed - they seem to have been given more freedom to be flexible and certainly earned plaudits from me when I've had to deal with them whenever emergency changes were needed.

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I'm no friend of the Racket having suggested for some time that the inflated price they paid was for the monopoly to a publically funded facility and that every househould is probably paying then about £1,000 or so per year due to Goverment incompetence (assuming brown envelopes were not involved); however I've found the on-board staff generally fine, the counter staff (now the Belfast office is closed) are also fine but have very little if any freedom to deviate from the company's rule book (rather like the change from Manx Air to BA saw the demise of the personal touch) - the upper management have been fine to me in the past when due to illness I needed to change a booking. The one company I wish they could emulate is the channel tunnel whose staff I've found to be consistently friendly and flexible if bookings need be changed - they seem to have been given more freedom to be flexible and certainly earned plaudits from me when I've had to deal with them whenever emergency changes were needed.


I have always found the staff on board and at the desk to be very helpful. I wonder why some people don't. Perhaps the fault lies not in their stars....


I also note that whilst people are very unhappy about the high prices at peak periods, the low prices off-peak are never mentioned.


How do these critics expect the Racket to manage excess demand? In virtually every other sphere of life, rationing is done by moving the price to the level where demand equals supply. Why should the Racket do things differently?


The fact that Macquarrie paid much more than asset value for the company reflects the incompetence of government in not ensuring that capacity was available to meet demand most of the time. The user agreement should have imposed much stricter conditions on this - selling the Lady should not have been an option (unless she were replaced, which has not happened).



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Levi was a real charcater, she wandered far and wide, as well as travelled far and wide with us. Nose into everything but loveable. A good ratter.


UNtil last week she was fine, old. slower, sleeping lots, then she fell down the stairs, seemed OK, then Xmas eve we noticed she had one fixed pupil, she had bad caratacts any way. Then it was clear her sense of smell had failed, couldn't detect food and she started wandering in circles, endlessly. By Boxing day afternooon she had lost lots of weight, then had a fit and seemed paralysed down one side.


She enjoyed the travel sitting with her nose out of the window, scenting, as we went. She lazed in the heat, gallivanted in the snow and loved swimming pools, beaches and the sea.


Sorry to hear about Levi, John. I think she was a little visitor to our garden quite often and used to get our own 'grande dame' pretty worked up with her audacity! :)


Recently, we had to have our 14 year old cat put down after being diagnosed with a tumour. Horrible choice to make, but you know, deep down, it is the right one.


As for the Steam Packet, we all know that any hint of real service is an anathema; their customer service is more about making the customer fit into their 'service' parameters, servicing their profits rather than providing a service to the island.

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I also note that whilst people are very unhappy about the high prices at peak periods, the low prices off-peak are never mentioned.


i think it's got something to do with other ferry companies that are advertising on the tv too.


similar prices to what we pay but travel further really gets up some noses

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I read that I (along with other relevant customers) are to be told that the Viking is replacing the B-M-C on services in early January that we are booked on. Still have not heard anything from them. I continue not to hold my breath on this...


It seems that the scheduled work has been put back by a day. Perhaps this might explain why you had heard nothing, though the "Marketing director" did say on Manx Radio earlier today that they had been trying to contact everyone.


The "trouble" is that the revisions mean that the Viking will now be going to Heysham and back on Saturday 10 January, and out to Heysham on Sunday morning (11th) (One way only). B-M-C returns in service from Birkenhead on the Sunday.


Still not heard from IOMSPC about the revised sailing arrangements - guess that I may not have given them enough information to contact me with - they only have my phone number, my mobile number, my address (for a letter) and my email.

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And the latest news on the new supercat is that it has wrecked 3 crankshafts and it has not sailed here yet, a new spare cranks is being shiped to the Island just in case it goes pop here


Please, in English? Are you saying 3 of the 4 Crankshafts are broken on the Viking, and they intend to fix it by having a single spare one on standby??? (I will not be happy cruising at 10 knots to Heysham on Saturday....)

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more changes

Further changes have been made to the Ben-my-Chree's repair schedule, meaning more sailings will be affected.


The Steam Packet's flagship will now go in to dry dock on Friday, and will not return to service until Tuesday next week.


The weekend crossings have been diverted to Heysham, as the replacement vessel, the viking, cannot dock at Twelve Quays in Birkenhead.


Passengers travelling between Friday and Tuesday are advised to contact the Steam Packet Company for a transfer or refund.


but still no mention of the SPCo webby, wouldn't you think that would be the most up to date ?

18th December is a bit old news :(

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more changes
Further changes have been made to the Ben-my-Chree's repair schedule, meaning more sailings will be affected. The Steam Packet's flagship will now go in to dry dock on Friday, and will not return to service until Tuesday next week. The weekend crossings have been diverted to Heysham, as the replacement vessel, the viking, cannot dock at Twelve Quays in Birkenhead.Passengers travelling between Friday and Tuesday are advised to contact the Steam Packet Company for a transfer or refund.

but still no mention of the SPCo webby, wouldn't you think that would be the most up to date ?

18th December is a bit old news :

At least i now know that as of 19:13 hous on Tuesday 6 January the wife and I will be sailing on the BMC. This is thanks to this website and IOM Today:

BMC Schedule

I never heard from the IOMSPC - even sent their CEO an email to ask what was happening with zilch reply. Makes me wonder about the competence of IOMSPC management if they cannot deliver what they have committed to do - contact passengers and only have an 18 December announcement (now radically out of date) on their website. Heaven help passengers who will now be inconvenienced by the still changing repair schedule.


Wake up Woodward!

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I missed the boat last night with passenger, dogs, motor home and trailer. Reason, one dog had stroke, aged 17, and she is going to be put to sleep this morning. As a result we also missed our Portsmouth to Caen conection this am.


I need to re book Steam Packet before I rebook Brittany Ferries


I ring at 09.00 to change to tonight, explained circumstances. Booking nuimber, well I never print off the paper so no go, credit card details, well I wasn't giving those and who alone knows what card I used 3 months ago. can't do it, Data protection. No I explain, that is not what daat protection is about. It would be dangerous for me to give out my CC details for half a dozen cards, I agree they shouldn't give out passenger details, but I am sure that I was the only person, with my name with a passenger called x and three dogs and a motor home and a trailer who did not travel last night. I speak to supervsior, no its all jobs worth, but they can do it if I turn up in person, not over the phone. Will that cost more? yes! Of course the fact the ticket agent has the deatils of te card I paid for on her screen is a security breach and means my data is insecure. They never warned me of that


I call back with the booking number from my e-mail confirmation. not printed off, cancel one dog, then told boat is full. Place me on standby, No rules say cannot place on standby over the phone, you have to come down. We cannot print off a copy of your ticket unless you are physically there to give to the loading operations manager. Once you are here you have to stay in the terminal!!!!!!!. What from 09.30 to 19.45?


Can you not operate a standby list from phone calls listing them in order, No. Blue Riband does, ask Lisa, Lisa does not work Saturdays.


The last time I booked late in day I wanted a cabin. It was 09.00 and I wanted one for 14.15. Cannot book. Why not. We print off at 08.00 and pass on board. Does the boat not have fax/telex/internet. Can you not print off the next sailing bookings at Heysham? No!


The final straw this morning, lady admitted it was a jobsworth, if she complied with my request she would lose her job, and it was how it had always been done. The rules were sacrosanct however ill thought out, however illogical, however designed to defeat customer service.




I have harrowing day. I cannot rebook Britanny Ferries. If there were competition I would never use the Steam Packet, ever. And I have been one of its staunchest supporters on here. The whole customer experience from booking to checking in to boarding, to food on board is a mess and needs sorting now.


I am going to turn up at 17.00 and try stand by and if I don't get on will trty again in morning. There is now no space on Brittany until Monday anyway with two dogs. I will go Calais, 20 sailings during day with P&O or Sea France. Shame tunnel is still closed


how come you can bring the dogs back from france without going into quarrantine john..??

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