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[BBC News] Three men arrested in drug raids


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Go on then, I like sheep and I like the view over Scarlet if you could encompass those two factors I might even like the picture.


Heh. Just clear up the popularity vs legality thing. Your argument seems to be lots of people like doing drugs, so it should be legal. If people like slapping their wifes, should that be legal too? What's the difference?


I'm not having a go, just trying to understand the point your making.

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Awe, I wanted a picture :( you are boring. I don't see what there is to explain, I do not think there are as many wife beaters as there are drug users** and ofc that is a ridiculous suggestion/comparison, one involves harming someone else, the other involves making a conscious decision to get off your head. If all of the people who use drugs were arrested and charged then there would be no space in the prison therefore its not the best of laws to pursue nor is it just or fair.


**statistic taken from the road where someone I know does live, I know of 5 drug users in that road and only 1 possible wife beater (ironically he is the drinking type, which is what I based the assumption on)

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Awe, I wanted a picture :( you are boring. I don't see what there is to explain, I do not think there are as many wife beaters as there are drug users** and ofc that is a ridiculous suggestion/comparison, one involves harming someone else, the other involves making a conscious decision to get off your head. If all of the people who use drugs were arrested and charged then there would be no space in the prison therefore its not the best of laws to pursue nor is it just or fair.


**statistic taken from the road where someone I know does live, I know of 5 drug users in that road and only 1 possible wife beater (ironically he is the drinking type, which is what I based the assumption on)


OK, here's a nice pic:




I still don't get the popularity thing, sorry. I just don't get the reasoning behind legalising something simply because it's popular, and you've not really explained it. Taking stuff for free instead of paying for it would be extremely popular, but it's illegal.

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Nice pic.


It's only a plant. If people were allowed to grow a couple each a lot of the problems associated with drug crime would probably go away.


Although you might end up with idiots trying to break into your house to steal your plants because they are too thick/lazy to grow their own.

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What world are you living in? Just look at crime figures for most of Europe and the USA most of burglaries and muggings are drug related. Over 80% of convicted prostitutes are junkies, a large percentage of gang related crime is due to drugs, a lot of murders are drug related. How do you think the junkies who don't work get money to feed such an expensive habit? For fucks sake LDV come back to the real world.



You have just quoted a phrase from my post where I am saying that I recognise that heroin is linked with crime in the form of drugs. I don't know what prostitution has got to do with this particular point. Drugs do not LEAD to prostitution in the main, poverty does. Not bloody surprising that prostitutes are drug users however.

Some murders are undertaken by people on drugs but you think it is BECAUSE they are on drugs? I would think that maybe in the odd rare case it is a reason.

Though I am interested in what you comment about in terms of most burglaries and muggings being drug-related? What crime figures are these?


Heh. Just clear up the popularity vs legality thing. Your argument seems to be lots of people like doing drugs, so it should be legal. If people like slapping their wifes, should that be legal too? What's the difference?

I'm not having a go, just trying to understand the point your making.


I agree that popularity itself is not a singular justification for legalisation but it does add weight in respect of drug taking. It cannot be compared to slapping a wife or abusing a child as with MOST drugs there is little or no associated harm to others in the use of the drug. There is exploitation in the distribution that I do recognise, but this is not why the drugs are illegal and is little different from the exploitation that takes place in so many transactions in society.

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It's only a plant. If people were allowed to grow a couple each a lot of the problems associated with drug crime would probably go away.


I agree, if you removed the harm caused by the illegal supply then you've a better argument to support legalisation. It'd never happen though because it's not taxable. You'd probably need some sort of protection for stupid people and drug strength too.


Is there such a thing as home grown tobacco?

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That would lead to drugs being responsible for other crimes, that has been declared to be bollocks already.


But didn't you claim earlier in the thread that ALL drug use leads to people then committing crime as a result? That's how it looked, and, that's just not true.


I'm sure there are indeed shitloads of people who take drugs and then get lead into crime but not everyone, aside of course from the crime of actually taking them in the first place, which is not being 'led to'.


For what's it's worth it doesn't bother me if people decide they want to take drugs, but legalising it would surely lead to a lot of scuzzy types about.

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I won't discuss my particular experiences but I am not aware of people who take drugs going off any committing other crimes, not unless they were on heroin. I know a lot of people who take drugs and they don't commit any associated crime that I am aware of. Are you just talking about the addictive ones?

What world are you living in? Just look at crime figures for most of Europe and the USA most of burglaries and muggings are drug related. Over 80% of convicted prostitutes are junkies, a large percentage of gang related crime is due to drugs, a lot of murders are drug related. How do you think the junkies who don't work get money to feed such an expensive habit? For fucks sake LDV come back to the real world.


With respect, you are not addressing LDV's point. Both of you are correct. The majority of drug users don't commit crime to pay for their drugs, and the majority of street crime and burglary is drug-related (or so it is said).


All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.



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That would lead to drugs being responsible for other crimes, that has been declared to be bollocks already.


But didn't you claim earlier in the thread that ALL drug use leads to people then committing crime as a result? That's how it looked, and, that's just not true.


I'm sure there are indeed shitloads of people who take drugs and then get lead into crime but not everyone, aside of course from the crime of actually taking them in the first place, which is not being 'led to'.


For what's it's worth it doesn't bother me if people decide they want to take drugs, but legalising it would surely lead to a lot of scuzzy types about.

All that bus waiting has addled your brain. If you re-read the post it may become clearer to you.

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All that bus waiting has addled your brain. If you re-read the post it may become clearer to you.


I've re-read it and it still hasn't so you'll have to help me out. Here's the comment:


It is a fact (through personal experience) that drug use, at all levels, leads to other crimes and personal monetary problems.


Now if you'd said "drug use, at all levels, can/may lead to other crimes and personal monetary problems" I'd agree completely, but that's not what you've said, so clearly you're saying that it does (in all cases).

I know plenty of people who've taken drugs and like the late Bill Hicks said (I'm not really a fan but it suits) "had a great time, didn't rob anyone, didn't kill anyone" etc etc, or indeed go on to commit any crime as a result of doing so, nor have monetary problems.


Now if this is what you're saying then 'It is a fact' that you're wrong about this. If that's not what you meant then you should have written it differently as it seems that others have got the same impression of what you meant, probably because that's what it basically says.


And that's what I was trying to illustrate to help explain why it is people are saying it's a bollocks statement to make. That's all.


I'm not arguing about all the shit that goes into the drugs getting there in the first place nor the crime of taking them, just that it'd be more correct to say that if you re-write your post it may become clearer for everyone. :P

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