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[BBC News] Three men arrested in drug raids


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Ha ha Skrappey so now your trying to distance yourself from your original statement which was evidently bollocks and your now trying to make out that we were disputing a completely different statement. Pity that you can read previous posts on this clever forum thing isnt it !!


Okay I will spell it out once more for you.....read carefully


You said

It is a fact (through personal experience) that drug use, at all levels, leads to other crimes and personal monetary problems.

I said

Bollocks, and I even explained why its bollocks


Now you have made the following statement:


Paople take illegal drugs so they are committing a crime, criminals. Where is that statement wrong?


Erm I have never disputed this statement or said its wrong, please feel free to check back. It is cleary a correct statement. Your first quote was bollocks and although you have tried to distance yourself from it and started arguing with yourself about a completely different statement, I am afraid your original statement is there for all to see


By the way what are paople ? You been on the drugs ?!!

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I do not mug people and steal cars because I know it is very wrong


I do not mug people and steal cars because I don't need to.


Well yeah, exactly. But even if you were a bit needy for cash it wouldn't be something the vast majority of us could just go and do.

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Arresting people for possession of drugs is in my opinion a very convienient way of boosting arrest figures (don't get me wrong its against the law so you get arrested) but its easier to exhaust resources and man power catching a few pot heads than stopping the actual suppliers and distributers.


The difference between weed and alcohol is a matter of timing. If pot was widely available and used in the same quantaties as alcohol a couple of hundred years ago it would have grown into the global industry as the ale industry. Now that the booze and cigs markets are so big nothing is going to be allowed to encroach on their market so even if a pure, untainted and 100% safe canabis product was invented it would never make it the shelves.


Any ideas how much they were caught with? I'm guessing it wasn't a significant amount or the headline would have said something like "Three men were arrested with a canabis haul with a street value of £30,000." I know the police would love headlines like that to show they are winning the war on drugs.

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Arresting people for possession of drugs is in my opinion a very convienient way of boosting arrest figures (don't get me wrong its against the law so you get arrested) but its easier to exhaust resources and man power catching a few pot heads than stopping the actual suppliers and distributers.


The difference between weed and alcohol is a matter of timing. If pot was widely available and used in the same quantaties as alcohol a couple of hundred years ago it would have grown into the global industry as the ale industry. Now that the booze and cigs markets are so big nothing is going to be allowed to encroach on their market so even if a pure, untainted and 100% safe canabis product was invented it would never make it the shelves.


Any ideas how much they were caught with? I'm guessing it wasn't a significant amount or the headline would have said something like "Three men were arrested with a canabis haul with a street value of £30,000." I know the police would love headlines like that to show they are winning the war on drugs.


How many years of winning the war on drugs will it take until they can say they've actually won?



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I know why people were accusing it (?) of being a bollocks statement, it's called stupidity


It's so much easier to insult people than to just admit that you simply wrote it in a poor manner isn't it!


I think you've helped proved my point for me anyway by changing your argument now, as Sausage has illustrated.

Case closed.


You may all return to the thread topic of bickering about drugs now. :)

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I don't accept the position as being bollocks. Just because you say so don't make it so.

Paople take illegal drugs so they are committing a crime, criminals. Where is that statement wrong?


bit late .. but it was all bollocks skrappy you were talking .. but from what ive been reading why break a habit just for new years sake..


if its any consolation your not alone.



its criminal to lock a man up and criminalise him for years after for possesion of less than 0.5 of a gramm. of cannabis .. i dont care a button for any self rightous sh1te spouted by people who think they have a right to tell me what i can or cannot put in my body in the privacy of my own home..

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I don't accept the position as being bollocks. Just because you say so don't make it so.

Paople take illegal drugs so they are committing a crime, criminals. Where is that statement wrong?


bit late .. but it was all bollocks skrappy you were talking .. but from what ive been reading why break a habit just for new years sake..


if its any consolation your not alone.



its criminal to lock a man up and criminalise him for years after for possesion of less than 0.5 of a gramm. of cannabis .. i dont care a button for any self rightous sh1te spouted by people who think they have a right to tell me what i can or cannot put in my body in the privacy of my own home..


If I am able to interpret you're post I will attempt to put things in context ; possession of illegal drugs is ILLEGAL, although getting 'locked up' for having 0.5 of a gramme is highly unlikely in our society. Criminalised for years, yea and why not, he is a criminal after all.

As a democrat I find it incredible that you are not willing to accept the will of the majority through parliament and the legal system (your 'self righteous shite spouted by people yadda yadda yadda) They have the right because you, whether you like it or not, gave them that right.

I don't want any of this "but I didn't vote for them" crap either, that would be stupid and childish.

You want to take drugs, fine, just stop whinging when you are arrested and criminalised for your selfish actions.

Ironically, I have yet to find one drug user who is able to put a cohesive argument for illegal drug use beyond "Because I should be able to do with my body what I want" pure bollocks.

I'm done with this crap anyway, do what you want and keep away from my house.

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I don't accept the position as being bollocks. Just because you say so don't make it so.

Paople take illegal drugs so they are committing a crime, criminals. Where is that statement wrong?


bit late .. but it was all bollocks skrappy you were talking .. but from what ive been reading why break a habit just for new years sake..


if its any consolation your not alone.



its criminal to lock a man up and criminalise him for years after for possesion of less than 0.5 of a gramm. of cannabis .. i dont care a button for any self rightous sh1te spouted by people who think they have a right to tell me what i can or cannot put in my body in the privacy of my own home..


If I am able to interpret you're post I will attempt to put things in context ; possession of illegal drugs is ILLEGAL, although getting 'locked up' for having 0.5 of a gramme is highly unlikely in our society. Criminalised for years, yea and why not, he is a criminal after all.

As a democrat I find it incredible that you are not willing to accept the will of the majority through parliament and the legal system (your 'self righteous shite spouted by people yadda yadda yadda) They have the right because you, whether you like it or not, gave them that right.

I don't want any of this "but I didn't vote for them" crap either, that would be stupid and childish.

You want to take drugs, fine, just stop whinging when you are arrested and criminalised for your selfish actions.

Ironically, I have yet to find one drug user who is able to put a cohesive argument for illegal drug use beyond "Because I should be able to do with my body what I want" pure bollocks.

I'm done with this crap anyway, do what you want and keep away from my house.


there you go again it just flows out of you.. .. i must have dreamt my 15 days for an unweighable amount then found in my tobacco.

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