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Uk Bailiffs Get Power To Use Force On Debtors


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I can completely understand why this law exists but I find the fact that it exists absolutely shocking. It is yet another blatant expression of the fact that the state is not there to serve the people, it is there to serve business. You don't pay these capitalists and they will come crashing into YOUR own home. Absolutely shocking.

It is a time when people are losing their jobs because of the mistakes of those who take risks to make more profit and people are more in debt now because of the availability of lots of credit. Now the government wants to protect these businesses by allowing them to BREAK DOWN YOUR DOOR. These debt companies rake in millions yet it is still right for them to enter someone's home and take possessions such as a TV or furniture.


You have to have enormous pity for those people who are "more in debt because of the availability of lots of credit". Naturally it has nothing to do with their wanting possessions NOW that they cannot afford or do not wish to do without such as a TV or a new car that they would otherwisenot be able to afford!!


The ones you should save your pity for are those who have no money due to no fault of their own (such as though illness or mental instability), not , as it appears, those who are just too greedy, needy or try to keep up with the Jones's

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I can completely understand why this law exists but I find the fact that it exists absolutely shocking. It is yet another blatant expression of the fact that the state is not there to serve the people, it is there to serve business. You don't pay these capitalists and they will come crashing into YOUR own home. Absolutely shocking.

It is a time when people are losing their jobs because of the mistakes of those who take risks to make more profit and people are more in debt now because of the availability of lots of credit. Now the government wants to protect these businesses by allowing them to BREAK DOWN YOUR DOOR. These debt companies rake in millions yet it is still right for them to enter someone's home and take possessions such as a TV or furniture.


You have to have enormous pity for those people who are "more in debt because of the availability of lots of credit". Naturally it has nothing to do with their wanting possessions NOW that they cannot afford or do not wish to do without such as a TV or a new car that they would otherwisenot be able to afford!!


The ones you should save your pity for are those who have no money due to no fault of their own (such as though illness or mental instability), not , as it appears, those who are just too greedy, needy or try to keep up with the Jones's


I don't have enormous pity for these people who are in debt. Rather I have absolutely no understanding for the companies who would use force against those who owe them money.

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It would be interesting to find out how such use of force would be regulated, i.e. a rules of engagement of sorts. And what sort of training and licensing would be required or would the bruisers from "we Break Thumbs Ltd" be given free reign to go about unregulated.


I've got a feeling that this power would only be given to court appointed bailiffs and then only in the prescence of police. Oh wait why not just let the police do the policing and the bailiffs doing their jobs.


Dont agree with this potential carte blanche for heavy tactics. I feel this could lead to the threat of violence being used indiscriminatly.

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It would be interesting to find out how such use of force would be regulated, i.e. a rules of engagement of sorts.


Health and Safety???


I'm not sure what you're trying to put across there. Are you suggesting that a H&S inspector follow around every bailiff to assess each house entry?


I would suggest that this kind of work is left to the police, not rent-a-thugs. At least the police have to undergo formal training and (at least they say they are) are impartial.


Lets say "Rent-a-Thug Ltd" come around boot the door in, push you around, give you a slap for interfering and then cart your stuff off. Do they have to give a warning or does the door come off the hinges straight away? How much force are they allowed to use to restrain the occupants? Have they received the correct training to deal with the young, elderly, disabled? Will they have to stand up in a court of law to justify any force used?

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