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[BBC News] Drivers targeted 'morning after'


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When sober I imagine 99.9% of the population would agree that drinking and driving is dangerous and stupid, 3 pints (or what ever) later, judgement is clouded and people can make stupid mistakes. I felt really very sorry for the man who was reported in this weeks paper, Mr Moyle (whom I usually find amusing) said "You should not have got yourself so concerned with alcohol" (or something like that) to which, I did think....thats easy for you to say fatty, Moyley could probably out drink us all. A lot of the older generation are not fully aware that the laws have changed, nor the seriousness of drinking and driving, gosh in the 1960's everyone was at it.


Oh and whilst on the subject of driving....I am amazed by the leniency shown to people driving without insurance, why is it ok? you'd get a tougher fine for 'peeing in the street' than you would for driving without insurance, although peeing in the street isnt exactly nice it has not the possible ramifications of driving without insurance. The upholditure of law, truly amazing.


I leave the car behind these days (like I ever go out anymore) have been seen riding to town on one of the kids bikes to collect my car before the fascists book me too, they are little twats, those traffic wardens.

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Amazing how few people (women mostly in spawn carriers this morning) understand that 5mph on the promenade walkway equates only to a fast walking pace. One passed me at 30mph and gave me the recognised hand signal for an onanist.


Sure, my car will reach 175mph. It does 5mph too though...

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How nice it is to have so many perfect people around.


I have to say that it was nice to see the traffic wardens out at 8:40 in central Douglas today handing out a big £40 kick in the ass to everyone who sensibly left their cars in town and got a cab home on new years day.

Tw@ts. What cost a couple of hours grace at the end of a holiday?

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I am also with jimbms, drink driving is wrong.... Full stop no excuses


How nice it is to have so many perfect people around.




What is it to do with being perfect? So do you think if someone is caught drink driving they should just be giving a warning and told to run along because they made a silly mistake, because no one is perfect? Bearing in mind they might actually have killed another road user due to their actions. A driving licence is a privilege not a right. Someone abuses it with a serious offence such as this, their licence should be taken away either temporarily or permanently.


I would say anyone who is weak in this way and thinks they may be tempted to drive after a few drinks, should not even consider taking the car on a night out, or give the keys to a friend or family member who will not hand them back until that person is sober.


Surely the simple rule is, if you are going for a drink don't drive at all. Even a less than perfect person can surely understand that.

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Sebrof - are you trolling or are you just stupid? It isn't a question of being "perfect". It is simply a case of having the intelligence, sense and consideration for others not to get behind the wheel when you are pissed. I have no sympathy wth drink drivers, there are no excuses and quite often it isn't the twat who gets behind the wheel who suffers the consequences but some other innocent victim who, no doubt, left their car at home when going out on the lash.


Grow up.


If you were meaning to be funny, you're not.

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Sebrof - are you trolling or are you just stupid? It isn't a question of being "perfect". It is simply a case of having the intelligence, sense and consideration for others not to get behind the wheel when you are pissed. I have no sympathy wth drink drivers, there are no excuses and quite often it isn't the twat who gets behind the wheel who suffers the consequences but some other innocent victim who, no doubt, left their car at home when going out on the lash.


Grow up.


If you were meaning to be funny, you're not.



I am just sick and tired of sanctimonious claptrap.


The brainless always seem to get hung up on particular PC causes, like drinking and driving, whilst ignoring other equally anti-social habits. I was nearly killed by a perfectly sober driver who had been driving for hours and hours and fell asleep at the wheel.


ANY form of dangerous driving is bad. Being drunk is no worse than being over-tired - the effects are the same.


And now can we please have fewer self-righteous nitwits telling us how wonderful they are. It's quite nauseating.



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I am just sick and tired of sanctimonious claptrap.


The brainless always seem to get hung up on particular PC causes, like drinking and driving, whilst ignoring other equally anti-social habits. I was nearly killed by a perfectly sober driver who had been driving for hours and hours and fell asleep at the wheel.


ANY form of dangerous driving is bad. Being drunk is no worse than being over-tired - the effects are the same.


And now can we please have fewer self-righteous nitwits telling us how wonderful they are. It's quite nauseating.




Surely if you had nearly been killed by a sober driver, then you also would condemn drunk driving? Or do you want everyone to drive drunk because they will be better than sober? Bizarre.


It's nothing to do with "self-righteous nitwits telling us how wonderful they are". It's about how one of your or my family could be killed by someone who thinks it's actually okay to sit in a pub for hours then drive home. They know it's dangerous, illegal but still do it.


Drink Driving is not a PC cause far from it. It's a stupid act generally carried out by people who think they can get away with it. The reason people were condemning drink driving on this thread, relates to the title of the thread which is about drink driving!


And if you think that people that drive when tired don't get caught, then can I remind you of this:




and this



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I am just sick and tired of sanctimonious claptrap.


The brainless always seem to get hung up on particular PC causes, like drinking and driving, whilst ignoring other equally anti-social habits. I was nearly killed by a perfectly sober driver who had been driving for hours and hours and fell asleep at the wheel.


ANY form of dangerous driving is bad. Being drunk is no worse than being over-tired - the effects are the same.


And now can we please have fewer self-righteous nitwits telling us how wonderful they are. It's quite nauseating.




Surely if you had nearly been killed by a sober driver, then you also would condemn drunk driving? Or do you want everyone to drive drunk because they will be better than sober? Bizarre.


It's nothing to do with "self-righteous nitwits telling us how wonderful they are". It's about how one of your or my family could be killed by someone who thinks it's actually okay to sit in a pub for hours then drive home. They know it's dangerous, illegal but still do it.


Drink Driving is not a PC cause far from it. It's a stupid act generally carried out by people who think they can get away with it. The reason people were condemning drink driving on this thread, relates to the title of the thread which is about drink driving!


And if you think that people that drive when tired don't get caught, then can I remind you of this:




and this




Where did I say I don't condemn drunken driving? What I said was this: "ANY form of dangerous driving is bad."


I was just complaining about the holier than thou brigade.



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Hi Sebrof.


I agree with you. ANY form of dangerous driving should be condemned. But from your posts it seemed as if you were disapproving of people that thought drink driving is wrong.


Whether it is drink driving, speeding, dangerous driving etc, it is such a tragedy when anyone is killed by another road user.


I too was nearly wiped out on the M6 during the night when an obvious "sleep driver" veered 2 lanes to try and hit me. Even a long blast on the horn didn't seem to wake them. It was only the fact that the road was fairly empty that I managed to avoid them.


But I am sure you would agree, no sane person would think that having a few pints then driving home is acceptable.

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