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It Almost Restores Your Faith In Human Nature.


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Nice story - shame there aren't more places and honest people like that elsewhere.


I think it does demonstrate honesty, which is a good quality.


Do you mean it is a shame that people are not honest on the whole? One should not seen a person inclination to steal from a shop or store as having any reflection with being a bad person or dishonest. It is an entirely different situation from mugging someone, stealing from a friend or colleague, friend or family, or robbing a house.

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LDV, you are going to open a whole tim of worms again...


Stealing from shops is called shoplifting and is and always will be classed as THEFT, end off.


I am not trying to open a can of worms, on other threads there are discussions about whether drug should be illegal or legal. You only come from the position that the vast majority have (I believe very wrongly) that shoplifting is the same as all other forms of theft, it is wrong, and somehow obviously wrong. Because it is so apparently wrong it is never questioned.


Taking things from shops is called shoplifting, it is perceived to be theft when it is not, not if you disregard property rights. But if you accept that the employer has a right to property then you are a hypocrite for calling shoplifting theft. Which is why I would shut up if no ill comment was made about shoplifting or recognition was given to other forms of theft in the process that gets the goods to a store or shop.

It is hypocrisy to lament the standards of good behaviour in society in reference to shoplifting yet not feel the same about how the workers are treated who made the goods and yet had these things stolen from them. Our perceptions of how employment and trade operates is so firmly based around a history of property, wages, employment, money, etc. that we don't spend any time looking at who gets shafted in system.

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Do you mean it is a shame that people are not honest on the whole? One should not seen a person inclination to steal from a shop or store as having any reflection with being a bad person or dishonest. It is an entirely different situation from mugging someone, stealing from a friend or colleague, friend or family, or robbing a house.

Yes it is a shame that there are not more honest people in the world. I don't see why it is different if you steal from a shop - if it is a small family run business such as in this story, then it is stealing from a family as it's their main source of income. If it is stealing from a larger shop then it is helping to push up the shops prices as they increase prices on goods to account for theft, thereby indirectly 'stealing' from a lot of other people who have to pay inflated prices.

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The position I come from is that they are not 'entitled' to claim ownership on those goods. You only recognise the shops ownership because they paid for the goods from a wholesaler, who paid for them from a direct supplier, etc. until it comes down the worker who made that item. But this whole process began (possibly in a foreign country) where a person is forced to take work. In taking up work they have to become employed which involves signing a contract that gives the employer the ownership of that workers produce. This is where profit making but also theft at the expense of the worker begins. What the worker gets in exchange is a wage. It is mere form of compensation, as are all wages. If the worker could take home their produce (which is by no means the ideal solution) at least they could make a profit from their work but no, it is the employer who makes that profit.

Subsequently, all the transactional processes that follow involve profit making on this item until it gets to the shop. In the shop another worker (equivalent to the person who made the good) comes in with their wages to buy food (for example) and has the shop steal from him/her by charging them for a good they need to live, and at an inflated price when it should not even be theirs to sell in the first place.


My only point is that such behaviour should not be condemned.

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Well if that was your only point why be so long winded you boring cunt


Because people might not understand where I am coming from, as they often don't. Not just posting to state my position, but also to explain it as I belief the opinion that sees it is as theft is hypocritical.

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Wages are nearly risk-free, production of goods isn't. There's nothing stopping you emulating your employer and setting up your own business, but then you also have to take the risk of a bad investment, whereas with your contract of employment you're making a profit from your own skills (less basics costs).


Noone's obliged to purchase your goods

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Because people might not understand where I am coming from, as they often don't.


That's because you post dire long winded bollocks because you seem to believe that you are on another intellectual plane to the rest of us, when in fact you appear to be a deluded student with little grasp of the real world other than the arty-farty shit you read about Marx or anarchism.


Queue very dull long winded reply .............................

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