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Organs ‘sold to foreigners’


and then


The British parents of a dying child are left pleading for a Transplants donor as organs go overseas



The service is run by the renowned liver transplant surgeon Professor Nigel Heaton, who performed a liver transplant on the footballer George Best
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At least we now know where to start looking for episode 2 of the the continuing thriller: "The Chief Minister's brain is missing".


I also heard Peter Karran signed up for organ donation - and holds a Guinness World record as the first living brain transplant donor.

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the worrying issue seems to be that private patients (those with money) are given priority.


Where does it say that?


Maybe I misunderstood it having read it quickly but I thought it was about private, foreign patients paying money to the NHS for these organs.

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It doesn't matter to me whether it is or isn't British citizens getting the transplants but the worrying issue seems to be that private patients (those with money) are given priority.

& where where you born yessir??? :angry:


Maybe I am not thinking straight on this that's all, but I first thought the issue was about private, foreign people having priority if they paid for the transplant. But if it is just about a French or Greek person getting an organ instead of a British person then I do not see what the issue is about. The real problem I can see from reading the article is that there is such a shortage of organs.

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I thought that your issue may have been ,that since the donors didn't actually pay for their own organs and the fact they were originally donated by " God " means nobody has the right to claim outright ownership and they should be viewed as property of the masses? :)

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I thought that your issue may have been ,that since the donors didn't actually pay for their own organs and the fact they were originally donated by " God " means nobody has the right to claim outright ownership and they should be viewed as property of the masses? :)


Homarus, I would never have put it that way, and what does God have to do with anything?


I just wasn't sure if it wasn't a nationalist thing of British organs for British people, or whether I had misunderstood.

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I just wasn't sure if it wasn't a nationalist thing of British organs for British people, or whether I had misunderstood.


How about British jobs for British workers?

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I think you will find the organ donor database is international and when a perfect match comes along it gets priority same happens if the organ is overseas and the recipient is in uk

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This kind of thing really quite gripes me. I have an organ donor card and hope that if I die the useful bits (skip with the lungs and liver then) will be given fairly to NHS people from the UK. Nothing against non UK citizens ofc but when it comes to government provided services Im a bit on the nationalist side, only because I think the British NHS (and the Manx) is hard pushed enough already without supporting the NHS services of other countries.


Edit: Just crossed posts with Jim, I suppose that makes sense. I might have changed my mind a little. I suppose it dosen't matter then.

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How about British jobs for British workers?


It isn't a statement that I agree with but I don't see how that has anything to do with organ transplants.


I think you will find the organ donor database is international and when a perfect match comes along it gets priority same happens if the organ is overseas and the recipient is in uk


And I think that makes sense too.


This kind of thing really quite gripes me. I have an organ donor card and hope that if I die the useful bits (skip with the lungs and liver then) will be given fairly to NHS people from the UK. Nothing against non UK citizens ofc but when it comes to government provided services Im a bit on the nationalist side, only because I think the British NHS (and the Manx) is hard pushed enough already without supporting the NHS services of other countries.


Though it would appear from reading this article that foreign patients and their governments are paying for the transplant.

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British jobs for British workers, was a pledge made by Mr Brown not so long ago obviously stating his intention to put the interests of the British people first !

Yet here we have a situation where the British N.H.S. appears to give precedence to foreign nationals with the ability to pay for treatment , or have I got it wrong?


It stinks imo , but no more than I'd expect from that bunch of Labour tossers ! :)

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