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British jobs for British workers, was a pledge made by Mr Brown not so long ago obviously stating his intention to put the interests of the British people first !

Yet here we have a situation where the British N.H.S. appears to give precedence to foreign nationals with the ability to pay for treatment , or have I got it wrong?


It stinks imo , but no more than I'd expect from that bunch of Labour tossers ! :)


I think you have it right, but your concern and the concern of The Times seems to be on the fact that it is FOREIGN nationals getting the organs. I don't see why it matters. For instance, if there was someone from Douglas (who I didn't know) and someone from France should I put the Douglas person first if I had to make a decision, I wouldn't give priority to either. But if people with money can secure a transplant instead of those who can't pay then that must be stopped.


I personally can't stand all that nationalistic bollocks from Gordon Brown about citizenship and putting British people first, for one thing it is just a support grabbing gimmick.

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British jobs for British workers, was a pledge made by Mr Brown not so long ago obviously stating his intention to put the interests of the British people first !

Yet here we have a situation where the British N.H.S. appears to give precedence to foreign nationals with the ability to pay for treatment , or have I got it wrong?


It stinks imo , but no more than I'd expect from that bunch of Labour tossers ! :)


But if people with money can secure a transplant instead of those who can't pay then that must be stopped.




the folks with money that have private health cover jump the queue when it comes to routine ops, what makes you think transplants are any different?? i know a couple of locals who would have waited over a year for hip replacements so they went private ( pay for it yourself ) and they were suddenly at the top of the list and sorted at the same nobles hospital which had room and time now!!!. when it comes to transplants, you don't see an old smoker with lung cancer get a set of lungs for transplant unless they have money. different transplant ( was it liver or kidney? ) but your average pisshead wouldn't get an organ wasted on them if it was likely they were going to waste the next one. be called george best!! and yes sir you are suitable for transplant!! what a fucking waste that was. so money and transplants is already the case and has been so for a while. now it is foreign folks with money for transplants there is a problem that needs sorting??? perhaps the british rich folks are whining that their spare parts are going over seas?

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British jobs for British workers, was a pledge made by Mr Brown not so long ago obviously stating his intention to put the interests of the British people first !

Yet here we have a situation where the British N.H.S. appears to give precedence to foreign nationals with the ability to pay for treatment , or have I got it wrong?


It stinks imo , but no more than I'd expect from that bunch of Labour tossers ! :)


But if people with money can secure a transplant instead of those who can't pay then that must be stopped.




the folks with money that have private health cover jump the queue when it comes to routine ops, what makes you think transplants are any different?? i know a couple of locals who would have waited over a year for hip replacements so they went private ( pay for it yourself ) and they were suddenly at the top of the list and sorted at the same nobles hospital which had room and time now!!!. when it comes to transplants, you don't see an old smoker with lung cancer get a set of lungs for transplant unless they have money. different transplant ( was it liver or kidney? ) but your average pisshead wouldn't get an organ wasted on them if it was likely they were going to waste the next one. be called george best!! and yes sir you are suitable for transplant!! what a fucking waste that was. so money and transplants is already the case and has been so for a while. now it is foreign folks with money for transplants there is a problem that needs sorting??? perhaps the british rich folks are whining that their spare parts are going over seas?


Problem easily solved.........start a business, work hard and get some money!

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I thought that your issue may have been ,that since the donors didn't actually pay for their own organs and the fact they were originally donated by " God " means nobody has the right to claim outright ownership and they should be viewed as property of the masses? :)



A new plea for the crime of rape here then, "that vagina belonged to me as well"

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I thought that your issue may have been ,that since the donors didn't actually pay for their own organs and the fact they were originally donated by " God " means nobody has the right to claim outright ownership and they should be viewed as property of the masses? :)


nice one comrade homarus.





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I just wasn't sure if it wasn't a nationalist thing of British organs for British people, or whether I had misunderstood.


How about British jobs for British workers?


good idea but do you really think that they will all f/off back over there and take them...


anyone though of the irish version..

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I thought that your issue may have been ,that since the donors didn't actually pay for their own organs and the fact they were originally donated by " God " means nobody has the right to claim outright ownership and they should be viewed as property of the masses? :)



A new plea for the crime of rape here then, "that vagina belonged to me as well"



Quite possibly, especially if any sort of Anarcho-Communist regime were to gain power! :D

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I thought that your issue may have been ,that since the donors didn't actually pay for their own organs and the fact they were originally donated by " God " means nobody has the right to claim outright ownership and they should be viewed as property of the masses? :)



A new plea for the crime of rape here then, "that vagina belonged to me as well"


Quite possibly, especially if any sort of Anarcho-Communist regime were to gain power! :D


The People's Vagina/s, it doesn't sound that attractive an idea.

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see how you feel about that on a weekend night fuelled by lager .. you know the type of village virgina i am talking about .. the type you follow thru the front door and exit next morning via the back door after trying not to trip over several rug rats on the way out..

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I just wasn't sure if it wasn't a nationalist thing of British organs for British people, or whether I had misunderstood.


How about British jobs for British workers?


good idea but do you really think that they will all f/off back over there and take them...


anyone though of the irish version..


Hope you don't fall sick when all the non-Manx staff leave Nobles, and they have to shut up shop.



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I just wasn't sure if it wasn't a nationalist thing of British organs for British people, or whether I had misunderstood.


How about British jobs for British workers?


good idea but do you really think that they will all f/off back over there and take them...


anyone though of the irish version..



nobles cant afford to treat us properly to busy treating all the british retirees.


they only come here when they are goosed cos theres no waitng lists..



My lord, if you had a clue you would be dangerous. One look at the last census shows you havent got the slightest idea what your talking about. Maybe you should go back to sharpening your pitch fork and wanking over a pure Manx race, you racist arse.

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i knew i would be an ist one day..


atleast im not on someone elses own turf insulting them..


pitchkork is ready whenever you are..


I've got a feeling you've been an "ist" a very long time.


As for insulting you, I'm not insulting you. I'm trying to open your eyes to the fact that the universe does not revolve around this timy patch of land in the Irish Sea. Your just to blinkered and stuck in days of yore to understand that.


And I think your offering me out with a pitchfork is a tiny bit ill conceived.

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i knew i would be an ist one day..


atleast im not on someone elses own turf insulting them..


pitchkork is ready whenever you are..


I've got a feeling you've been an "ist" a very long time.


As for insulting you, I'm not insulting you. I'm trying to open your eyes to the fact that the universe does not revolve around this timy patch of land in the Irish Sea. Your just to blinkered and stuck in days of yore to understand that.


And I think your offering me out with a pitchfork is a tiny bit ill conceived.


no this isle is where my family and friends are both living and dead .. im not blinkered i just dont give a shit about what happens outside of a 50 mile radius to it thanks.

i have nothing against any other culture let them do as they please .. on their own soil its no concern of mine.


typical shit stirring brit making a mountain out of a mole hiill .. threatened you my arse..


you brits and your nuclear diplomacy..

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