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i knew i would be an ist one day..


atleast im not on someone elses own turf insulting them..


pitchkork is ready whenever you are..


I've got a feeling you've been an "ist" a very long time.


As for insulting you, I'm not insulting you. I'm trying to open your eyes to the fact that the universe does not revolve around this timy patch of land in the Irish Sea. Your just to blinkered and stuck in days of yore to understand that.


And I think your offering me out with a pitchfork is a tiny bit ill conceived.


no this isle is where my family and friends are both living and dead .. im not blinkered i just dont give a shit about what happens outside of a 50 mile radius to it thanks.

i have nothing against any other culture let them do as they please .. on their own soil its no concern of mine.


typical shit stirring brit making a mountain out of a mole hiill .. threatened you my arse..


you brits and your nuclear diplomacy..



You are blinkered if you think anything outside of Manx waters doesnt affect the IOM. Imagine if all those non-Manx health workers and Doctors Fooked Arf whence they came, would Nobles be the excellent Health Centre it is? Do you have a mass of Manx born (not sure what the criteria is these days, according to mm2 you have to be able to trace your family back 30 generations!!) Doctors and Nurses hidden away someone who can't get jobs because of us dirty comeovers?


Why do you assume that I'm from the UK? I could be South African, Dutch, Polish, Philipeno (apologise for spelling) or one of the many nationalities that make their home on the IOM.


"Threatened you my arse.." did you not post "pitchkork is ready whenever you are.."

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"Threatened you my arse.." did you not post "pitchkork is ready whenever you are.."


Did you not post:


Maybe you should go back to sharpening your pitch fork and wanking over a pure Manx race, you racist arse.


As for where you come from, I doubt that anyone really gives a toss. Suffice to say, you're an idiot and where ever you are from has a village that is missing you.

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"Threatened you my arse.." did you not post "pitchkork is ready whenever you are.."


Did you not post:


Maybe you should go back to sharpening your pitch fork and wanking over a pure Manx race, you racist arse.


As for where you come from, I doubt that anyone really gives a toss. Suffice to say, you're an idiot and where ever you are from has a village that is missing you.


Well I some how managed to get a job over here. Does that not put me one step ahead of some jobless Manxie. Obviously all the Manx villages are at their quota for idiots. Stavros, how is the Village Idiot position treating you?

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At the end of November unemployment stood at 641. During the month 160 claimants signed on the unemployment register and 186 signed off. Of the total, 463 are males and 178 are females.




You state that less than half the population is Manx which makes the number of 'jobless Manxies' less than 320. You boast that you're so clever to get a job over here ahead of some 'jobless manxie' which makes you somehow better than 320 unemployed people that include disabled people that can't work. Congratulations!


Obviously, the island recruits workers from other countries. A majority of them are decent, friendly and hardworking individuals. It's inevitable that the odd arsehole with the I'll teach those idot local yokels a thing or two about the real world will get in but they're soon spotted posting on local internet forums and slagging off the people and place where they live and enjoy the benifits from.

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At the end of November unemployment stood at 641. During the month 160 claimants signed on the unemployment register and 186 signed off. Of the total, 463 are males and 178 are females.




You state that less than half the population is Manx which makes the number of 'jobless Manxies' less than 320. You boast that you're so clever to get a job over here ahead of some 'jobless manxie' which makes you somehow better than 320 unemployed people that include disabled people that can't work. Congratulations!


Obviously, the island recruits workers from other countries. A majority of them are decent, friendly and hardworking individuals. It's inevitable that the odd arsehole with the I'll teach those idot local yokels a thing or two about the real world will get in but they're soon spotted posting on local internet forums and slagging off the people and place where they live and enjoy the benifits from.


What do you want to get down on my knees and worship the ground you walk on just because your born here. Get stuffed. Do you honestly believe the Gov figures?641 unemployed from a population of 80,000??? If the population is around 80k that would mean only 0.8% of the IOM is unemployed. I think not unless the IOM has the lowest benefit pull in the world. And how can we non-Manx be "takin our jarbs!!!" if you only have 640 unemployed. Numpty.


And who are you to judge if I'm not a decent, friendly and hardworking individual? I'm just responding to the racist rantings here that we non-Manx born residents are some sort of second class citizen.


"It's inevitable that the odd arsehole with the I'll teach those idot local yokels a thing or two about the real world will get in but they're soon spotted posting on local internet forums and slagging off the people and place where they live and enjoy the benifits from"


Just because I dont automatically blow smoke up ever Manx borns arse and resent being told there is a boat in the morning everytime I raise a subject that would challenge the Manx way of life slightly (for better or worse) doesnt make me an arsehole. Theres nothing wrong with the place where I live, its the racist arseholes who stamp their feet at everybody whose not local born that piss me off.

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Calm down MilitantDogOwner - 1] Stavros posted an official link to the unemployment stats. 2] The percentage unemployed is based on the working population and not the total population. 3] You may think going off like an enraged terrier is justified, but it just makes you come over as being on a par with the likes of manxman2 rather than better than him. Be as polite as possible and don't trade insults on the internet just because its easy to do so.


Edited: I now see you've clicked Stavros's link and have removed the first part of your rant - so ignore 1], but the rest still counts! And you clearly have no idea how benign the IOM's unemployment environment has been over the last decade - this should strengthen your arguments about the benefits of an open Island and not weaken it.

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Firstly, I never said you were "takin our jarbs!!!"


Secondly, I noticed that you edited your post once you realised that I had actually quoted my source and yes I do believe the figures.


Thirdly, it's easy to tell that you are not decent "Maybe you should go back to sharpening your pitch fork and wanking over a pure Manx race, you racist arse." or Friendly, "its the racist arseholes who stamp their feet at everybody whose not local born that piss me off." and as for hardworking, it can't be that hard to push a broom around.


Finally, "..everytime I raise a subject that would challenge the Manx way of life slightly (for better or worse) doesnt make me an arsehole." Something that we can at last mutually agree on. Being an arsehole comes naturally to you and raising challenges has absolutely nothing to do with it.

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