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Just wondered what decade your were born in Manxman2?


I'd guess at the 80's or possibly late 70's




i well remember the island pre dandara .. i remember when peel had fields around it .. still has there just a mile further from town now..

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I love all this crap spouted by manx nationalists...

'you English immigrant bastards'

'too many fucking refugees over here'


So wise-guys where did your forefathers come from? Did you evolve from single cell organisms on the shores of Mann to develop the race known as Manx?


No everyone here is an immigrant or descendant of one.


Try and give me a definition of a 'manx person' that I can't tell you at one point in your family tree they came over here from different shores. I've heard the usual clap-trap that you have to have grandparents who were born over here. Okay so what about your great grandparents who were from liverpool did they get the same treatment? So if I stay here and then my children's children are here they'll be Manx will they?


I was born in England, but from Scandanavian parents. My family are from around Denmark, Norway and Sweden - so do I have more rights than you because surely my forefathers came and settled here in AD 798?


I like the Island, I'm married to a 'Manx' girl, and I speak well of the Island where ever I am in the world and defend it when it needs it. It's the tossers like smooks and manxman2 that probably do more harm than good to their 'homeland'.


God save the Queen eh?


this is spectacular stuff you brits are frabricating .. but its all smoke and mirrors just like your new labour ..


please feel free to post a quote of mine to validate your garbbage..

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I am Manx, my Dad is manx, my Great Granddad is manx (and farmed the Calf of Man) but My Mum is Welsh !!!!! my Grandad was born in Australia...


but I am proud to be Manx


My Daughter was born in Derby, does this mean she is not Manx?? not at all.


I think Knoxville is just having a laugh, and winding you all up. But Manxman2 is way off the mark.


I know that the Island would struggle to operate without an influx of "comeover" and without whom we would also all have 3 heads and 8 arms etc.


I love the Island and the way of life I have, I remember the 70's and early 80's and there is no way I would want to go back.


john if you dont mind how am i way off the mark ..


i say your proper manx if and when you have several generations pushing up daisies here .. i said you are manx only when you come from the very soil under your feet .. is that so hard to grasp please..

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what you see as bile i see as str8 talking. .. sometimes its the only way with wind up merchants..


i raised my children during the 70s and 80s and i done very well out of those decades so your memories must be tainted.


the island would of been equally as prosperous with a population sealing at 60k only goverment mismanagement of our pension funds forced them into the position of having to increase the work force to increase the national insurance contributions substantially from both employee and employer.


dont know where you got the 30k manxmen quote from but it did not come from my keyboard..


I seriously doubt that anyone with your flair for spelling or grammar went through the schooling system in the 60s. Your using text speak ... for Christs sake man your claiming you're over 50 years old. Did you spend a lot of time standing in the corner wearing a paper hat?

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and who are you ..???


i was born in 1959 thanks..


and i have been foruming for 6 or 7 years .. i picked up my text talk from all you young lovely people whilsh surfing the global community..


you want an education in the world of world keltic leagues son..

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and who are you ..???


i was born in 1959 thanks..


and i have been foruming for 6 or 7 years .. i picked up my text talk from all you young lovely people whilsh surfing the global community..


you want an education in the world of world keltic leagues son..


So you deliberately type like a mong to get down with the kids? You're one cool daddio ....

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you havent got anything really worth saying have you ..


this is just a vehicle to a pisstake for you.


have fun.


Sorry I thought all your posts in this thread were a spoof sadly you've just confirmed they were serious. Gawd help us !!

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i believe you should be free to say what you want jonny.. my wish is that you would say it after you pack your bags and fook off back to whenst you came from..



You see the trouble is that you don't have anything more useful to contribute to a political debate than telling people you don't agree with to fuck off. Quite how this makes you better fitted to run the country than someone who was born in another country but has at least a small fragment of brain lodged in their skull is a mystery to all of us.


But don't worry - you're about to get your wish, and when the finance industry has cleared off to Jersey or Frankfurt or BVI and taken everything but farming and erm, everything but farming and ummm, well, everything but farming, there will just be you and few sheep, and the odd cow, all chewing the cud together. Hope you'll all be very happy together.

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Each has a right to their opinion, my own is that I am proud to be Manx, I am not saying the Island is perfect. But there are few places that can compare when it comes to enjoying the way of life I appreciate.


But why is it pride you feel in being Manx, if you don't mind my asking? I don't understand whether it is a cliqued term to show endearment for the place your are from or whether people actually mean a sense of pride.


dont know where you got the 30k manxmen quote from but it did not come from my keyboard..


I assume Chinahand was pointing to the fact that is the maximum amount that the Island would have been able to support if the finance sector never appeared and grew.


I guess this is why your in Salford enjoying the high crime, rape, murder etc.


What ever floats your boat LDV tongue.gif


The reason I am in Salford is to study and to make best use of opportunities while I am young that the Isle of Man cannot offer. Salford isn't so bad actually, there are worse areas of greater manchester, far worse! But I do like the Isle of Man. I love its scenery and I find the history of the Island very interesting. If someone asks I say I am Manx but I don't feel proud with being Manx, it is just where I am from.


i well remember the island pre dandara .. i remember when peel had fields around it .. still has there just a mile further from town now..


I can understand that, I don't like to see all the awful housing being built on areas that I remember being empty. But that is the price that is paid for economic growth with the need for labour.

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Manxman2, however, is the kind of narrow-minded arsehole who makes us all look pathetic and ignorant.

You don't need his help for that surely? I certainly don't! :)


I am Manx, my Dad is manx, my Great Granddad is manx (and farmed the Calf of Man)

Interesting. Because my grandfather told me that when it was tried it was abandoned because "the soil is very poor on Manar Kalf". He also showed me the foundations where cables had been strung across the Sound to those trying to subsist on the Calf. But looking at the distances involved I didn't really believe it. Was that how it was done?


Manxman2 reminds me of Kermode and Moffat. Little wonder the Nats are up a blind alley...

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I'd just like to quote from Manxman 2 who says - and this is all one post, consecutive lines, no editing:



"quote one post where i say i hate or even dont like the brits or any other nationality..


poster of the year my arse shit stirring english prick of the year more like..."


Something of a contradiction here MM2, and the trouble is you're so bigoted you can't even see it.


Pride in the Isle of Man - great.

Pride in being Manx - fantastic.


So much pride in either/both you think it gives you the right to look down on (and, yes, insult) other people simply for not being Manx... hate to tell you this matey, but even without the salute and the silly moustache, you're doing a pretty good impression of old Adolf...

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I'd just like to quote from Manxman 2 who says - and this is all one post, consecutive lines, no editing:



"quote one post where i say i hate or even dont like the brits or any other nationality..


poster of the year my arse shit stirring english prick of the year more like..."


Something of a contradiction here MM2, and the trouble is you're so bigoted you can't even see it.


Pride in the Isle of Man - great.

Pride in being Manx - fantastic.


So much pride in either/both you think it gives you the right to look down on (and, yes, insult) other people simply for not being Manx... hate to tell you this matey, but even without the salute and the silly moustache, you're doing a pretty good impression of old Adolf...


you pick a post that was self fulfilling its called irony .. however you cannot find a post prior to the post i made asking him to proof his/your allegation.


all you have to add to this manxism debate is smudge and smear nothing whatsoever of substance and all of your claims add up to nothing they are all your summisations and nothing more at all .. your just an empty vessel making too much noise.


and i dont really care to corrospond with a yeast infection like you anymore as theres nothing to be gained .. you have nothing to teach me . all you have achieved is to further entrench my belief that you new mercenary manxies would of been better drowning on your way here..

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