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Moffat Slags Off The Vice Admiral Haddacks


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i havent heard that one before PK .. you have to be one of the funniest people alive .. what a loss to the world of comedy you will be when you pass-over..


have either of you 2 rootless mongrels got anything to say thats worth listening to...????

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I am a manxman with manx parents, grandparents etc, I am proud of being manx and love the Island I live on.


I therefore feel I am qualified to state my view, it may be controversial and may upset but here goes.............


Manxman is a right bellend isnt he !!

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I am a manxman with manx parents, grandparents etc, I am proud of being manx and love the Island I live on.


I therefore feel I am qualified to state my view, it may be controversial and may upset but here goes.............


Manxman is a right bellend isnt he !!


instead of just rabble rousing why not state the reasons why you think that..


simple really .. but not as dramatic admittedly..


come on lets see how good these dickheads have been at misquoting me with others quotes.

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That's interesting PK, I've never heard 'Manar Kalf' before - what language did your grandfather speak?


Don't really want to add much to this dumb name-calling debate, except to point out that some of the Manx Nat posts remind me of the false flag stuff we got from 'Old Goat' and 'Salford'. All I can say is I'd rather have Sebrof, Chinahand et al for neighbours than manxman2. When I was at primary school we were nearly all Manx and Irish - it was safe and clean, but everyone knew everyone's business, many people clearly had an inferiority complex towards the English (and corresponding sense of shame about anything Manx), and they really begrudged other Manx people doing well for themselves. Things are much better now - but for every bigoted Manx person there is a neo-colonialist incomer. We're all human - some of us like other people - some of us are misanthropes who would be on here complaining about the Spaniards / Butties / Northerners / Gobbags if there weren't Comeovers / Manx to rip into. Pathetic.

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Manxman2 is a right bellend isnt he !!

How do you know he dresses on the right?


obviously not nearly 23000 posts shows how much of a look at me merchant you are..

And yet another one falls into the Nipper/Anselmo bear trap.


When they grossly inflated my post count (much to that nice Mr Mission's disappointment) I never realised just how many would quote it as a smokescreen whilst trying to defend the indefensible. It's a good grin for me though. Errrr.... care to try again????

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you really do love the sound of your own voice..




as for the so called manxies saying im some kind of nugget .. how about you say why.. ffs its not hard you find a quote/s you dont agree with and post it/them

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Manxman2 reminds me of Kermode and Moffat. Little wonder the Nats are up a blind alley...



Be specific please, there are many people with the second name Kermode on the Isle Of Man (what with it being a manx name and all of that). Regards farming the Calf of Man, my grandfather used to farm the Sound farm and often took cows over to the Calf, one of the cute stories about my parents courting days comes from my dad helping out on the farm, supposed to be keeping an eye out for under currents while they were leading the cows over (cows can swim) but lead him into the under currents by mistakingly thinking the smooth bits were safe. No cows died but the next time he was asked to help again, it involved a spade, a barn and a whole pile of rats that needed attending to :)

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Be specific please, there are many people with the second name Kermode on the Isle Of Man.

Regards farming the Calf of Man, my grandfather used to farm the Sound farm and often took cows over to the Calf, one of the cute stories about my parents courting days comes from my dad helping out on the farm, supposed to be keeping an eye out for under currents while they were leading the cows over (cows can swim) but lead him into the under currents by mistakingly thinking the smooth bits were safe.

I've been in a small boat caught in a Sound whirlpool - it really ruined the fishing.


Come come lovely Mrs thebees, just how many Kermodes are there fronting up Mec Valium?

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As Freggyragh suggests, manxman2, smooks and knoxville could just be trolling.


That loud twang was the sound of credulity being stretched to breaking point.


But full marks for charity.



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I am a manxman with manx parents, grandparents etc, I am proud of being manx and love the Island I live on.


I therefore feel I am qualified to state my view, it may be controversial and may upset but here goes.............


Manxman is a right bellend isnt he !!

Seconded. What an embarrassment. Wouldn't last five minutes in the real world. Still, leave him with his hopes and dreams, eh?

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Interestingly enough I knowwho manxman2 is, he is a sockpuppet of a very widely respected public figure, whom I can't name for obvious reasons.

His favourite pasttime is to upset people by uttering profanities on this forum, because in hias day job he is bound by oath to serve equally, can you imagine how this binds one to certain behaviour. This forum is his release from that bondage.

I find him very amusing and wish him to continue, unabated, for as long as possible.

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