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Moffat Slags Off The Vice Admiral Haddacks


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you pick a post that was self fulfilling its called irony .. however you cannot find a post prior to the post i made asking him to proof his/your allegation.


all you have to add to this manxism debate is smudge and smear nothing whatsoever of substance and all of your claims add up to nothing they are all your summisations and nothing more at all .. your just an empty vessel making too much noise.


and i dont really care to corrospond with a yeast infection like you anymore as theres nothing to be gained .. you have nothing to teach me . all you have achieved is to further entrench my belief that you new mercenary manxies would of been better drowning on your way here..



Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes the case for the prosecution. He is a tosser, and there's no escaping the fact...

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i think this newbie has got himself noticed without having to be a twat for 22000 posts eh PK..




i am manx and i am proud of my heritage and i also spent the summer showing my 3yr old granddaughter all the heritage sites just as i was shown them in my childhood..


she is deffo a rural girl and farm life suits her.. unfortunately she is only witnessing a deteriorating countryside with litter and dog shiit everywhere and an horrific amount of traffic..


she will never witness the island coming alive in the summer or the clean unpolluted beaches i once did.


mind you we would have seen more places if it wasnt for these twats that buy abit of land and then decide that footpaths/shortcuts that cross said land and have been used by locals since time began are no longer to be used and up goes the barb wire. .. shithouses each and everyone of them ..


now comes the 20 posts about its their right etc etc etc .. stating the obvious to show how smart they are against the yokel..

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by the way i am nobodys gopher i am a well known employer..


thats all your getting apart from the fact i hacve just started posting so your statment about my actions here is factually incorrect like most of the other bullshitters that have made this place their refuge from the nasty world around them..

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you pick a post that was self fulfilling its called irony .. however you cannot find a post prior to the post i made asking him to proof his/your allegation.


all you have to add to this manxism debate is smudge and smear nothing whatsoever of substance and all of your claims add up to nothing they are all your summisations and nothing more at all .. your just an empty vessel making too much noise.


and i dont really care to corrospond with a yeast infection like you anymore as theres nothing to be gained .. you have nothing to teach me . all you have achieved is to further entrench my belief that you new mercenary manxies would of been better drowning on your way here..



Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes the case for the prosecution. He is a tosser, and there's no escaping the fact...


thanks for that jonny i cannot wait for your next 19 posts..


how many had you made before i hooked you on this thread muppit..


have you made all 19 of your total posts in reply to my offerings jonny... :blush:

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Ignore the likes of Triskelion and Cheeky Boy he/she/they either live here and are comeovers, getting twitchy because they dislike the real Manx asserting their identity.



My family have only been here for seven generations so I hold my hands up to being a comeover, but I fail to see why "the Manx asserting their identity" would make anyone twitchy


Apart fom the Manx

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you really do love the sound of your own voice..




as for the so called manxies saying im some kind of nugget .. how about you say why.. ffs its not hard you find a quote/s you dont agree with and post it/them


I welcome myself to this fine debate.

MM2, Its not a case of finding a quote that we don't like or agree with that you wrote some moons ago, but some people may regard you as a "nugget" because you cannot reply without falling into the old "well fuck off then" trap.

Calm down and debate things well. Much respect will follow. I am "Manx" ( I think) at least five generations, but I find what you are saying on here and how you say it smacks off a poor education for yourself.

It matters more how you put your argument across than just how passionate your love for all things Manx is.

I feel a desire for the times gone by also; I also remember when places like Peel didn't stretch on forever. But I bet many years ago the same nostalgia was repeated when a load of immigrant workers needed housing to boost the ever growing fishing industry. Times move on, so must we. I work for a UK company owned by a European giant. Was educated by many teachers over the years from many corners of the world. Unfortunately, spent time in hospital tended to by doctors and nurses of many nationalities. Long may it continue to be the case that the English and many other nationalities have a place and are welcome on this fine Island. To get back on topic, yours and for that matter Bernard’s comments are, in my opinion, only damaging.

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MM2, Its not a case of finding a quote that we don't like or agree with that you wrote some moons ago, but some people may regard you as a "nugget" because you cannot reply without falling into the old "well fuck off then" trap.


well then it should be easy for you to find where i have replied in that order then shouldnt it.. just post the quote if it indeed exists instead of parroting other posters baseless accusations..


try reading the thread and not just the last page or 2..

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I feel a desire for the times gone by also; I also remember when places like Peel didn't stretch on forever. But I bet many years ago the same nostalgia was repeated when a load of immigrant workers needed housing to boost the ever growing fishing industry. Times move on, so must we. I work for a UK company owned by a European giant. Was educated by many teachers over the years from many corners of the world. Unfortunately, spent time in hospital tended to by doctors and nurses of many nationalities. Long may it continue to be the case that the English and many other nationalities have a place and are welcome on this fine Island. To get back on topic, yours and for that matter Bernard’s comments are, in my opinion, only damaging.


and what comments would they be that it takes more than living here for 15 years to be a manxman no matter what your passport says..


or my comments on you are only truly local when you have several generations of relatives replenishing the soil you walk on and are made of.

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i think this newbie has got himself noticed without having to be a twat for 22000 posts eh PK..

Oh really? Care to explain which part of my earlier post below is beyond your capacities to understand?


And yet another one falls into the Nipper/Anselmo bear trap.


When they grossly inflated my post count I never realised just how many would quote it as a smokescreen whilst trying to defend the indefensible.

Sure I try to use correct grammar, appropriate capital letters and so forth but surely it's not completely beyond your grasp?


Interestingly enough I knowwho manxman2 is, he is a sockpuppet of a very widely respected public figure, whom I can't name for obvious reasons.

A "very widely respected public figure" - I thought we were talking about the IOM!

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who cares that you use capitals or the exact grammer ..


what a turkey all you care about is grandstanding .. look at me im prettier than the yokel look at me i start my sentences with a capital etc etc etc .. when the truth is you dont have a point and whats more you dont really have anywhere not to make it..


look at me look at me..

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I feel a desire for the times gone by also; I also remember when places like Peel didn't stretch on forever. But I bet many years ago the same nostalgia was repeated when a load of immigrant workers needed housing to boost the ever growing fishing industry. Times move on, so must we. I work for a UK company owned by a European giant. Was educated by many teachers over the years from many corners of the world. Unfortunately, spent time in hospital tended to by doctors and nurses of many nationalities. Long may it continue to be the case that the English and many other nationalities have a place and are welcome on this fine Island. To get back on topic, yours and for that matter Bernard’s comments are, in my opinion, only damaging.


and what comments would they be that it takes more than living here for 15 years to be a manxman no matter what your passport says..


or my comments on you are only truly local when you have several generations of relatives replenishing the soil you walk on and are made of.

Sorry MM2, please don't tear me apart for this, but I don't understand you now.

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you say my comments are damaging i was asking which comments would they be..


one of these comments below maybe..


it takes more than living here for 15 years to be a manxman no matter what your passport says..


or my comments on you are only truly local when you have several generations of relatives replenishing the soil you walk on and are made of.


please feel free to post the comments i have made that you find damaging rather than just bandwagoning..

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