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Moffat Slags Off The Vice Admiral Haddacks


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I thought you live on Governor's Hill? If so, you should know that the Lt Governor lives just down the road from you. Bernard was not blaming 'any and all ills of the IOM' on anyone across. He was attacking the blind acceptance that the representative of another jurisdiction can use the current economic climate to his advantage by trying to re-establish colonial influence. The island has come a long way since the old colonial days when the Lt Governor even set the budget. I think, in the interests of democracy, Bernard is right to criticize anyone trying to breath life and credibility into the expensive and archaic role of Lt Governor. If Bernard was just having a pop at England, or the English people, or English people living here, I wouldn't have any time for him. He wasn't, he was addressing the constitutional role of the UK's representative here and what that means for people here - regardless of their dna.

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the muppits are not interested in the facts freggy.


much easier to troll on misinformation supplied thru an alternate I.D. log in log out log in log out..


like the dog owner above .. his dogs spray and sqeeze shite out all over our parks and footpaths .. while he does the same verbally here on this board.

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the muppits are not interested in the facts freggy.


much easier to troll on misinformation supplied thru an alternate I.D. log in log out log in log out..


like the dog owner above .. his dogs spray and sqeeze shite out all over our parks and footpaths .. while he does the same verbally here on this board.


I suppose you have some evidence that my dog "sprays and squeezes shit all over our parks and footpaths" or are you lumping all dog owners in with the ignorant arses who dont pick up after their dog (which I do by the way)?


Manxman2 go back to polishing your MNP badge.


Freggyragh, do the manx people fund the Govenor directly or his he paid by his masters across? Not being funny just asking a genuine question.

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He was attacking the blind acceptance that the representative of another jurisdiction can use the current economic climate to his advantage by trying to re-establish colonial influence.


But this is what I find silly about this flap about nothing, how is influence being re-established? The governor is just a figurehead and recognised as such.

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The governor is a mouthpiece, he says what he is told to say directly by his employer, the queen via her government. He is a living anachronism that needs getting rid of.


To be replaced with what?


Having a political figure as head of state is not necessarily such a wonderful thing.


Ignorant people sometimes complain that the Queen costs a lot of money. Leaving aside the fact that the pomp and pageantry attached to the monarchy is a big tourism pull, consider the cost of retired presidents.


The USA tends to have four or five past presidents alive at any one time. Each of them costs an absolute bomb in terms of pension costs, security costs, library costs (though I can't imagine there will be much to put in GWB's). etc., etc..


Across the water, the French president lives like an emperor in the Elysee Palace, where the nightly wine consumption would make Imelda Marcos's shoe bill look like petty cash. I don't know what happens to past presidents, but I haven't spotted any of them sleeping rough under the Pont Neuf.


Closer to home, the great advantage of an appointed "foreign" governor is that he is not tainted by the sometimes murky world of Manx politics. And for a figurehead, that's a damn good thing. What's more, I bet the IOM doesn't pay his pension.


I've never met Moffat, and only briefly met Haddacks. But I have read the self-important drivel Moffat has been spouting on every subject under the sun for many years, and I know which of them I prefer as "head of state".



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"Bernard is right to criticize anyone trying to breath life and credibility into the expensive and archaic role of Lt Governor". But if the Govneror is in the employ of the crown, how is he expensive? Is he paid for exclusivly from Manx taxes?


I think Mr Moffat needs to point his critisim at the Government not the throw back figure head from the Empire who doesnt really have any real power to affect change on the IOM.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Daddy's little girl to the rescue in today's "Independent".


Yes what a pathetic load of old rubbish. I can't say anything myself as I'm not impartial so I'll just relay some pile of old toss that my husband said about my dad and the governor. Give it a rest girl everyone has embarrassing parents just accept it and grow up and get on with it.


Based on what she said you do get the impression that they actually think he's shot himself in the foot on this one.

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Daddy's little girl to the rescue in today's "Independent".


Yes what a pathetic load of old rubbish. I can't say anything myself as I'm not impartial so I'll just relay some pile of old toss that my husband said about my dad and the governor. Give it a rest girl everyone has embarrassing parents just accept it and grow up and get on with it.


Based on what she said you do get the impression that they actually think he's shot himself in the foot on this one.



impartial my arse she wrote that for the hubby! lol he is under the thumb methinks! Having 2 staunch union big guns either side of you would make me say anything...lolI did admire her up until i read that article, she has done a good job setting up Prospect Union and may well have loss some points on this one....

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