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Moffat Slags Off The Vice Admiral Haddacks


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The fact that NATO made the situation in Kosovo even worse than it was was something that could hardly be covered up. As soon as the bombs starting falling the Serbs began killing and ethnic conflict to a much much greater scale.


Actually, it stopped the war. As was intended.



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The fact that NATO made the situation in Kosovo even worse than it was was something that could hardly be covered up. As soon as the bombs starting falling the Serbs began killing and ethnic conflict to a much much greater scale.


Actually, it stopped the war. As was intended.




Well yes, the long bombing campaign did eventually end the conflict by pushing the Serbs by 'breaking the back' of the Serb military but as I did say it led to a far greater level of ethnic cleansing. It was nota great success since one of the main aims was to stop the ethnic cleansing.

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From what I read in yesterday's Daily Telegraph (?), Bernard Hill would make a much better Governor.

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Said it in another thread, but I was quite taken aback by the venom BM aimed at the person holding the office he finds offensive. I always listened to what BM had to say and was quite amused by some of his 'coups de grace' (work permits for BBC detector van personnel being one that gives me a warm glow). But this outburst was unnecessarily personal, ill-timed and really just shows BM up for being a loud mouth.


Having had a go at the Governor, he today is having a go at the British services! Agree with where he is coming from, as who could defend ill-treatment of new recruits in the services? But do you really think his words will echo round Deepcut? I know he was talking for the Celtic League, but is that an organisation which has the recognition and respect of anyone outside of it?


Sorry to say it, but BM has dropped in my estimation.

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I think the point about the BBC detector van work permits was more to do with the BBC imposing their licence fee rather than 'work permits' per se.


Back on topic though, I have been having a careful think about all this. We really need to creep and crawl as much as we possibly can to the Governor, considering things are going to get pretty tough from the UK.


We are actually, as a nation, pretty good at creeping and crawling and knowing when to stfu.


After all, we know which side our bread is buttered on.

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Bernard Moffat is one of the most hardworking people I've ever met - even though he's now retired.


I don't always agree with what he says, but I never doubt his sincerity - and only wish he'd stand for Keys and help change things from within.


I think that Bernard has lost his way. Perhaps he is working too hard Stu - still no excuse though, he should bow out.


After these comments i have absolutly no respect for him. He does not represent the Manx public, and i hope that Haddacks realises that he has support from a lot of the Manx people.

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I never doubt his sincerity - and only wish he'd stand for Keys and help change things from within.


Is it the oath to the Queen (and the constitutional baggage which that implies) which stops the Manx Nationalist Party from putting up candidates? Is there anything else? What would need to change in order for them to ever put up a candidate - as things currently stand?


[please - that is not an invitation to slag them off]

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Bernard Moffat is one of the most hardworking people I've ever met - even though he's now retired.


I don't always agree with what he says, but I never doubt his sincerity - and only wish he'd stand for Keys and help change things from within.


I think that Bernard has lost his way. Perhaps he is working too hard Stu - still no excuse though, he should bow out.


After these comments i have absolutly no respect for him. He does not represent the Manx public, and i hope that Haddacks realises that he has support from a lot of the Manx people.

I just don't know what to make of Manx Nationalism - Bernard does represent something, I'm sure he's sincere, but its become twisted and sneering: we don't want "your" advice, we don't care what "you" think etc etc - where "you" and "your" are defined as he pleases, but in this particular case is the Governor.


When Moffatt makes extreme statements and then adds that the Manx people agree with him, I think it simply shows how out of touch he is - unless he's defining the "Manx People" as only people who agree with him, which would be a bit sad, but not unknown in various nationalist circles the world over.


Scotland has tried very hard to make its nationalism as inclusive as possible - they've run ads on Telly with Sikh-, African-, Chinese- etc etc, ie think even English-, Descendents proudly acknowledging their Scottishness.


I dislike Nation States - but agree that local people should administer their own affairs as much as possible.


Full Independence would cost the Island alot for little gain - Skeddan et al can get caught up in constitutional pin head debates, but the Island is basically self governing.


Bernard seems to think the Manx people are somehow different from the people who permanently live on the Island. Most such people are pretty happy with the constitutional status quo and just wish for better governance, not constitutional change.


Celtic Romantics may pine for wode, a crofting life, kippers and FSFO, but the world has passed them by.


Is there a text of the actual speech made at Hango Hill? Was it any more relevent than the sneering introduction provided by Moffatt - I've given up following such theatrics as they seem irrelevent - anyone care to prove me wrong by showing me that the speach was based in the real world?


I suppose Bernard's pleased as it got him in the news - if that's his objective it shows how marginalised his cause has become.

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Just following on from this, IOMonline gives the following qoute:


"Mark Kermode, Mec Vannin chairman, gave the Manx oration, criticising the Manx Government for 'playing into the hands' of the English through laziness and poor policies.


He said: 'Detractors of the nationalists cite arguments of no credibility as the woes they associate with independence have all occurred under English rule.


Furthermore, the English government has always sanctioned corruption and maladministration by the government here so it couldn't be worse with independence.


'The government here attracts much criticism and with good reason, but the real enemy is England, just as it was during the life of Illiam Dhone"


Sorry, but I did not know that England had its own Government. This is quite a surprise seeing as the PM and most of the Cabinet are Scottish. Also, just for the benefit of Mr Kermode, I am English but moved to the IoM when I was a child. I have a Manx education and a Manx passport. Whilst I am proud of my English heritage, I am equally proud to call the isle of Man home. What I am not proud of is people such as Mr Kermode making people like me to be the enemy and a cause of problems he sees facing the island. Such problems are not solely the making of England. But then again, scores of asylum seekers providing nothing and taking everything would no doubt be preferable to Mr kermode.

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Just following on from this, IOMonline gives the following qoute:


"Mark Kermode, Mec Vannin chairman, gave the Manx oration, criticising the Manx Government for 'playing into the hands' of the English through laziness and poor policies.


He said: 'Detractors of the nationalists cite arguments of no credibility as the woes they associate with independence have all occurred under English rule.


Furthermore, the English government has always sanctioned corruption and maladministration by the government here so it couldn't be worse with independence.


'The government here attracts much criticism and with good reason, but the real enemy is England, just as it was during the life of Illiam Dhone"


Sorry, but I did not know that England had its own Government. This is quite a surprise seeing as the PM and most of the Cabinet are Scottish. Also, just for the benefit of Mr Kermode, I am English but moved to the IoM when I was a child. I have a Manx education and a Manx passport. Whilst I am proud of my English heritage, I am equally proud to call the isle of Man home. What I am not proud of is people such as Mr Kermode making people like me to be the enemy and a cause of problems he sees facing the island. Such problems are not solely the making of England. But then again, scores of asylum seekers providing nothing and taking everything would no doubt be preferable to Mr kermode.


Well put! As a Manxman i am proud to be Manx, however i am not proud of Manx people who are resistant to new blood. If well educated, hard working people choose to visit and add value to the Manx economy and way of life they should be welcomed with open arms!

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