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Moffat Slags Off The Vice Admiral Haddacks


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Just following on from this, IOMonline gives the following qoute:


"Mark Kermode, Mec Vannin chairman, gave the Manx oration, criticising the Manx Government for 'playing into the hands' of the English through laziness and poor policies.


He said: 'Detractors of the nationalists cite arguments of no credibility as the woes they associate with independence have all occurred under English rule.


Furthermore, the English government has always sanctioned corruption and maladministration by the government here so it couldn't be worse with independence.


'The government here attracts much criticism and with good reason, but the real enemy is England, just as it was during the life of Illiam Dhone"


Sorry, but I did not know that England had its own Government. This is quite a surprise seeing as the PM and most of the Cabinet are Scottish. Also, just for the benefit of Mr Kermode, I am English but moved to the IoM when I was a child. I have a Manx education and a Manx passport. Whilst I am proud of my English heritage, I am equally proud to call the isle of Man home. What I am not proud of is people such as Mr Kermode making people like me to be the enemy and a cause of problems he sees facing the island. Such problems are not solely the making of England. But then again, scores of asylum seekers providing nothing and taking everything would no doubt be preferable to Mr kermode.



bollocks we have enough refugees already or do you have cousins still to follow you here .. i dont care if you have been here 30 years your not qualified enough to have a say in how we manx live. imo..


and i dont give a rats arse if that makes me an ist.


the govenor should pack his silverware and fuck off back to his home and leave us to our home .


trouble is aload of retired now gentlemen farmers and the rest couldnt run a pissup in kewaige..

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i dont care if you have been here 30 years your not qualified enough to have a say in how we manx live. imo..

So who is qualified? Born here? ... of parents also born here? Or what? Are you really going to demand the most draconian voting criteria - or are you just spouting bollox for the fun of it.

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I would agree old Bernie seems to have been doing more than his normal amount of grumbling lately, from Hawks and Nimrods to the UK establishment.


He could be a very useful member of society and get a lot done here as I do know he's helped a lot of people and would probably get a lot of support, but he seems to be so far removed from reality these days and so out of touch with Joe Public and what really concerns them, that he's in danger of not being listened to at all soon.


I don't know him or much about him, but from his rants, he sounds heavily associated with the Mec Vannin crowd. It's not the 1970s anymore - things have moved on a lot - it just seems Bernie hasn't, and seems to want to fight pointless battles, which is a shame really and a waste of talent.

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bollocks we have enough refugees already or do you have cousins still to follow you here .. i dont care if you have been here 30 years your not qualified enough to have a say in how we manx live. imo..


and i dont give a rats arse if that makes me an ist.


the govenor should pack his silverware and fuck off back to his home and leave us to our home .


trouble is aload of retired now gentlemen farmers and the rest couldnt run a pissup in kewaige..


i go back generations and i am not getting into a debate about manxness thems that are know it .. thems that wish gibber about it ..


It's always interesting and justifiable to try to absorb every existent point of view, even those from the lowliest of sources. I am struggling to completely grasp your point though. In what way can thirty years be deemed too short a time to have as much of a say in the direction Manx politics takes than someone who can claim to be part of a long Manx lineage? I think you're mistaken, assuming I have grasped the gist of your comments. I believe a person who has resided in the Isle of Man for thirty years not only has equal voting rights but has just as much right to stand for election as a native by birth. Would you clarify your position?

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I really used to believe ,all that "We are a proud sovereign nation with the oldest Parliment in the world " bullshit that is frequently pushed by the Manx Gov .

But in reality , most meaningful laws that are passed over here are merley copied wholesale from European and British law and become Manx Law on the nod , and more often than not to the Detriment of the Manx People(through the economy!)

We are told it is not acceptable to put the needs of our own people before total strangers by our own Gov under instruction from their U K Masters in whitehall .

From my own personal observations made over the past few years they don't even bother to hide the fact that this is what is happening anymore !


And I would hazzard a guess that occurances such as this are what upset a lot of nationalists(myself included) to the point of Gobbing off to the media" as hboy so aptly puts it!

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bollocks we have enough refugees already or do you have cousins still to follow you here .. i dont care if you have been here 30 years your not qualified enough to have a say in how we manx live. imo..


and i dont give a rats arse if that makes me an ist.


the govenor should pack his silverware and fuck off back to his home and leave us to our home .


trouble is aload of retired now gentlemen farmers and the rest couldnt run a pissup in kewaige..


i go back generations and i am not getting into a debate about manxness thems that are know it .. thems that wish gibber about it ..


It's always interesting and justifiable to try to absorb every existent point of view, even those from the lowliest of sources. I am struggling to completely grasp your point though. In what way can thirty years be deemed too short a time to have as much of a say in the direction Manx politics takes than someone who can claim to be part of a long Manx lineage? I think you're mistaken, assuming I have grasped the gist of your comments. I believe a person who has resided in the Isle of Man for thirty years not only has equal voting rights but has just as much right to stand for election as a native by birth. Would you clarify your position?


no your mistaken my friend when your relatives are born out of the manx earth and have mostly been returned to it .. the soil under your feet is part of you and you are part of it .. couldnt careless if you have a manx passport or not you aint manx my friend..

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no your mistaken my friend when your relatives are born out of the manx earth and have mostly been returned to it .. the soil under your feet is part of you and you are part of it .. couldnt careless if you have a manx passport or not you aint manx my friend..


But does your opinion correspond to any official status? I don't like to accuse anyone of an overactive imagination but I am sure you are quite wrong.

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no your mistaken my friend when your relatives are born out of the manx earth and have mostly been returned to it .. the soil under your feet is part of you and you are part of it .. couldnt careless if you have a manx passport or not you aint manx my friend..

Manx passport = manx

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no your mistaken my friend when your relatives are born out of the manx earth and have mostly been returned to it .. the soil under your feet is part of you and you are part of it .. couldnt careless if you have a manx passport or not you aint manx my friend..


But does your opinion correspond to any official status? I don't like to accuse anyone of an overactive imagination but I am sure you are quite wrong.


i am sure you do think i am wrong .. were you born here if so 1st 2nd 3rd generation or what..??



what official confirmation do you need ..which part of my other post are you unclear about..

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no your mistaken my friend when your relatives are born out of the manx earth and have mostly been returned to it .. the soil under your feet is part of you and you are part of it .. couldnt careless if you have a manx passport or not you aint manx my friend..

Manx passport = manx


only to a wanna be quassi manxman..

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