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Moffat Slags Off The Vice Admiral Haddacks


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The idea that good ideas from else where should be ignored because they come from that accursed adjacent isle is pure and utter toss - and the idea that only Manxmen of a certain cultural background should be able to select our laws is equally flawed - but that seems to be the major theme of what was being spouted on Hango Hill recently. My goodness and these people aspire to hold political power on this Island - is it any wonder they are a marginal and out of touch group. Deadenders the lot of them unless they are able to bring out a more coherent philosophy as what they've got is of very little use in building a political agenda.

Economic uncertainty always brings the fringe elements out.


The idea there is any such thing as a 'definitive Manxman' is ridiculous. Even the gaelic has regional variations.


Manxman2 seems to consider the Manks to be some kind of Aryan race, however.

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This "How manx are you" thing is complete bollocks


Colin Jerry who died last month did more than most people, Manx or otherwise to promote the continuity of Manx culture in both music & language, yet he was born across the water.


As Kennedy put it : "Ask not what you country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

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no fellas i just consider myself a proper local..


Me too.


Ignore the likes of Triskelion and Cheeky Boy he/she/they either live here and are comeovers, getting twitchy because they dislike the real Manx asserting their identity. Or they are in England. Whatever they're of no consequence.

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Its a pity the english dont believe in country,patriosm and all that stuff.


Why do you think that?

I personally think there is nothing so bad about saying how you love where you live and how glad to be part of a culture etc., but when people start talking about being proud to be Welsh or Manx it just seems a bit ignorant of what exists to be unproud of.

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Its a pity the english dont believe in country,patriosm and all that stuff.


Why do you think that?

I personally think there is nothing so bad about saying how you love where you live and how glad to be part of a culture etc., but when people start talking about being proud to be Welsh or Manx it just seems a bit ignorant of what exists to be unproud of.


But why are you itinerant workers here anyway? Surely not lining your pockets?


It's certainly not because you love the place or have the slightest clue about what it means to be Manx. Hint - Manx is not just another English county with low taxation.


Personally I'm browned off with being polite to the English immigrants. Immigrants? distasteful to the English but that's exactly what the English are here.

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But why are you itinerant workers here anyway? Surely not lining your pockets?


It's certainly not because you love the place or have the slightest clue about what it means to be Manx. Hint - Manx is not just another English county with low taxation.


Personally I'm browned off with being polite to the English immigrants. Immigrants? distasteful to the English but that's exactly what the English are here.


I was born in Peel, lived there most of my life and have very few English, Irish, Welsh or Scottish relatives, so I do consider myself to be Manx. Yes, there are so interesting cultural and historical things about all nations but it don't feel PROUD about it. Why would I?


Surely you are joking. Do you really take patriotism so seriously?

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I've never heard of another country or a culture where racialism is not only permitted but actively encouraged and admired in the way that it is here... oh, hang on now. Wait a minute ... South Africa used to be like that., And what was once Yugoslavia had a few problems. Then there's Rwanda, I suppose, and maybe the hideous mess that's Gaza and Israel... oooh yes - and Nazi Germany had a few short-sighted ideas about who was and wasn't fit to live in their country and call themselves racially pure...



Only tossers seriously believe that one race or culture is intrinsically, morally or ethically superior to another race, country or creed. At best they're just loonies, at worst (see above) they're dangerous loonies...


Sadly the need for freedom of speech enshrines the right of people who don't believe in freedom of anything to spout their drivel in public places. All the rest of us can do is hope no-one mistakes them for anything other than what they are - ie fundamentally dangerous people who know they are right and will fight anyone who disagrees. Oh no, wait a moment - send someone ELSE to fight anyone who disagrees...

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no fellas i just consider myself a proper local..


Me too.


Ignore the likes of Triskelion and Cheeky Boy he/she/they either live here and are comeovers, getting twitchy because they dislike the real Manx asserting their identity. Or they are in England. Whatever they're of no consequence.

Hardly, we just think people like you and Manxman2 are a bit pathetic.

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Well we should be proud that the hairy knuckled, uni-browed hardcore locals like manxman2 can operate a keyboard to bring their out dated and quasi racisdt remarks to us all here on the internet.


The population of the IOM is spilt 50-50(ish) between Manx born and non Manx born. So your suggesting that only 50% of the population should be able to make laws for the whole population? And what qualifies that Manx born 50% to make the laws? Oh right the random chance that they were born on the IOM.


I pay my taxes just like every other working person on the IOM and feel that entitles me to some say on how the place where I work and live is run, and to exclude me because I'm born on what you numptie arses refer to as some hell hole across, confirms my opinion that your a dying breed grasping for some shread of some assumed former glory.


Manx for the Manx (as long as we got foreigners to do the shitty jobs for us). Meh.

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