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Moffat Slags Off The Vice Admiral Haddacks


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I've never heard of another country or a culture where racialism is not only permitted but actively encouraged and admired in the way that it is here... oh, hang on now. Wait a minute ... South Africa used to be like that., And what was once Yugoslavia had a few problems. Then there's Rwanda, I suppose, and maybe the hideous mess that's Gaza and Israel... oooh yes - and Nazi Germany had a few short-sighted ideas about who was and wasn't fit to live in their country and call themselves racially pure...



Only tossers seriously believe that one race or culture is intrinsically, morally or ethically superior to another race, country or creed. At best they're just loonies, at worst (see above) they're dangerous loonies...


Sadly the need for freedom of speech enshrines the right of people who don't believe in freedom of anything to spout their drivel in public places. All the rest of us can do is hope no-one mistakes them for anything other than what they are - ie fundamentally dangerous people who know they are right and will fight anyone who disagrees. Oh no, wait a moment - send someone ELSE to fight anyone who disagrees...


i believe you should be free to say what you want jonny.. my wish is that you would say it after you pack your bags and fook off back to whenst you came from..

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Well we should be proud that the hairy knuckled, uni-browed hardcore locals like manxman2 can operate a keyboard to bring their out dated and quasi racisdt remarks to us all here on the internet.


The population of the IOM is spilt 50-50(ish) between Manx born and non Manx born. So your suggesting that only 50% of the population should be able to make laws for the whole population? And what qualifies that Manx born 50% to make the laws? Oh right the random chance that they were born on the IOM.


I pay my taxes just like every other working person on the IOM and feel that entitles me to some say on how the place where I work and live is run, and to exclude me because I'm born on what you numptie arses refer to as some hell hole across, confirms my opinion that your a dying breed grasping for some shread of some assumed former glory.


Manx for the Manx (as long as we got foreigners to do the shitty jobs for us). Meh.


funny enough we managed for centuaries before all you non manx came here to help us all out..

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no fellas i just consider myself a proper local..


Me too.


Ignore the likes of Triskelion and Cheeky Boy he/she/they either live here and are comeovers, getting twitchy because they dislike the real Manx asserting their identity. Or they are in England. Whatever they're of no consequence.

Hardly, we just think people like you and Manxman2 are a bit pathetic.



good lets hope you are thinking it atleast 70 miles away.

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Well we should be proud that the hairy knuckled, uni-browed hardcore locals like manxman2 can operate a keyboard to bring their out dated and quasi racisdt remarks to us all here on the internet.


The population of the IOM is spilt 50-50(ish) between Manx born and non Manx born. So your suggesting that only 50% of the population should be able to make laws for the whole population? And what qualifies that Manx born 50% to make the laws? Oh right the random chance that they were born on the IOM.


I pay my taxes just like every other working person on the IOM and feel that entitles me to some say on how the place where I work and live is run, and to exclude me because I'm born on what you numptie arses refer to as some hell hole across, confirms my opinion that your a dying breed grasping for some shread of some assumed former glory.


Manx for the Manx (as long as we got foreigners to do the shitty jobs for us). Meh.


funny enough we managed for centuaries before all you non manx came here to help us all out..



Yeah but unfortunatly for you now you could'nt manage without us 40k odd comeovers. Is it nice and cosy in the Dark Ages where your living? You wouldn't happen to be the mighty Moffat himself? Do I get a prize?


Just get over your deep seated racism and join the present day. Its a global community out there, or do the boats that leave the island in the morning fall off the edge of the world as soon as they are out of sight from Douglas shores?

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Well we should be proud that the hairy knuckled, uni-browed hardcore locals like manxman2 can operate a keyboard to bring their out dated and quasi racisdt remarks to us all here on the internet.


The population of the IOM is spilt 50-50(ish) between Manx born and non Manx born. So your suggesting that only 50% of the population should be able to make laws for the whole population? And what qualifies that Manx born 50% to make the laws? Oh right the random chance that they were born on the IOM.


I pay my taxes just like every other working person on the IOM and feel that entitles me to some say on how the place where I work and live is run, and to exclude me because I'm born on what you numptie arses refer to as some hell hole across, confirms my opinion that your a dying breed grasping for some shread of some assumed former glory.


Manx for the Manx (as long as we got foreigners to do the shitty jobs for us). Meh.


funny enough we managed for centuaries before all you non manx came here to help us all out..



Yeah but unfortunatly for you now you could'nt manage without us 40k odd comeovers. Is it nice and cosy in the Dark Ages where your living? You wouldn't happen to be the mighty Moffat himself? Do I get a prize?


Just get over your deep seated racism and join the present day. Its a global community out there, or do the boats that leave the island in the morning fall off the edge of the world as soon as they are out of sight from Douglas shores?


believe me we would do just fine without you .. im long enough lived to remember what it was like when there was only a tolarable amount of you here in the 50s and 60s .. we managed just fine then and would do again.. .. however there were a 100k of you over here then but lucky for us they all had return ferry tickets and went back whence they came. .. you probably dont remember pre dandara..

i live in ballasalla ..


fuck your global community.

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Manxman2 - what is all your bile about? You seem to be angry about the global community, see the 1950s - when the IOM was mainly employed serving chips to Lancastrians - as some ideal time, and dislike immigration into the Island.


I remember the 1970s - when I first arrived on this Island as a child - depopulation, decay, lack of investment, a diaspora with the young leaving so as not to waste their talents.


The Island now is far far more prosporous than those times - and when compared to the 1950s - but you seem to resent that prosperity because it has to be shared with outsiders who have also contributed to creating it.


I genuinely ask you to think what the Island would be like today without its diverse community - a depopulated backwater, where the young leave, where opportunities are few and where the infrastructure and services are vastly inferior to what they are now.


Playing counterfactuals is always difficult, but the idea that 30K "true Manxmen" could create a successful community isolated from the UK and the rest of the world is a fantasy - unless you are wish to be a crofter, happy with your field, longhorn sheep and combing the beach for what drifts in from the outside world.

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Manxman2 - what is all your bile about? You seem to be angry about the global community, see the 1950s - when the IOM was mainly employed serving chips to Lancastrians - as some ideal time, and dislike immigration into the Island.


I remember the 1970s - when I first arrived on this Island as a child - depopulation, decay, lack of investment, a diaspora with the young leaving so as not to waste their talents.


The Island now is far far more prosporous than those times - and when compared to the 1950s - but you seem to resent that prosperity because it has to be shared with outsiders who have also contributed to creating it.


I genuinely ask you to think what the Island would be like today without its diverse community - a depopulated backwater, where the young leave, where opportunities are few and where the infrastructure and services are vastly inferior to what they are now.


Playing counterfactuals is always difficult, but the idea that 30K "true Manxmen" could create a successful community isolated from the UK and the rest of the world is a fantasy - unless you are wish to be a crofter, happy with your field, longhorn sheep and combing the beach for what drifts in from the outside world.



you were a pretty smart child..


I genuinely ask you to think what the Island would be like today without its diverse community - a depopulated backwater, where the young leave, where opportunities are few and where the infrastructure and services are vastly inferior to what they are now.


you know this as fact do you ffs..

we would have done just fine without all these bankers.. .. as indeed the world would be a better place without them..


i dont agree on the 30k manxies quote either but who am i to disagree with the poster of the year..

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Believe it or not I have the ability to examine my childhood memories with the benefit of hindsight and an adult mind - I can also look at employment statistics, investment levels etc.


My counterfactual of an isolated community of 30K odd, is directly predicated on the 1970s - where do you get your ideas from? That is a genuine question looking for reason and not bile.


In the 1950s the IOM was dependent on tourism - it was poorer than the UK and so couldn't provide comensorate services to its population - that tourist industry is dead - the Costa Del Sol and Easyjet mean it will never return - what do you expect to happen to the IOM if it had no selling point for the UK/the rest of the world to invest in it?


Having that selling point will mean outsiders coming here mostly because a population of 30K cannot support itself without outside expertise and investment unless it wants to forgo the amenities most people see as being vital to a modern existence - like power and communications infrastructure. Hence my point wondering if you are in favour of crofting!

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Manxman2 - what is all your bile about? You seem to be angry about the global community, see the 1950s - when the IOM was mainly employed serving chips to Lancastrians - as some ideal time, and dislike immigration into the Island.


I remember the 1970s - when I first arrived on this Island as a child - depopulation, decay, lack of investment, a diaspora with the young leaving so as not to waste their talents.


The Island now is far far more prosporous than those times - and when compared to the 1950s - but you seem to resent that prosperity because it has to be shared with outsiders who have also contributed to creating it.


I genuinely ask you to think what the Island would be like today without its diverse community - a depopulated backwater, where the young leave, where opportunities are few and where the infrastructure and services are vastly inferior to what they are now.


Playing counterfactuals is always difficult, but the idea that 30K "true Manxmen" could create a successful community isolated from the UK and the rest of the world is a fantasy - unless you are wish to be a crofter, happy with your field, longhorn sheep and combing the beach for what drifts in from the outside world.



you were a pretty smart child..


I genuinely ask you to think what the Island would be like today without its diverse community - a depopulated backwater, where the young leave, where opportunities are few and where the infrastructure and services are vastly inferior to what they are now.


you know this as fact do you ffs..

we would have done just fine without all these bankers.. .. as indeed the world would be a better place without them..


i dont agree on the 30k manxies quote either but who am i to disagree with the poster of the year..


It doesnt matter if you agree with the 30k Manxies quote. The last census quite clearly shows that the "Manx" man is slowly but surely being over taken by come overs.


If you take away all the outside influences from the IOM, manxman would have his ideal world, with stone clubs and fire being the technological development of the century.


Do you think in black and white like t=in the good old days? Thankfully due to your age, your kind of poisonous racist thinking will soon be a thing of the past. Just like the good ol' days.

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bollocks we have enough refugees already or do you have cousins still to follow you here .. i dont care if you have been here 30 years your not qualified enough to have a say in how we manx live. imo..


and i dont give a rats arse if that makes me an ist.


the govenor should pack his silverware and fuck off back to his home and leave us to our home .


trouble is aload of retired now gentlemen farmers and the rest couldnt run a pissup in kewaige..

It must be really galling for you that comeovers of a mere 30 years have a vote that's worth exactly the same as yours. Still, if you dislike it that much you can always leave I suppose... [/irony]


Moffat and the rest of the nationalists are so marginalised by their own rhetoric that I doubt anyone takes them seriously any more, if anyone ever did to start with! Slagging off someone with the track record of Haddack tells me they're really floundering. Unfortunately it just makes Moffat sound like a bitter old man desperate to appear as though his opinion still matters. Spouting BS like that though simply proves otherwise.

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theres tolarable levels in every aspect of life .. and vice versa .. now there are too many of you here simple as .. your here for one reason only to rape the island financially period ..


Now put it in the context of the TT...



now there are too few of you coming here simple as .. we're here for one reason only to rape the tourist financially period ..


Now as a minority on the IOM Manxman2 how about you go back to your cave and rant about us comeovers to yourself. You and Moffat are throwbacks to an era thats not coming back no matter how hard you kick and scream about it.


The Global Communities response to Manxman......fuck you back.

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There are a few like this pop up from time to time, spouting the old nonsense, on boards.ie - the excellent Irish equivalent of this forum. They mostly get told to forget it there, too. Like the BNP or the Taliban.

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