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Moffat Slags Off The Vice Admiral Haddacks


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Rape the Island financially!


My goodness what wonderful rhetoric - I've lived here since a child, I have returned here after working throughout the world, my children were born here and are being taught to be proud of their beautiful home.


The businesses I work for have invested many millions of pounds into the Manx economy - do you even understand the concept of non-zero sum gains. Yes I profit mightily from living here, not just financially, but also from experiencing a quality of life and beauty of environment, but I also contribute to this community and work to advance and improve it.


All you can provide is bile and insults; and an attitude of proud racism against outsiders.


You seem incapable of providing anything but bluster to justify for hate.


Bad luck mate - the Island is changing in ways you cannot stop - you are incapable of forming a political manefesto which appeals to more than deadend nostalgics who specialize in insults against those they consider outsiders. That is no way to live - it shrivels the heart, but then again you seem happy with that - I'll carry on making this island my home and celebrating its ever changing community.


Each to his own and all that, but boy you must be fun to live with.

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I'm not going to go into the kind of (excellent) detail that Chinahand has. Suffice it to say that the house I live in is on land that has been owned by my ancestors for many generations. I was born and raised in the Isle of Man. In other words, I am Manx.

Manxman2, however, is the kind of narrow-minded arsehole who makes us all look pathetic and ignorant.

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i believe you should be free to say what you want jonny.

I fully agree but there are limits of extreme views such as, and not limited to, things like apparent racism. As you say yourself, theres tolarable levels in every aspect of life How offensive is

Yeah...fuckin Irish
? I find it very offensive.



There's no doubt about it that some comeovers purpose of being here is to rape the island financially and I agree that we would certainly be better off without some bankers but to make a simple statement

your here for one reason only to rape the island financially period
is completely unreasonable.



Manxman2, if you hadn't said

wind up...?? you wish..
I doubt if I would have even posted.



Not aimed at anyone in particular but its a fact of life that one of the tools in a racist's armament is to find a scapegoat. For the Nazis it was the Jews, for the skinhead, it was anyone with a different coloured skin etc etc. Of course once you have decided on a target to foist all the blame for your perception of society's ills, you can then stop thinking or discussing and just spout almost anything in defence of your views.


I for one agree that the island would be a better place in many ways without the finance industry but in the real world we have all got used to the infrastructure it has paid for. We might like to think we could return to the 1950s but harsh reality might be very different to what we selectively remember.


Just wondered what decade your were born in Manxman2? That's the reason I just looked at your profile.

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I love all this crap spouted by manx nationalists...

'you English immigrant bastards'

'too many fucking refugees over here'


So wise-guys where did your forefathers come from? Did you evolve from single cell organisms on the shores of Mann to develop the race known as Manx?


No everyone here is an immigrant or descendant of one.


Try and give me a definition of a 'manx person' that I can't tell you at one point in your family tree they came over here from different shores. I've heard the usual clap-trap that you have to have grandparents who were born over here. Okay so what about your great grandparents who were from liverpool did they get the same treatment? So if I stay here and then my children's children are here they'll be Manx will they?


I was born in England, but from Scandanavian parents. My family are from around Denmark, Norway and Sweden - so do I have more rights than you because surely my forefathers came and settled here in AD 798?


I like the Island, I'm married to a 'Manx' girl, and I speak well of the Island where ever I am in the world and defend it when it needs it. It's the tossers like smooks and manxman2 that probably do more harm than good to their 'homeland'.


God save the Queen eh?

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How many politicans are Manx, as in born here not have a passport?


I think the Manx government should be run by Manx people, born and raised here.



I love being Manx, when ever some says " oh your English " I correct them to the enth degree on this.


My settlors of family my be English but I am Manx, I was born here, raised here and live here.


Slinky you can bang on all you want about family trees, at the end of the day if someone is born here there Manx, regardless of there family tree.


Its come overs like you that should be sent back.



Bring back the Manx National Front I say.

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I think the Manx government should be run by Manx people, born and raised here.


Surely having people who know what they are doing would be a better idea


Yeah, they really do at the moment dont they :rolleyes:


Well of there so good at what they, why arent they in West Minster doing what they do best?

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