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Moffat Slags Off The Vice Admiral Haddacks


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My settlors of family my be English but I am Manx, I was born here, raised here and live here.


Oh I thought you said earlier they were English - you wrote it.


Anyway I'm done here, you have already proved you're a bit thick. I'm just laughing at you though, poor little Manx Knoxville who is so very angry about something he can do fuck all about. Unlucky. Why don't you come and burn my house down like they did in the 70's.

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My settlors of family my be English but I am Manx, I was born here, raised here and live here.


Oh I thought you said earlier they were English - you wrote it.


Anyway I'm done here, you have already proved you're a bit thick. I'm just laughing at you though, poor little Manx Knoxville who is so very angry about something he can do fuck all about. Unlucky. Why don't you come and burn my house down like they did in the 70's.


Yes settlors you moron, guess I must be thick since you've said that.


Burning your house down wouldnt be enough mate, I'd rather duel at dawn.

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I am Manx, my Dad is manx, my Great Granddad is manx (and farmed the Calf of Man) but My Mum is Welsh !!!!! my Grandad was born in Australia...


but I am proud to be Manx


My Daughter was born in Derby, does this mean she is not Manx?? not at all.


I think Knoxville is just having a laugh, and winding you all up. But Manxman2 is way off the mark.


I know that the Island would struggle to operate without an influx of "comeover" and without whom we would also all have 3 heads and 8 arms etc.


I love the Island and the way of life I have, I remember the 70's and early 80's and there is no way I would want to go back.

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I don't find anything about the modern-day Island particularly interesting or worthy or pride. I mean what is there to be proud about? Is it because the Island is affluent? Is it it's history? Is it simply because it is different?

Not a concept I can get my head round yet I can understand people being glad to live or be from there.


It does seem ironic that the modern-day Island really has little to distinguish itself in culture from England. It has lost any charm it has. Yet with the government and business sector pushing this mixture of patriotism and marketing and people being glad to live on the Island you do have this strong sense of 'Island' identity and individuality.

But a hundred years ago when the Manx were more distinguishable in their customs and language they were a people who identified as British foremost. It was all 'King and Country' and loyalty to the Empire in those days.

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Each has a right to their opinion, my own is that I am proud to be Manx, I am not saying the Island is perfect. But there are few places that can compare when it comes to enjoying the way of life I appreciate.


I assume you work commission only John? You've been posting drivel on here since 3:00pm so its either that or you have a very understanding boss ;)

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Each has a right to their opinion, my own is that I am proud to be Manx, I am not saying the Island is perfect. But there are few places that can compare when it comes to enjoying the way of life I appreciate.

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Manxman2 - what is all your bile about? You seem to be angry about the global community, see the 1950s - when the IOM was mainly employed serving chips to Lancastrians - as some ideal time, and dislike immigration into the Island.


I remember the 1970s - when I first arrived on this Island as a child - depopulation, decay, lack of investment, a diaspora with the young leaving so as not to waste their talents.


The Island now is far far more prosporous than those times - and when compared to the 1950s - but you seem to resent that prosperity because it has to be shared with outsiders who have also contributed to creating it.


I genuinely ask you to think what the Island would be like today without its diverse community - a depopulated backwater, where the young leave, where opportunities are few and where the infrastructure and services are vastly inferior to what they are now.


Playing counterfactuals is always difficult, but the idea that 30K "true Manxmen" could create a successful community isolated from the UK and the rest of the world is a fantasy - unless you are wish to be a crofter, happy with your field, longhorn sheep and combing the beach for what drifts in from the outside world.


what you see as bile i see as str8 talking. .. sometimes its the only way with wind up merchants..


i raised my children during the 70s and 80s and i done very well out of those decades so your memories must be tainted.


the island would of been equally as prosperous with a population sealing at 60k only goverment mismanagement of our pension funds forced them into the position of having to increase the work force to increase the national insurance contributions substantially from both employee and employer.


dont know where you got the 30k manxmen quote from but it did not come from my keyboard..

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I don't find anything about the modern-day Island particularly interesting or worthy or pride. I mean what is there to be proud about? Is it because the Island is affluent? Is it it's history? Is it simply because it is different?


Well, there's one thing. As a community, the island works. People look out for each other; they are almost unfailingly polite, pleasant and friendly (this forum sometimes excepted :rolleyes: ); and crime is very low. In other words, it's a really nice place to live (except for the ******** weather).


And whilst the comeovers value these things enormously, credit for them is attributable to the Manx. Well, most of them.



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I don't find anything about the modern-day Island particularly interesting or worthy or pride. I mean what is there to be proud about? Is it because the Island is affluent? Is it it's history? Is it simply because it is different?

Not a concept I can get my head round yet I can understand people being glad to live or be from there.


It does seem ironic that the modern-day Island really has little to distinguish itself in culture from England. It has lost any charm it has. Yet with the government and business sector pushing this mixture of patriotism and marketing and people being glad to live on the Island you do have this strong sense of 'Island' identity and individuality.

But a hundred years ago when the Manx were more distinguishable in their customs and language they were a people who identified as British foremost. It was all 'King and Country' and loyalty to the Empire in those days.


I guess this is why your in Salford enjoying the high crime, rape, murder etc.


What ever floats your boat LDV :P

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Rape the Island financially!


My goodness what wonderful rhetoric - I've lived here since a child, I have returned here after working throughout the world, my children were born here and are being taught to be proud of their beautiful home.


The businesses I work for have invested many millions of pounds into the Manx economy - do you even understand the concept of non-zero sum gains. Yes I profit mightily from living here, not just financially, but also from experiencing a quality of life and beauty of environment, but I also contribute to this community and work to advance and improve it.


All you can provide is bile and insults; and an attitude of proud racism against outsiders.


You seem incapable of providing anything but bluster to justify for hate.


Bad luck mate - the Island is changing in ways you cannot stop - you are incapable of forming a political manefesto which appeals to more than deadend nostalgics who specialize in insults against those they consider outsiders. That is no way to live - it shrivels the heart, but then again you seem happy with that - I'll carry on making this island my home and celebrating its ever changing community.


Each to his own and all that, but boy you must be fun to live with.


your a right drama queen you pal .. ffs..


keep on saying bile hate and such rhetoric and you might even start to believe it yourself ffs.. i know how the game is played .. you keep on posting that shit page after page until viewers later on who cannot be bothered reading back think ive actually been behaving and saying things like that..


quote one hateful post

quote one post where i say i hate or even dont like the brits or any other nationality..



poster of the year my arse shit stirring english prick of the year more like..

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Rape the Island financially!


My goodness what wonderful rhetoric - I've lived here since a child, I have returned here after working throughout the world, my children were born here and are being taught to be proud of their beautiful home.


The businesses I work for have invested many millions of pounds into the Manx economy - do you even understand the concept of non-zero sum gains. Yes I profit mightily from living here, not just financially, but also from experiencing a quality of life and beauty of environment, but I also contribute to this community and work to advance and improve it.


All you can provide is bile and insults; and an attitude of proud racism against outsiders.

You seem incapable of providing anything but bluster to justify for hate.


Bad luck mate - the Island is changing in ways you cannot stop - you are incapable of forming a political manefesto which appeals to more than deadend nostalgics who specialize in insults against those they consider outsiders. That is no way to live - it shrivels the heart, but then again you seem happy with that - I'll carry on making this island my home and celebrating its ever changing community.


Each to his own and all that, but boy you must be fun to live with.


more rhetoric .. feel free to proof your allegations with a quote anytime..


i can see your deffo one of gordy browns new improved labours young lovelies you..

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i believe you should be free to say what you want jonny.

I fully agree but there are limits of extreme views such as, and not limited to, things like apparent racism. As you say yourself, theres tolarable levels in every aspect of life How offensive is

Yeah...fuckin Irish
? I find it very offensive.



There's no doubt about it that some comeovers purpose of being here is to rape the island financially and I agree that we would certainly be better off without some bankers but to make a simple statement

your here for one reason only to rape the island financially period
is completely unreasonable.



Manxman2, if you hadn't said

wind up...?? you wish..
I doubt if I would have even posted.



Not aimed at anyone in particular but its a fact of life that one of the tools in a racist's armament is to find a scapegoat. For the Nazis it was the Jews, for the skinhead, it was anyone with a different coloured skin etc etc. Of course once you have decided on a target to foist all the blame for your perception of society's ills, you can then stop thinking or discussing and just spout almost anything in defence of your views.


I for one agree that the island would be a better place in many ways without the finance industry but in the real world we have all got used to the infrastructure it has paid for. We might like to think we could return to the 1950s but harsh reality might be very different to what we selectively remember.


Just wondered what decade your were born in Manxman2? That's the reason I just looked at your profile.



please feel free to post the actual post where i have typed the bolded part of your quote..


you people dont like it str8 up so will use the slyest of tricks to shut the messenger up..



and for the record where have i said anything remotely connected to the finance industrie you are all attributing other peoples quotes to me in what seems to be a co-ordinated effort to shut me up ..

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i believe you should be free to say what you want jonny.

I fully agree but there are limits of extreme views such as, and not limited to, things like apparent racism. As you say yourself, theres tolarable levels in every aspect of life How offensive is

Yeah...fuckin Irish
? I find it very offensive.



There's no doubt about it that some comeovers purpose of being here is to rape the island financially and I agree that we would certainly be better off without some bankers but to make a simple statement

your here for one reason only to rape the island financially period
is completely unreasonable.



Manxman2, if you hadn't said

wind up...?? you wish..
I doubt if I would have even posted.



Not aimed at anyone in particular but its a fact of life that one of the tools in a racist's armament is to find a scapegoat. For the Nazis it was the Jews, for the skinhead, it was anyone with a different coloured skin etc etc. Of course once you have decided on a target to foist all the blame for your perception of society's ills, you can then stop thinking or discussing and just spout almost anything in defence of your views.


I for one agree that the island would be a better place in many ways without the finance industry but in the real world we have all got used to the infrastructure it has paid for. We might like to think we could return to the 1950s but harsh reality might be very different to what we selectively remember.


Just wondered what decade your were born in Manxman2? That's the reason I just looked at your profile.


wow!!!!!!! look at this turkey he has even managed to associate hitler and the nazis to the thread .. ffs you people are sad.

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