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Scientology And Autism


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I don't consider autism an illness. Are autistic people sick? I think not, but anyway...


And you base this decision on what factual evidence? Or is it just a gut feel? Sheesh.


Not about factual evidence but rather seeing the person from a non-normative perspective and recognising that their capabilities and abilities are simply different to most person. And I don't think it is right to pathologise it. The person is autistic for whatever reasons but they don't HAVE autism. I don't think that is too hard to understand.

It is the result of a brain disorder but I wouldn't think of it as illness.


Although it pains me to come to LDV's defence.....(sigh)

What I think he's trying to say is that the child did not have an illness, in that he did not catch a disease and not physically sick. He had genetic disorder which affected his mental and social capabilities.

I might be wrong however and apologise now.


And I agree with what you are saying too. I don't like it any more than you do, you can apologise for it but I'll think of something more disagreeable very soon!


How can a person post just rubbish, Skrappery how can you say that any one can deserve for their child to die. LDV how can someone, whom in the past at least put thought into his postings agree??

We all have a choice to choose our spiritual path, they have that choice just as you choose to be an Anarchist.


What am I agreeing on? Don't understand your thinking John.


Most person don't have a choose with religion because they are sadly indoctrinated with it from when they are little, that is their minds are filled with lies and complete shite until they really do believe in mystic deities. I chose to be an anarchist from having an understanding of conventional politics, recognising their failings and then reading about alternatives. Scientologists, I admit, are unlikely to be brought up as believers of this cult which can only lead me to believe that they are extremely gullible if they can somehow believe what a science fiction writer says about alien beings.


Just like Marx and Engels?


No, not like Marx and Engels. I wasn't aware they were scientologists. However, if you mean to imply something about my anarchism then I would point to the fact that I am an anarchist and not a communist. Furthermore, if you have any faith in liberal democracy whatsoever I could just as much say that you are an indoctrinated fool for believing in it.

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Anarchy isn't a condition, it's a way of trying to live your life. More or less impossible if there is a need to live in this society, but it can be attained in some degree, enough to support ones faith in it as a doctrine. Communism is in the same boat as far as attainment is concerned.

LDV can try to live in an anarchistic way, as much as I do in a communistic way.

It's all too easy for you to be a capitalist, but we don't knock you for it or attack capitalism in any way outside of the idealistic ones.

Live and let live and do try to talk about something you truly understand and not just Daily Mail soundbites.

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Believe in a deity, you deserve all you get.


Given that most problems (wars etc) associated with religious types are pretty much down to the hardcore types' total intolerance of people who don't agree with them, I hope you can see the irony of your total intolerance of religious types.


I've said it before that it's not my bag, but I know quite a few people who religion has been a huge help to, so slagging off everyone who has beliefs like that just because you don't agree is pretty crass & ignorant.

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Believe in a deity, you deserve all you get.


Given that most problems (wars etc) associated with religious types are pretty much down to the hardcore types' total intolerance of people who don't agree with them, I hope you can see the irony of your total intolerance of religious types.


I've said it before that it's not my bag, but I know quite a few people who religion has been a huge help to, so slagging off everyone who has beliefs like that just because you don't agree is pretty crass & ignorant.


I don't think there is anything at all wrong with religious intolerance. Why should it be tolerated? It is, however, quite a different thing to let people have their own benign spiritual beliefs.


The power of the christian religion over people have dwindled significantly over the centuries though still people brainwash their children into believing that their is some god, that he should be worshipped, that he is their master and guide, and that they should follow his (or rather some other persons) teachings. I don't think religion should be tolerated where it oppresses or makes use of people's naiveties and vulnerabilities to control them. Religion is something that human beings could do without.

Scientology especially is simply nasty and needs to be oppossed more fervently than most other religions.

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I must admit that I don't like some of the stuff that scientology includes but who am I to say people shouldn't do it?


Christianity isn't something that appeals to a lot of it and there are certain elements of it & certain people who probably take the piss but you will find that with any religion and probably in a lot of spiritual stuff too. It's not the fault of the religion, it's the fault of a small number of people who use the religion to their own end.

I think most people with a brain realise that, and that's one thing, but it's another thing entirely to write off every single person that follows a certain belief without know everything about them & what makes them tick. That's bordering on nazi like behaviour when you get to that point.


What right do you have to say people shouldn't have a religious belief, especially when you think it's fine to be 'spiritual'? That's just a variation on a theme, just a more hippyish way of looking at things. There's no reason why for instance many people who are churchgoers don't meet your criteria of "benign spiritual belief". Just because there are some in power that abuse that, does not make the religion itself a bad thing does it?


I think you've summed it up where you've said that intolreance is fine.

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I must admit that I don't like some of the stuff that scientology includes but who am I to say people shouldn't do it?


Christianity isn't something that appeals to a lot of it and there are certain elements of it & certain people who probably take the piss but you will find that with any religion and probably in a lot of spiritual stuff too. It's not the fault of the religion, it's the fault of a small number of people who use the religion to their own end.

I think most people with a brain realise that, and that's one thing, but it's another thing entirely to write off every single person that follows a certain belief without know everything about them & what makes them tick. That's bordering on nazi like behaviour when you get to that point.


What right do you have to say people shouldn't have a religious belief, especially when you think it's fine to be 'spiritual'? That's just a variation on a theme, just a more hippyish way of looking at things. There's no reason why for instance many people who are churchgoers don't meet your criteria of "benign spiritual belief". Just because there are some in power that abuse that, does not make the religion itself a bad thing does it?


I think you've summed it up where you've said that intolreance is fine.


Who are you to say that people shouldn't do it? Possibly a thinking person who recognise that the its followers are being brainwashed or are brainwashing themselves to their own detriment and to the detriment of others. If people around me started to talk about the Magic Purple Donkey, their god and master and started worshipping him, bringing up their kids to believe in his power and glory then that is something opposed. It is just the same with belief in God.


There is a difference between having a belief and then being part of a religion. I think it bad enough that people have beliefs where they believe in god and gods but the majority of religions involve submitting oneself to the authority of some made-up being and those within it's Church who speak for that God and are also the authority on how that religion is followed. This is something that certainly should not be tolerated in our society. There is nothing Nazi about it.


Personal spiriuality at least affords the individual more individuality in how the worship their God as it need not be connected to a Church and be depended on the commandments and advice of those within a Church who represent an authority.


I think that all religion is a load of shit and Skrappeys demonstrates that thinking too, I wouldn't, however, call that intolerance per se.

How do you define religious intolerance? And why do you think such intolerance is wrong?

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