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A Gong For Tony


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Tony Blair will be presented with one of America’s highest civilian honours by President Bush for his unfaltering support for the United States in the fight against terrorism, the White House announced yesterday.


The award of the Presidential Medal of Freedom is being made on January 13, just a week before Mr Bush leaves office after eight years in which his Administration has largely been defined by terror attacks at home and two unfinished wars abroad.



Aaaaah! Isn't that nice?

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Meh. Bush gives his dog a bone.


I thought that when Tone retired from being President of the UK he was going to sort out the Middle East. First time he popped up since then was yesterday - what the hell has he been doing, it's all gone horribly wrong.


edited for grammar

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Tony Blair will be presented with one of America’s highest civilian honours by President Bush for his unfaltering support for the United States in the fight against terrorism, the White House announced yesterday.


I hope they ask him to bend over so they can stick it up his f**king arse the devious little shit.

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Well it's good to see that Tony has solved the Middle East problems on behalf of the 'quartet' countries . Obviously they chose the right man with the right persuasive powers to bring peace to that troubled region...(signed Alistair Campbell)

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After all the death, misery, lies, abuse of the British armed forces and attacks on our own civil liberties, the only fitting thing to hang around Tony Blairs neck is a noose.


Good riddance to Blair and Bush.Roll on Jan 18th and an end to this dark age.

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After all the death, misery, lies, abuse of the British armed forces and attacks on our own civil liberties, the only fitting thing to hang around Tony Blairs neck is a noose.


Good riddance to Blair and Bush.Roll on Jan 18th and an end to this dark age.


Unfortunatly AT, Tony and George will be a stain on history that even Cilit Bang won't get rid of in a hurry.

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Tony Blair will be presented with one of America’s highest civilian honours by President Bush for his unfaltering support for the United States in the fight against terrorism, the White House announced yesterday.


... after which Blair will slip into his blue dress and head to the Oval Office once more for old time's sake.

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