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German Billionaire Kills Himself


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It is terribly sad. Firstly because people are allowed to amass such wealth (which is not real) and secondly that people feel so scared of being poor that they would take their own life. At least he didn't take his wife, children, dogs and horses with him eh? The great thing about being poor is that you dont fear for something you already know. Greed its a terrible thing.

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It is terribly sad. Firstly because people are allowed to amass such wealth (which is not real) and secondly that people feel so scared of being poor that they would take their own life. At least he didn't take his wife, children, dogs and horses with him eh? The great thing about being poor is that you dont fear for something you already know. Greed its a terrible thing.


How do u know it wasent real, while yes a lot of his wealth will be the fake wealth u talk off, but i bet he got a lot of cash as well that is real, the man was prob worth millions in cash alone easyly,


have u thought that maybe he wasent scared of being poor at all, cause i dowt he would ever be poor, but maybe seeing his whole lifes work ruined by one mistake, that must be hard to take as well,


do life insurance pay out on suicide, cause bet he was insured for a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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simple maths his personal wealth was 9.2 billion he lost less than 400 million leaves 8.8 billion i can see how devestated he must have been..


its a cover story for his real problems ..


i dont think a losing 4% punt of his total wealth would be the trigger to off himself..


and it was from his holding company .. and would of all been virtually wiped of his tax bill.. pay the government or take a punt ..

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OK, it would be impossible for him to realise his assets is what I meant, I wonder if he was consumed by fun, or was his life mostly all about the making of money? Why else would he kill himself? He didn't like his hair cut?


You and I are very different Gazza. No, as a rule life insurance policies do not pay out on suicides.

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Slim, no no noooooo they do not, I know this because a relative (distantish) took his own life and his wife was left high and dry, the sad fact was that he had only done it for the insurance money because they were in debt (true love).


As for answering the Why question....are you a curious kid as well as a senile old gran? think about it, it shouldn't take too long.

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OK, it would be impossible for him to realise his assets is what I meant




No, as a rule life insurance policies do not pay out on suicides.


Yes they do.


If they did, which they don't, everybody planning suicide would first take out a huge policy.



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Slim, no no noooooo they do not, I know this because a relative (distantish) took his own life and his wife was left high and dry, the sad fact was that he had only done it for the insurance money because they were in debt (true love).


You need to understand the difference between anecdotal evidence and what's actually the case.


It used to be fairly common practice for insurance policies to not pay out on suicide. Nowadays pretty much all life insurance policies do pay out on suicides but there's occasoinally a suicide clause with a time limit, something like you can't claim on a the policy if the suicide happens within 12 months of taking it out, for obvious reasons. For example, here's a snipped from scot prov's policy:


"3.3 Suicide If the life assured or, if there are two or more lives assured, any ofthem, commits suicidewithin one year ofthe effective date ofthe policy, the death benefit will be subject tothe deduction (if any) described in provision 3.5. This provision will not, however, affectthe interests of any third party proved to the satisfaction ofthe Institution to have beenacquired for value"


As for answering the Why question....are you a curious kid as well as a senile old gran? think about it, it shouldn't take too long.


Nope, sorry, I don't get it. He was invested into real companies, he lost a load of dosh investing into Volkswagon. Hows this any less real than any other money? He could have sold his shares and bought sweets with the proceeds if he wanted to. I don't understand what you mean by saying it isn't real.

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