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Israel/hamas - Whos Gonna Break First?


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If you actually look into the events that you mention you’ll find that they are not quite so cut and dried as they get presented by those with an axe to grind

Yes, but I think you should admit you are also an axe grinder with a very idealistic view of Israel's founding myth.


I've challenged you quite a few times to read this book its written by a former Israeli foreign minister - it admits the targeted violence used by Jews in the creation of Israel - you are attempting to justify the King David Bombing - you also need to look at Arab villages depopulated by Jewish actions - your simplisity is that they all left voluntarily fleeing fighting, or were driven out by Arab armies - I totally agree these things occurred - but they were also driven out by deliberate jewish attacks which left many dead.


I can’t and won’t argue with you since there were some right bastards who went from post war Europe and rode rough shod, but these were very much in the minority and it was those who formed the basis of the ‘Stern’ Gang.


Criminals, others brutalised by the times they had lived through, those sickened by the antics of the British who were beyond prevaricating and actually hindering the establishment of The Jewish State, they also saw what like criminals everywhere they thought were opportunities to blag what they were NOT entitled to.


The fact that they were very few in number and the attacks and thefts also very few in number is not what’s remembered, what’s remembered is the JEWS were doing bad things, and of course we Jews being all the same ----.


What I will say is that this behaviour was absolutely recognised as being totally unacceptable behaviour for a whole load of reasons and a great deal of effort was put in by The Jewish Office and after recognition under UN 181 by the Police to put things right or at least to punish those responsible.


Unfortunately the vast majority of justified armed actions against Arab terrorists are now all seen as being ‘bad things’ when in fact this is a million miles form the truth.


This is evident from the remarks and condemnation by so many people who know so little of what took place, what has taken place, and what is taking place right now.

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no rog, get YOUR facts right....




has since been backed up by cnn, and i think i remember the bbc actually ran with it for a day or two, before it got pulled.


Check the dates and the facts on the link that I posted.


I note that today reports are coming in of Hamas AGAIN breaking the cease fire.



Why do you still seem to think that Hamas broke the beasefire in the first place?


Beacuse even Israel don't......




I suppose you now want us to belive Hamas have brole them again? I hope people are a bit more wise this time, especially now we know who the press, such as the BBC, are serving....


Israel never even kept this ceasefire for a day anyway, reports were coming out of the Gaza that civilians were being killed as they were PULLING OUT!!!!


And Rog, please don't give only half the story about KD, what exactly were the records Israel so much wanted to destroy??

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no rog, get YOUR facts right....




has since been backed up by cnn, and i think i remember the bbc actually ran with it for a day or two, before it got pulled.


Check the dates and the facts on the link that I posted.


I note that today reports are coming in of Hamas AGAIN breaking the cease fire.



Why do you still seem to think that Hamas broke the beasefire in the first place?


Beacuse even Israel don't......




I suppose you now want us to belive Hamas have brole them again? I hope people are a bit more wise this time, especially now we know who the press, such as the BBC, are serving....


Israel never even kept this ceasefire for a day anyway, reports were coming out of the Gaza that civilians were being killed as they were PULLING OUT!!!!


And Rog, please don't give only half the story about KD, what exactly were the records Israel so much wanted to destroy??


Are you a total Idiot?


The building of a tunnel with the intent to kidnap an IDF member was a break in the terms of the ceasefire in its own right.


LISTEN to what is being said and who's saying it. A ceasefire is not simply the reduction of the number of rockets aimed at civilians as targets, a ceasefire has a much wider meaning than that.


As for the KD attack, as a consequence of British troops having invaded the Jewish Agency offices in June 29, 1946, and confiscated large quantities of documents. more than 2,500 Jewish people were arrested.


These people were supporters of the end of prevarication by the British as they traded away more and more of the land that was intended for Eretz Yisrael and were placed under arrest by the Brits.


There were also several mystery assassinations by Arabs of some people on the Jewish Agency records – coincidence?

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Any secular state is a dangerous state.



Should that not read any NON secular state is a dangerous state?


If so, then I totally agree.


State and religion should be kept poles apart.

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State and religion should be kept poles apart.


Israel isn't very good at getting the message out about that. Not that good at PR in general. In the old days people used to think of the Israelis as, more or less, a bunch of Jewish hippies. Pretty much like Californians. Pretty girls in headscarves picking fruit etc. Now the world tends to think of religious nutters and extremists. Lots of reasonable people who would basically be pro Israel end up feeling very uneasy.


Eg - on the PR: As many people have said, restricting media access to Gaza and imposing heavy censorship may have been an own goal. Attempting to control what was shown, the Israelis may have rather ended up loosing control over what was shown - such that much of the media on the ground were embedded with Hamas.


I hope I'm not being trivial.

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State and religion should be kept poles apart.


Israel isn't very good at getting the message out about that. Not that good at PR in general. In the old days people used to think of the Israelis as, more or less, a bunch of Jewish hippies. Pretty much like Californians. Pretty girls in headscarves picking fruit etc. Now the world tends to think of religious nutters and extremists. Lots of reasonable people who would basically be pro Israel end up feeling very uneasy.


Eg - on the PR: As many people have said, restricting media access to Gaza and imposing heavy censorship may have been an own goal. Attempting to control what was shown, the Israelis may have rather ended up loosing control over what was shown - such that much of the media on the ground were embedded with Hamas.


I hope I'm not being trivial.


Not trivial at all. You make very good points.

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no rog, get YOUR facts right....




has since been backed up by cnn, and i think i remember the bbc actually ran with it for a day or two, before it got pulled.


Check the dates and the facts on the link that I posted.


I note that today reports are coming in of Hamas AGAIN breaking the cease fire.



Why do you still seem to think that Hamas broke the beasefire in the first place?


Beacuse even Israel don't......




I suppose you now want us to belive Hamas have brole them again? I hope people are a bit more wise this time, especially now we know who the press, such as the BBC, are serving....


Israel never even kept this ceasefire for a day anyway, reports were coming out of the Gaza that civilians were being killed as they were PULLING OUT!!!!


And Rog, please don't give only half the story about KD, what exactly were the records Israel so much wanted to destroy??


Are you a total Idiot?


The building of a tunnel with the intent to kidnap an IDF member was a break in the terms of the ceasefire in its own right.


LISTEN to what is being said and who's saying it. A ceasefire is not simply the reduction of the number of rockets aimed at civilians as targets, a ceasefire has a much wider meaning than that.


As for the KD attack, as a consequence of British troops having invaded the Jewish Agency offices in June 29, 1946, and confiscated large quantities of documents. more than 2,500 Jewish people were arrested.


These people were supporters of the end of prevarication by the British as they traded away more and more of the land that was intended for Eretz Yisrael and were placed under arrest by the Brits.


There were also several mystery assassinations by Arabs of some people on the Jewish Agency records – coincidence?


No Rog, i'm afraid you are the idiot!


They are building tunnels to get food in. Gaza strip is smaller than the Isle of Man with a population of 1.5 million people, yet Israel seem to think it is in some way humane to let only 100 trucks of food in per day for 18 months...




Why don't YOU listen to what is being said and WHO is saying it??? Its an Isareli spokesman ffs!!! admitting Hamas never broke the ceasefire. what don't you understand about it??


You're at it again, trying to get away from the fact about the KD. Yes Britain got a warning, a whole 35 minutes if i remember... and why not mention the 92 people killed, instead of the fact 2500 got arrested? oh shit yeah, coz Israeli's were doing the killing. silly me.


And so i will ask yet again.... an answer this time would be nice.



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mmmm.....Isreal, possibly the most racist country/state in the world, userers and theives of the world.....unfortunately most of Isreal's ills are premeditated and orchestrated by the Rothschild's empire who masqueraded as Jews but were actually Hungarian....for the truth about Israel and the Jewish state read "The Synagogue of Satan". The mainstream media would have you believe that Hamas are terrible, yes I agree they haven't done things well over the years but their rockets compared to Israel's armed responses are like a child throwing stones at Mike Tyson with nuclear warheads, most of the power players of the western world are Jewish, Milliband to name but one...these are the same people who publicly denounce Israel's actions yet secretly support them...don't believe the mainstream media, get your news resources from elsewhere

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State and religion should be kept poles apart.


Israel isn't very good at getting the message out about that. Not that good at PR in general. In the old days people used to think of the Israelis as, more or less, a bunch of Jewish hippies. Pretty much like Californians. Pretty girls in headscarves picking fruit etc. Now the world tends to think of religious nutters and extremists. Lots of reasonable people who would basically be pro Israel end up feeling very uneasy.


Eg - on the PR: As many people have said, restricting media access to Gaza and imposing heavy censorship may have been an own goal. Attempting to control what was shown, the Israelis may have rather ended up loosing control over what was shown - such that much of the media on the ground were embedded with Hamas.


I hope I'm not being trivial.



Sorry, no 'journo's' were allowed access to the occupied territories the MOC forbade ( you've got to have your carefully managed war)... The reason Israel isn't getting 'its' message out us is because bushsh!t as usual - Its amazing where as once Israel could count on strong left support it now has to rely on right-wing religious nutters. Sky viewers and chicken-hawk gun porn enthusiasts to whore is case.


what I can't understand is why my tax pounds are being funneled to prop a morally corrupt naziesque state?














Come on then put ya money where yer mouth is get that NPT signed!



Israel the only country that tortures children as a matter state policy.

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mmmm.....Isreal, possibly the most racist country/state in the world, userers and theives of the world.....unfortunately most of Isreal's ills are premeditated and orchestrated by the Rothschild's empire who masqueraded as Jews but were actually Hungarian....for the truth about Israel and the Jewish state read "The Synagogue of Satan". The mainstream media would have you believe that Hamas are terrible, yes I agree they haven't done things well over the years but their rockets compared to Israel's armed responses are like a child throwing stones at Mike Tyson with nuclear warheads, most of the power players of the western world are Jewish, Milliband to name but one...these are the same people who publicly denounce Israel's actions yet secretly support them...don't believe the mainstream media, get your news resources from elsewhere


Yet I believe you are mistaken in the view that lies in the hands of politicians, if that is what you mean on extension of your comment about Miliband. Miliband doesn't hold the power, it is the businesses and corporations of the world that increasingly have that power.

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mmmm.....Isreal, possibly the most racist country/state in the world, userers and theives of the world.....unfortunately most of Isreal's ills are premeditated and orchestrated by the Rothschild's empire who masqueraded as Jews but were actually Hungarian....for the truth about Israel and the Jewish state read "The Synagogue of Satan". The mainstream media would have you believe that Hamas are terrible, yes I agree they haven't done things well over the years but their rockets compared to Israel's armed responses are like a child throwing stones at Mike Tyson with nuclear warheads, most of the power players of the western world are Jewish, Milliband to name but one...these are the same people who publicly denounce Israel's actions yet secretly support them...don't believe the mainstream media, get your news resources from elsewhere


Yet I believe you are mistaken in the view that lies in the hands of politicians, if that is what you mean on extension of your comment about Miliband. Miliband doesn't hold the power, it is the businesses and corporations of the world that increasingly have that power.



how many Israeli politicians have been voted into power without a military background?

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