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Israel/hamas - Whos Gonna Break First?


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Is Israel justified in the attacks on Hamas or are Hamas the injuried party in all this?


I'm not sure these are true alternatives - I don't agree with either


Care to offer some alternatives?


I feel that Israel were right to retaliate for the attacks...but now they have bombed the snot out of Hamas I feel they should step back and say "Right thats what happens when you shoot rockets at us. Wanna talk peace now?"


I'd agree that they are justified in retaliating, but not like this. They are shelling UN schools, for fuck's sake, where they know full well civilians are seeking shelter. That said, it beats me why Hamas can't just STOP firing their crappy, pointless rockets


in bold .. that puzzles me aswell .. but they cannot accept that the occupiers of their ancient lands are there to stay .. they just want them out at any cost it would seem even tho it looks futile to the rest of the world.


this one is set to rumble for generations there is no alternative too much bad blood.






reminds me of somewhere else..











Sigh, havent you got some kippers to bother. Stick to the topic.



i would like to know which part was not on topic. .. so take your own advice my friend..


reminds me of somewhere else..










That bit. You making reference to the discussion on another thread which is totally unrelated.


You bore me MM2.


Anyone know what the UN plan to do in the conflict. Other than write them a very stern letter?

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The UN security council will issue yet another resolution calling for a cease fire and for Israel to stay within the terms of the geneva convention (even though Israel hasn't signed it) of a proportional response. Once again the UK and US will probably abstain from the vote and Israel will ignore it.


How many resolutions did Saddam ignore?

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yeah right someone here is gonna know the UNs plans ffs..



nobody will do anything the israelis are US armed and sanctioned thats all the worlds leaders need to know .. anything else will be soundbites and bullshit .. abit like your posting style.

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yeah right someone here is gonna know the UNs plans ffs..



nobody will do anything the israelis are US armed and sanctioned thats all the worlds leaders need to know .. anything else will be soundbites and bullshit .. abit like your posting style.


Not everyone lives in their little sandbox and doesn't take part in the wider scheme of things like you.


Your attempts to divert the thread are boring me and I will entertain your drivel no longer.


From the BBC News Online:


"Israel says it will halt its bombardment of the Gaza Strip for three hours every day"


At least its a start.


Also from the BBC Online:


"UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon spoke more in sorrow than in anger when he told foreign ministers: "I have called for an immediate end to the violence, and I have warned that if these appeals went unheeded, civilians were going to continue to be killed in large numbers."

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But there are going to be civilian casulaties as long as Hamas use "human shields". There would have less casulties if Hamas used their postion of power and the funds associated with to buy food and medical supplies. Not rockets, mortars and foreign fighters.


While I do feel for the innocents victims in this its their elected governing body that has kicked a lion in slacks and cried foul when it turned around and bit them.

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no need for civillians to be killed at all .. hamas are the elected power brokers in the area .. and have decided to use that power to launch their strikes from civillian areas..


It depends on what Hamas strategy is. The PIRA felt they needed to wage guerilla warfare and make terrorist attacks even though Provision Sinn Fein became a credible political party in the early 80s.

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From the BBC News website.


"Venezuela has ordered the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador to Caracas in protest at Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip.


President Hugo Chavez has strongly condemned Israel for its actions and called on Israelis to stand up against their government.


The BBC's Will Grant in Caracas says Mr Chavez often uses strong language to criticise Israel and is a close ally of Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, one of Israel's main enemies.


Venezuela also has a large Arab community who have welcomed the government's move, our correspondent adds."



Nice to see they are using some balanced diplomatic actions in Venezuela. I'm sure Israel are really upset about this move. "Venez..where? Chavez who?"


At least the Israelis are giving Hamas 3 hours to rearm....I mean distribute food and medical aid.

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But there are going to be civilian casulaties as long as Hamas use "human shields".


Dumbest statement of the year so far!



i will give you 10/1 it wont be the dumbest you witness from him this year .. we will need an independent mod to adjudge and your maximum stake is a tenner to £100.

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But there are going to be civilian casulaties as long as Hamas use "human shields".


Dumbest statement of the year so far!



i will give you 10/1 it wont be the dumbest you witness from him this year .. we will need an independent mod to adjudge and your maximum stake is a tenner to £100.



I know contributing something useful that will further the discussion at hand is a bit taxing for you MM2.


Whats your position on the Israel/Hamas situation?

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yeah right someone here is gonna know the UNs plans ffs..



nobody will do anything the israelis are US armed and sanctioned thats all the worlds leaders need to know .. anything else will be soundbites and bullshit .. abit like your posting style.



they appear to be my thoughts so far dogman ..


anything you dont agree with there..

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