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Israel/hamas - Whos Gonna Break First?


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Is Israel justified in the attacks on Hamas or are Hamas the injuried party in all this?


I'm not sure these are true alternatives - I don't agree with either


Care to offer some alternatives?


I feel that Israel were right to retaliate for the attacks...but now they have bombed the snot out of Hamas I feel they should step back and say "Right thats what happens when you shoot rockets at us. Wanna talk peace now?"


I'd agree that they are justified in retaliating, but not like this. They are shelling UN schools, for fuck's sake, where they know full well civilians are seeking shelter. That said, it beats me why Hamas can't just STOP firing their crappy, pointless rockets


in bold .. that puzzles me aswell .. but they cannot accept that the occupiers of their ancient lands are there to stay .. they just want them out at any cost it would seem even tho it looks futile to the rest of the world.


this one is set to rumble for generations there is no alternative too much bad blood.





reminds me of somewhere else..









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If you don't think this has been timed to happen just as Obama's coming into power - I'd think again.


this angle is hard to see albert.


i dont disagree as the yanks are so cynical .. like the ricin envolopes and the airliner coming down on the suburbs whilst pushing thru the emergency terror acts after 9/11.


bill clintons blowjob revelations cost several innocent lives in a pharmasuticals factory that was bombed in order to keep him of the front pages .. etc etc the list is endless .. endless cynisism..

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Ok, so please have a quick look at these pictures

<a href="http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/01/scenes_from_the_gaza_strip.html" target="_blank">http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/01/s...gaza_strip.html</a>


Most notably please compare pictures 7 and 12.


An eye for an eye???

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What seems strange to me is that considering the horrific history of the jewish people at the hands of the Nazis, is that they now seem intent on commiting genocide to another race.

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What seems strange to me is that considering the horrific history of the jewish people at the hands of the Nazis, is that they now seem intent on commiting genocide to another race.


It's not genocide. But the Palestinians did and do get shit treatment. Nevertheless, the Israeli state has to protect its citizens from terrorist acts, yet the manner in which it does so shows it isn't concerned about using a heavy hand.

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Hamas are doing themselves and their people no favours. They do have a legitimate point of view, but aren't putting it across well by lobbing rockets over the border.


Israel … isn't concerned about using a heavy hand.

It reminds me of Thatcher's attitude to the IRA - "we don't talk to terrorists" effectively rules out any political/negotiated resolution. Israel, being stronger and richer, should take the initiative to bring this about.

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Much of the news that we get is watered down and/or manipulated to suit the views of the likes of Murdoch's 'News Corporation Limited' (The Times, Telegraph, Sun, Sky Tv, Fox etc). Add to this the fact that Israel are only allowing into Gaza "Western" journalists (who are embedded with Israeli Forces !) and you don't stand much chance of seperating the 'news' from the 'propaganda'.


For a more balanced view of what is actually happening have a look at this:




I dare you!


As for Hamas using human shields - imagine a population 10 times that of the Isle of Man living on a strip of land smaller than ours. Now tell me how can Israel fire high explosives and other goodies such as white phosphorous (burns people alive) shells into such a crowded territory and not expect to kill civilians?

100 Palestinians were told to take cover in a building by Israeli Soldiers - Israel then shelled the building killing upwards of 40 people. Have they just got a shite sense of humour or is that a war crime?

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Wow - hello Rog.


As a controversial and counterveilling voice on the forums I welcome you back!


Happy Honika and New Year if it isn't too late.


Christian action for Israel - wow you are trolling the deep right wing corners of the internet - Christians for the apocolypse hey; Israel's number one supporters cos they believe Israel must exist for there to be a chance of Amageddon and all those souls trumping up to heaven. With friends like these how can you go wrong!

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Wow - hello Rog.


As a controversial and counterveilling voice on the forums I welcome you back!


Happy Honika and New Year if it isn't too late.


Christian action for Israel - wow you are trolling the deep right wing corners of the internet - Christians for the apocolypse hey; Israel's number one supporters cos they believe Israel must exist for there to be a chance of Amageddon and all those souls trumping up to heaven. With friends like these how can you go wrong!


Cheers for that.


Same thing, same translation (and it's a close translation) same message.




It's woth reading the hamas charter. It explains a very great deal about what is at stake and why Hamsa can NEVER change.

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