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Israel/hamas - Whos Gonna Break First?


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I don't think Israel are totally to blame for the number of civilian casualties. Hamas has made a habit of making strikes from civilian and so-called "non-targets" likes schools.


Obama will probably not want to get out of bed his first day at work what with him being set to save the whole world from itself.


I've got a feeling that the conflict in the Middle East (not the onces we're involved in, the ones locally) will never end certainly not in my life time.



And which countries supply them with weapons through their 'defence industries'? The UK among others.

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I feel obliged, somehow, to make a post here - if only because Rog has clearly returned to the forums at the moment in case his murdering beloved Israelis are criticised in any way.

Although I have no sympathy for Hamas, I honestly believe that most of the world now sees Israel as the 'bully boys' of the region and that each time they respond to provocation with such immense force and such total disregard for innocent lives, they lose more sympathy on the international stage. It now seems ever-likelier that the time will come when even the USA will find it difficult to stomach their action.

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Rog - try to watch this with an open mind - its a former Israeli foreign minister.


Try reading his book - it debunks a lot of your foundation myth - I'll watch your video later, but after 20 or so seconds I noted it ignored the fact that the UN created two states in 1948 - an Israeli one and a Palestinian one - the fact the Palestinian state was invaded and annexed by those who had an interest in keeping the Palestinian people stateless - both Arab and Israeli - doesn't change that fact.


After World War II the UN created Israel - if you acknowledge that you have to also acknowledge it also created Palestine.

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As ever I feel the need to give a preamble about my support for the existence of Israel, its right to defend itself and of its desire to live peacefully with its neighbours.


Now I've done that I just have to ask how Israel thinks massive bombardment of civillian areas is going to stop radicalization and recruitment into militant organizations.


The technology Hamas employs to attack Israel is so simple it is just not possible to stop them deploying it.


The only way it can be stopped is through there being a willingness to stop on the part of those firing them - and I can see no such willingness resulting from the current campaign.


Israel's attitude seems to be if the can squeeze the inhabitants of Gaza into an ever smaller and smaller box their attempts to kick out at being crushed will stop.


I just cannot see it happening.


I think 9 Israelis have been killed in rocket attacks from Gaza over the last 10 years. Even if those figures aren't exactly right they are representative - I'll be happy to be corrected - and they show just how disproportional the IDF response is.


And the fact that the US etc just sits on its hands and lets it carry on just reinforces Arab anger that it is one rule for Israel and the West and another one when the victims are Muslims.


I suppose Rog will say it is vital to teach the Gazan civillian population the consequences of its support for Hamas, and that the current campaign will destroy support for the organization.


I just don't see that strategy achieving much - Israel has behaved like this for generations in Gaza - whether under a PLO or a Hamas government - or under an Israeli occupation force. The Gazans won't associate the consequences with Hamas, but with typical Israeli indifference to civillian deaths.


Gazas population is incredibly young - 44% are under 15 - these kids have known nothing but oppression and death from the sky or from a tank shell.


They've been raised to hate Israel and see it as the cause of all their woes - each year there are thousands of new young radicals being brought forward. These kids won't be put off by the current violence - I think it will basically just encourage them.


Why is the West Bank different from Gaza - because there are opportunities to see a way forward without resorting to violence - until that is possible for the people of Gaza the rockets will keep coming no matter how ineffective they are and no matter how violently Israel responds.


And I do not believe Israel's actions will change this one dot - in fact just the opposite - it will increase radicalization.


A while ago I can remember Israeli leaders telling the west they would not sacrifice their security for western appeasment. Well and good rhetoric, but Israeli actions are now sacrificing UK security as the risk that radicals will lash out in the UK is increasing due to Israels actions.


I do not believe that this bloody little war is increasing Israel's security - quite the opposite, and it is feeding radicalization throughout the world.


I just hope Obama is more engaged in looking for a solution than Bush.


good post china .. isreal are ruthless thats why the americans/cia have taught their special forces so well and get them to do americas dirty work .. all for deniability reasons.

just look how they did/still do pursue war criminals .. and how merciless they were with the terrorists and their families involved with the olympic massacre.


ive always felt that for every rocket launched at israel the israelis should have instantly launched 10 back at them and just as indescriminately as those launched against them.


but this thread has made me rethink my position..


actually i have admired their ruthlessness when it comes to an eye for an eye..

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