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It Didn't Take Long To Blame The Us For The Wave


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I'm not going to start to get all 'Yiddified' with subjects again but I thought it appropriate to share this ---




Notwithstanding whatever people might think about Israel, the US, and now apparently India, the article on MEMRI left me gobsmakced.


Now I’m used to reading all sorts of guff from all sorts of places (I know – get a life Rog, but it’s hard when you get bouts of arthritis that literally cripple you and even typing hurts as now) but this latest bit about how the Tsunami was as a result of Israel, India, and the US had even me lost for words.


The frightening thing, the REALLY frightening thing, is that this is what has been broadcast in the Middle East and has been spouted together with much worse at various ‘Friday Prayers in Mosques all over the place , that there are millions of people who actually believe it.


No wonder they hate us all so much.


The bit that REALLY got to me was the last section headed


‘Egyptian Nationalist Weekly: U.S.-Israel-India Nuclear Testing May have Caused Asian Tsunami; The Goal: Testing how to Liquidate Humanity’


And there will be millions who will fervently believe it.

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Perhaps insurance companies should change their standard natural disasters clause to ACT OF BUSH.


Sound silly? That's because it IS. :angry:


To avoid appearing like a scaremonger, Roq, try writing less like one. Let's look at the facts first rather than guessing wildly and making assumptions about 'millions' of people. Then - and only then - we can panic. OK?

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Strange how Asians/Muslims believe evil things of the West, in particular the USA.


I wonder what gave them that crazy idea?








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Strange how Asians/Muslims believe evil things of the West, in particular the USA.


I wonder what gave them that crazy idea?








Guantamo –not a problem to me beyond that I suspect that the circumstances that many if not all of the inmates were taken prisoner would justify them being simply shot on sight as would most CERTAINLY have happened during other conflicts and especially WW2.


IraqAbuGrabe. Nota problem to me beyond the response from those in their comfortable homes who don’t understand the nature of war much less have experienced it and the need to use some degree of force to get information from prisoners in order to save your own comrades and countrymen.



Daisycutter - Good piece of ordinance. Does a good job. Where’s the problem?



Afghanistan - The cleansing of a HUGE infection on mankind. Only problem is that not enough force was used especially as the West has weapons at its disposal that could have done a bettre job and saved Western lives. Really.



GeorgeWBush -- Good president and a popular choice by the majority of Americans. He is putting a bit of backbone back into international relations. He speaks in a language that our enemies understand – confront and don’t appease.


LiesToPeople – All nations are fed propaganda all of the time. If anything this present period that is the opening of WW3 has seen far less propaganda to the West and MASSIVELY more by the enemy both to their own populations as well as to the gullible on our side.- hence the lead item to this thread.



FalseReasonsForWar – not at all. Intel in my opinion was wrong but that was down to the source and probably incompetence on our side. The war against Iraq was precisely the right step to have been taken. I believe history will confirm this – the only mistake is the limiting terms of engagement. We can’t win hearts and minds of this enemy. We shouldn’t bother trying.



Torture – See Abu Graib


Arrogance – National pride and patriotism – both unpopular attributes that hopefully will soon return.



UnapolgisedForCivilianDeaths – Fat dogs fart and Civilians die in war. Both facts of life. In any case if the other side didn’t hide behind their women and kids there would have been fewer and also how many ‘civilians’ were in fact unlawful combatants?



ShootFirstAskQuestionsAfter – in war a very good strategy to adopt – believe me.



AmericanSoldiersSupportingSaddam - Of you refer to the time of the Iran / Iraq conflict the maxim of ‘My enemies enemy may be my friend’ it is a perfectly legitimate strategy to follow,


SellingHimBiologicalWeapons – Not weapons but materials that he could and did use to manufacture them. Was this done knowingly by Governments in the West? I seriously doubt it.



NotWaitingForArmsInspectors – The arms inspectors were supposed to be just that INSPECTORS – not detectives which was the role that saddam made them work in. he had the opportunity to get clean. He chose otherwise. A clock was ticking. The right move was made.



LyingAboutConnectionsWith9/11 Don’t expect connections to be a case of ‘if A then B’ especially in matters involving mohammedans.



TheListIsEndless....And probably all defendable as well.


Dave, there are times when war is the only possible response to a situation. One is when another party has declared war on YOU as is the situation in WW3 in which we are embroiled. This war has been a long time in the making but it is now here. Wed have STARTED to respond, my concern is that so many people in the West fail to realise the seriousness of our position and that we are not yes responding in an appropriate or adequate manner.


We are still thinking of a war that is between nations, this war is not such a war. This war is a war between an Ideology and a Theology. The Ideology sees Nations and National borders, the Theology see NONE.


You don’t like it, I certainly don’t like it, but the sad fact is that it is the case.

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Perhaps insurance companies should change their standard natural disasters clause to ACT OF BUSH.


Sound silly? That's because it IS.  :angry:


To avoid appearing like a scaremonger, Roq, try writing less like one. Let's look at the facts first rather than guessing wildly and making assumptions about 'millions' of people. Then - and only then - we can panic. OK?



This is not scaremongering this is simply showing what is being told to people who then believe it.

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Rog - as much as I find what was written/spoken by these particular Muslims offensive please open your eyes and look at what other religious extremists also write. The attachment below was on another thread here recently.




An extremist is an extremist no matter what their supposed religion.

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Rog - as much as I find what was written/spoken by these particular Muslims offensive please open your eyes and look at what other religious extremists also write. The attachment below was on another thread here recently.




An extremist is an extremist no matter what their supposed religion.


To be perfectly honest when I saw that I first thought it must be a parody site like ‘Landover Baptist’ and ‘did a google’.


I was shocked to find that in fact it is a legitimate ‘church’. Here’s the URL to the ADL site with comments about it.




All I would say is that whereas that lot are fanatics, the situation that I present on the opening item on this thread is not one that is simply the outpourings of a fanatical fringe, those guys are main stream.

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You're a REALLY (your emphasis) bitter piece of work aren't you!


Shame you can't read this item in full from Saturday's Independent. It tells of a Palestinian school teacher working in Afghanistan (they do have schools there, you know) who was arrested by the US, tortured, transferred to Guantanamo Bay, humilated, tortured some more and then released without charge several years later. He was even given a letter from the US Government stating that he is innocent (no sorry though).


Of course, if he had been shot in the first place the US could have saved on paper.

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You're a REALLY (your emphasis) bitter piece of work aren't you!


Shame you can't read this item in full from Saturday's Independent.  It tells of a Palestinian school teacher working in Afghanistan (they do have schools there, you know) who was arrested by the US, tortured, transferred to Guantanamo Bay, humilated, tortured some more and then released without charge several years later.  He was even given a letter from the US Government stating that he is innocent (no sorry though).


Of course, if he had been shot in the first place the US could have saved on paper.


Not bitter, experienced.


I read the article by going to another site and found it ti be simply a piece of typical left wing Bush hating America knocking non-objective sexcond rate journalism. i wouldn't even give it the distction of calling it reporting.


In the first paragraph we read


“The man I went to see was palpably innocent of any crime - indeed, he even has a document from the American military to prove it –“


To start with mustaffa was NOT given a letter stating his innocence. Here is what he was given --

“--- a document by the U.S. Combined Joint Task Force 76 at Bagram. "This individual," it says, "has been determined to pose no threat to the United States armed forces or its interests in Afghanistan. This individual has been released into the vicinity of his capture location."


No mention of innocence there. Just no threat.


Then how come a newspaper ‘reporter’ can determine that a man is palpably innocent of any crime? To see UBL for once sans AK47 he also would look remarkably like the description given --- “a thin, ascetic man with a long pepper-and-salt beard, and he sat on the concrete floor of his brother's home dressed in a long cloak and a black woollen hat and frameless spectacles” Take away the spectacles and the two could be twins –and yet, the creation of some poor innocent is what this is about.


And why WAS mustaffa doing in Pakistan anyway? OK we are told what he is said to have been doing, though just what WAS he teaching these people who had fled the Soviet invasion? And why? And why HAD he visited Afghanistan anyway? We do not get told these details.


Then he was arrested by the Pakistani police and was walked past two Westerners. So what? There ware Westerners all over the place. To make an assumption that two people were connected in some way with his arrest and with NO corroborating evidence is not only tenuous but is actually WRONG.


Nah – the whole article stinks like yesterdays fish. I could go through the whole thing and shred it. It’s all assumption, innuendo, spin, and from a Newspaper that like The Guardian just REVELS in such antics.


Like the Guardian, the Independent should come printed on a roll with perforations between the sheets.

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Religion using fear to force belief? Nothing new there is there?


I also don't see these as extremists either, this is simply part of their faith. I don't agree with them, I don't believe in any religion, but I'm not surprised to see this kind of thing.


I'm just as shocked at the UK Christian reaction to the Jerry Springer opera.

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I see the article was written by Robert Fisk. It's a shame, really, that Roq doesn't immediately apply for a job on one of the national newspapers. He'd walk into it with his high-powered prose, his acute understanding of tensions in the Middle East and his grasp - clearly based on long years of political reporting - of the diplomatic minefields through which poor George Bush has to step so carefully every day.

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As we seem to be dispelling a few myths here.... Thought I'd post a couple of pics of Rog's ever friendly settler folk.






See old chap there are two sides to every story... These guy were caught sniping at a Palastinian settlement. & look Rog there's even some big guns for you to get all stiff about.



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