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It Didn't Take Long To Blame The Us For The Wave


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"Afghanistan - The cleansing of a HUGE infection on mankind. Only problem is that not enough force was used especially as the West has weapons at its disposal that could have done a bettre job and saved Western lives. Really."


OMFG can you really advocate that...I am sure the arthritis pain killers must be addling even your particulalry odd brain. Yet when it happens to the Jewish community then you are up in arms..literally.


One man's genocide is another man's bring of natural order. ...thank God for Rwanda then, certainly went some way to redress the oxygen/carbon dioxide equation

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You were not gassed, Roq. Anymore than I was killed by an exploding shell during the Blitz. The world moves on. It remembers, it hopefully learns, but it still moves on.


This vengeful bitterness will eat you alive from the inside-out. Let it go. Pay no attention to those unable or unwilling to let it go. There will always be people who kill one another in the name of freedom. That does not mean we should join them.

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You've said some bloody awful things Rog but you just reached the bottom of the barrel. Usually when your horrible views are questioned you either 'do a runner' or play the persecution card. I wish you'd just done a runner.


How about instead of bleating about how bloody mis-understood you are that you just stop and THINK for just a minute about whether it is JUST possible that people on here ACTUALLY do have a point.


For me personally, your written words have led me to even question the plight of the Jewish people. And I can't get over that. I'm ashamed of myself for it.


Ms Hellimans is right. You are a disgrace.

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You were not gassed, Roq. Anymore than I was killed by an exploding shell during the Blitz. The world moves on. It remembers, it hopefully learns, but it still moves on.


This vengeful bitterness will eat you alive from the inside-out. Let it go. Pay no attention to those unable or unwilling to let it go. There will always be people who kill one another in the name of freedom. That does not mean we should join them.


No I have not been gassed but I have family who were.

I also had an aunt and an uncle both of whom had the tattoos on their arms, though they were lucky – they just got worked to near death, both academics with specialist knowledge, and so useful to be kept alive..


I can barely remember them as they both died in their 40’s – ill and totally worn out. But that’s in the past, Germany is a new country with a new population.


That is NOT the situation in the Middle East and in other islamic states. One difference is that this time it’s not just Jewish people who are threatened, it’s everyone who isn’t a mohammedan.


But in any case there’s a very great deal about me of which you have no knowledge whatsoever. I know why these people want to kill my people and given the slightest opportunity as many of those of others who don’t subscribe to their religious cult ---- and it has got NOTHING to do with ‘freedom’ either.

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Not bitter, experienced.



There are people on these forums who are much more experienced in matters of interrogation and related matters than you could ever be Rog -


If you were so experienced you would not talk such rubbish.


And you missed my point earlier - it is no surprise that the Asian/Muslim world hates the USA (and the British) - They believe the bad things about the West, whether they are true or not. And so far nothing has happened to disabuse them (or me) that they are not true.


With little evidence to the contrary, they continue to believe.


Unlike you, with ample evidence to the contrary, still believing that George W Bush is a good President.

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You expect that we should once more let ourselves be metaphorically led into the gas again?


The record has stuck. Move on. Whilst people like you still cling remorselessly to the past there will never be any resolution in the Middle East.



At least you're balanced, Rog


You've got chips on both shoulders.

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As we seem to be dispelling a few myths here.... Thought I'd post a couple of pics of Rog's ever friendly settler folk.

See old chap there are two sides to every story... These guy were caught sniping at a Palastinian settlement.  & look Rog there's even some big guns  for you to get all stiff about.




Caught by someone who let them keep their weapons, yeah right.


Big guns???? Two poxy little 5.56 M16's. Probably the worlds worst sniper rifle as it has every feature you don't want.


You don't actually know much about this, do you? Still, as long as it is forgotten that some will sieze on every opportunity no matter how obtuse to whip up religious fervour against the west then I suppose you have helped them along.


Edited to add - the one on the left does look like MK doesn't he? Younger and better looking but still similar in a fervent and religiously OTT way. I guess the public at large in Israel can't relate to him either.



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As we seem to be dispelling a few myths here.... Thought I'd post a couple of pics of Rog's ever friendly settler folk.

See old chap there are two sides to every story... These guy were caught sniping at a Palastinian settlement.  & look Rog there's even some big guns  for you to get all stiff about.




Caught by someone who let them keep their weapons, yeah right. They were disarmed and sent on there way by a reluctant IDF later on. see below


Big guns???? Two poxy little 5.56 M16's. Probably the worlds worst sniper rifle as it has every feature you don't want. (line taken from the film JFK by any chance??).


5.56mm kills just a well as 7.62mm @ close range


Too snipe at a person does not necessarily mean you need a 'sniper rifle'.. You just need to be in a concealed position which allows you to take opportunistic shots without giving away that position. Do me favour stick to playing counterstrike (or making a fool of yourself on Topica).


You don't actually know much about this, do you? Still, as long as it is forgotten that some will sieze on every opportunity no matter how obtuse to whip up religious fervour against the west then I suppose you have helped them along.


P.K rearrange the following: calling kettle black pot


Edited to add - the one on the left does look like MK doesn't he? Younger and better looking but still similar in a fervent and religiously OTT way. I guess the public at large in Israel can't relate to him either.


Taking the xxxx out of someone thats not here to defend themself, Does that make you feel all big and clever?? See snipe




I'm sorry if my reply may come across as a bit harsh... but to be honest I'm sick of being lectured by people who are 'informed' by the likes of FoxNews, The Telegraph & The Sun.


Instead of acting like the intellectual fascist.. why don’t do something a little more constructive… like iron your brown shirt.



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I have to say that ordinarily Rog's comments about the world are entertaining and spark a decent debate. IMO he has stepped over the bounds of taste and decency on this one.


I find it difficult to swallow that he can denegrate so many other races and religions in the world and yet if we were to speak ill of the Jewish faith then we are accused of being anti-semetic.

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