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It Didn't Take Long To Blame The Us For The Wave


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I have to say that ordinarily Rog's comments about the world are entertaining and spark a decent debate.  IMO he has stepped over the bounds of taste and decency on this one.


I find it difficult to swallow that he can denegrate so many other races and religions in the world and yet if we were to speak ill of the Jewish faith then we are accused of being anti-semetic.



Let’s just take stock of what I see has happened here.


I posted an item regarding the widespread lies and trouble making that is undertaken by – in this case clerics within the Middle East and how it was far from being untypical of what takes place in other countries that are predominantly islamic and how as a result of people believing them it is no surprise that millions of people hate the West but on the =basis of the lies that they get fed.


Things got pear shaped with post #4 by hollandaise when she wrote

“Perhaps insurance companies should change their standard natural disasters clause to ACT OF BUSH.


Sound silly? That's because it IS.


To avoid appearing like a scaremonger, Roq, try writing less like one. Let's look at the facts first rather than guessing wildly and making assumptions about 'millions' of people. Then - and only then - we can panic. OK?”


Which made it clear that she had either not read the link or had failed to understand it or what I was writing about or all three.


It was at this point that in MY opinion the thread was corrupted.


Dave TCB then came in with a critique of the War and the US in general which I replied to and se that as a not untypical spit-swap between two opposing views on the war, Bush, and so on. That’s life.


Static then brought in a horrifying example of fanaticism that made a good point about finding fanatics under most stones. Point well made.


Fatty FTB then brought in an article, badly written, and with considerable spin.


Slim made a very good and relevant aside re the Jerry Springer Opera and extremists.


Hollandaise then made a snide posting that is if she did but know rather amusing in its own way, but that’s another matter, and the magneto came in with a couple of photographs from a Palestinian web site that showed one thing but was presented as another entirely.


Another corruption, this time by Magneto. At least running to form.


‘When Skies’ then criticised my reference to Afghanistan as being a massive infection and that we had weapons that could have etc. and that was fair comment though I do feel that we in the West have spent too much time pussy-footing around in the forlorn hope of winning hearts and minds which is impossible in this conflict. And fair enough – his view is different from mine – I tend to have a more robust attitude to conflict which is avoid it if you can. - if you can’t – then win.


Hollandaise the, having nothing positive to add simply wrote that I disgust her. Fair enough – not a problem to me. There are a lot of people who are sickened and disgusted by this war. I am, but at the same time I know that appeasement is not now and never was an answer to any war or threat of war. All that paying Danegeld does is to get you poor and eventually if not dead then Danish anyway.


Nevertheless I did point out that we would not simply sit back and let the PLO do what they wanted without defending ourselves. After all, the Nazis hit us once, shame on them. We let anyone do the same again, shame on us.


But of course by now the thread had completely lost its direction which had been all about lies being broadcast by muslim clerics and other supposedly sound sources and them being believed by millions and how it was no wonder on that basis why so many people hated us in the West.


But not to be left out and miss the chance of once more making a silly observation not to mention a nasty personal dig Hollandaise got in again with an irrelevant post that


“You were not gassed, Roq. Anymore than I was killed by an exploding shell during the Blitz. The world moves on. It remembers, it hopefully learns, but it still moves on.


This vengeful bitterness will eat you alive from the inside-out. Let it go. Pay no attention to those unable or unwilling to let it go. There will always be people who kill one another in the name of freedom. That does not mean we should join them.”


Which is again amusing in part and insulting in another but worst of all totally misses the point if by naivety of if by rose tinted specs and assumes that the situation in the world is not as nasty and corrupt, especialli in this field, as it actually is.


Breadbin then ‘had a go’ – no real problem there as far as I’m concerned, he is making a point as he sees things, though again he has failed to grasp just what the subject of the theread ia about and I doubt if he followed the link in post #1, and furtehr assumes that I don’t question what I believe. In fact I do and constantly As one example even though I do support Bush and his politics I am rapidly going off him as a man based on information – REAL information that is coming into the public arena


I’ll step on to the post by Magneto at 10:12 AM today and ask a question. Magnetio, has it ever struck you that it might just be possible that what I write about may not rely on only Fox news, or the Telegraph or even the Jerusalem Post? That maybe, just possibly, there might be something beyond the fascicle about what I know about the region? If not then maybe you should factor that thought in .to your considerations.


And so when “When Skies” writes that he find it difficult to swallow that he can denigrate so many other races and religions in the world and yet if we were to speak ill of the Jewish faith then we are accused of being anti-Semitic. He might point out just WHERE I have denigrated any other race let alone so many, or how may other religions besides islam. I would even question the word religion in the case of islam as I (and many others) see it far more as a cult containing a corruption of pre-existing religions. And why it is wrong to answer posts that deliberately bring in anti-Semitism by condemning it for just what it is?


And to magneto, just what is the point of putting up two picturesfrom a Palestinian web site of Jewish settlers in a position of being able to defend themselves?


All of this because I raise the issue of lies being told to people who the take them as gospel and about all things – the tragedy of the Tsunami and titled to show that there really is no depth to which the leaders of so many will sink to spread their lying venom.


THAT is the REAL point of this thread, now all skewed to hell because of one stupid post by one stupid woman who simply didn’t, couldn’t or wouldn’t understand a simple article.

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It's terrible what you have to do to defend yourself.



You disgust me.


You expect that we should once more let ourselves be metaphorically led into the gas again?

It won’t ever happen.


Problem is Rog, and the reason why so many people are anti-Israel (NOT Anti-Jew as there is a big difference) is that nowadays it is Isreal that are metaphorically leading the Palestinians into the Gas.


I have also just read your reply of 11.11 (how apt - let us NEVER forget what happened in two world wars - problem is that people don't seem to have learned from them!) and unfortunately, because of comments made by yourself, you have alienated a lot of people on this forum because you don't seem to be able to look at both sides of the issues, you are VERY blinkered by your upbringing, your faith and your politcs. I do try to look at all points of view and I still land on the opposite side of the political fence from you. This thread ha staken a turn from what you originally posted but what do you expect when you post topics that are obviously anti Islam and intended to get a reaction.

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Tra la la la laa, I hope I don't get cold feet in my new snowboard boots when I go snowboarding.

Nothing worse than freezing cold feet and toes.

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Problem is Rog, and the reason why so many people are anti-Israel (NOT Anti-Jew as there is a big difference) is that nowadays it is Isreal that are metaphorically leading the Palestinians into the Gas.


That is both offensive and totally rubbish.

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I have to say that ordinarily Rog's comments about the world are entertaining and spark a decent debate.  IMO he has stepped over the bounds of taste and decency on this one.


I find it difficult to swallow that he can denegrate so many other races and religions in the world and yet if we were to speak ill of the Jewish faith then we are accused of being anti-semetic.


It was at this point that in MY opinion the thread was corrupted and it was corrupted by Magneto. A Public thread Rog - If anybody else feels I've 'corrupted' this then I appologise. What I was trying to get across is there's two sides to every story.. Something the media of the moment tends to forget.


I’ll step on to the post by Magneto at 10:12 AM today and ask a question. Magnetio, has it ever struck you that it might just be possible that what I write about may not rely on only Fox news, or the Telegraph or even the Jerusalem Post? That maybe, just possibly, there might be something beyond the fascicle about what I know about the region? If not then maybe you should factor that thought in .to your considerations. Rog you assume you're a world expert on the Middle East - I have family who live out there & I've wittnessed for myself how things are portrayed in the media rightly or wrongly... But your views just prove them right & they have a right to be concerned


And to magneto, just what is the point of putting up two pictures of Jewish settlers defending themselves from a Palestinian web site? See there you go again seeing what you want to see... I'm sorry but I don't call sniping at unarmed cilivians an act of defence


And for your info ISM - International Solidarity Movement is and INTERNATIONAL organisation... who beleve in the use of non-violent protest. You have the audacity to lecture people on the horrors of the Nazi regime... When you’re beloved Israeli’s have stripped these people of their land, rights, water & more importantly their freedom of speech. All sounds very familiar wouldn’t you agree??


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I have to say that ordinarily Rog's comments about the world are entertaining and spark a decent debate.  IMO he has stepped over the bounds of taste and decency on this one.


I find it difficult to swallow that he can denegrate so many other races and religions in the world and yet if we were to speak ill of the Jewish faith then we are accused of being anti-semetic.


It was at this point that in MY opinion the thread was corrupted and it was corrupted by Magneto. A Public thread Rog - If anybody else feels I've 'corrupted' this then I appologise. What I was trying to get across is there's two sides to every story.. Something the media of the moment tends to forget.


I’ll step on to the post by Magneto at 10:12 AM today and ask a question. Magnetio, has it ever struck you that it might just be possible that what I write about may not rely on only Fox news, or the Telegraph or even the Jerusalem Post? That maybe, just possibly, there might be something beyond the fascicle about what I know about the region? If not then maybe you should factor that thought in .to your considerations. Rog you assume you're a world expert on the Middle East - I have family who live out there & I've wittnessed for myself how things are portrayed in the media rightly or wrongly... But your views just prove them right & they have a right to be concerned


And to magneto, just what is the point of putting up two pictures of Jewish settlers defending themselves from a Palestinian web site? See there you go again seeing what you want to see... I'm sorry but I don't call sniping at unarmed cilivians an act of defence


And for your info ISM - International Solidarity Movement is and INTERNATIONAL organisation... who beleve in the use of non-violent protest. You have the audacity to lecture people on the horrors of the Nazi regime... When you’re beloved Israeli’s have stripped these people of their land, rights, water & more importantly their freedom of speech. All sounds very familiar wouldn’t you agree??




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Caught by someone who let them keep their weapons, yeah right. They were disarmed and sent on there way by a reluctant IDF later on. see below

Reluctant IDF? The IDF probably p1ssed themselves laughing at these two amateurs. Oh and just guess who would cop all the grief if they managed to drop a few? Not the IDF by chance?

Big guns???? Two poxy little 5.56 M16's. Probably the worlds worst sniper rifle as it has every feature you don't want. (line taken from the film JFK by any chance??).

Never seen that film. The M16 has a short barrel, loads of moving parts and fires a relatively small round.

5.56mm kills just a well as  7.62mm @ close range

Sniping at close range, well there's a novelty. The standard 7.62 round is almost twice the weight of the 5.56. This means you can carry twice as much of 5.56 but that advantage is lost if you need four times as much of it for the same effect. I fully expect a switch back to 7.62 in the near future. Maybe not for pw but certainly in other areas.

Too snipe at a person does not necessarily mean you need a 'sniper rifle'.. You just need to be in a concealed position which allows you to take opportunistic shots without giving away that position. Do me favour stick to playing counterstrike (or making a fool of yourself on Topica).

Ahhh, the master of the obvious. The greater the range the less chance of detection, the greater the field of fire is likely to be and the more chance you are going to have of getting away. This pair look dumb enough to try it close in I suppose but they have no cammo. The box on nerd #2's head is intriguing though. I wondered if it might be a head torch but the last time I used something like that it was a bleeper for when you came under infrared detection.

You don't actually know much about this, do you? Still, as long as it is forgotten that some will sieze on every opportunity no matter how obtuse to whip up religious fervour against the west then I suppose you have helped them along.

P.K rearrange the following: calling kettle black pot


Edited to add - the one on the left does look like MK doesn't he? Younger and better looking but still similar in a fervent and religiously OTT way. I guess the public at large in Israel can't relate to him either.


Taking the xxxx out of someone thats not here to defend themself, Does that make you feel all big and clever?? See snipe

So MK is barred from this forum then? I didn't know that. I've had some choice e-mails from him over the last few years though so I'm really not surprised.

I'm sorry if my reply may come across as a bit harsh... but to be honest I'm sick of being lectured by people who are 'informed' by the likes of FoxNews, The Telegraph & The Sun. 

Instead of acting like the intellectual fascist.. why don’t do something a little more constructive… like iron your brown shirt.

Sorry I'm a wishy-washy Guardian reader. There you go.


Unfortunately both sides have their extremists. The IDF can control theirs as they are like this pair. Can the Palestinian Authority control the likes of Hamas? I doubt it but until they can I don't think we will see peace in Palestine.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Unfortunately both sides have their extremists. The IDF can control theirs as they are like this pair. Can the Palestinian Authority control the likes of Hamas? I doubt it but until they can I don't think we will see peace in Palestine.

Today Ariel Sharon is talking to Mahmoud Abbas. Undoubtedly top of their agenda will be the Palestinian Authority getting the likes of Islamic Jihad and Hamas involved in the politics rather than out and out conflict. A major step forward that would never have come about under Arafat.



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